
U.S. Trained ISF Officers Graduate

On July 15, 2011, eleven officers completed the 13th U.S. - Lebanese Supervision and Management Course, including eight who also completed the Instructors course, at the Internal Security Forces Academy in Warwar.

Director of the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Programs Thaddeus Kontek congratulated them upon their graduation.

The U.S. instruction team has trained over 7,600 ISF members in basic and advanced leadership courses since January 2008.

Officers learn the latest technical and leadership skills and how to apply these to on-the-job situations.

The training program curriculum includes modern police practices, understanding democratic policing and human rights, criminal investigation procedures and other essential law enforcement skills.

The current $132 million U.S. assistance program to the ISF strengthens the ISF and is part of the overall U.S. security assistance program to Lebanon.

The law enforcement assistance program assists the ISF to enforce the rule of law and protect the Lebanese people.

The professional development of the ISF is critical for Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence and security.

On Tuesday, 130 ISF officers graduated from the joint U.S. and ISF Community Policing training program, an eight-week training course taught by U.S. and Lebanese police instructors with the assistance of legal professionals.

ISF officers learn the latest policing, law enforcement and community relations skills -- and how to implement them effectively in real situations.

Congratulating the graduates, Deputy Chief of Mission Candace Putman explained that this specialized training program was designed as a pilot project for a single ISF police unit.

However, recognizing the wide-ranging benefits of community policing General Ashraf Rifi and the ISF leadership took the decision to implement community-oriented policing practices throughout Lebanon, developing partnerships between law enforcement agencies and citizens and organizations in order to solve problems and increase trust in the police.

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