
Aoun: Lebanon’s Future Connected to Forces Confronting Israel’s Policies

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stressed on Sunday that Lebanon’s future is “closely linked to the Resistance and the powers that are confronting Israel’s policies.”

He told al-Nour radio: “We cannot survive as a nation without these powers and without the Resistance’s support.”

“This need resulted in the equation of the people, army, and Resistance,” he noted.

Aoun made his statements on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the end of the July 2006 war.

“Some sides have not realized the importance of this victory and its effect on the Lebanese and Lebanon’s future,” he stated.

Asked if he believes that Israel would wage another war against Lebanon, the MP responded: “I think the defeat will remain with Israel for a long time and it will be very difficult to rid itself of the memory and outcomes.”

“It was the first such defeat that it ever experienced … as long as Israel is unable to make peace with its surrounding, it will not survive,” Aoun noted.

“The Israeli people undoubtedly want peace because no peoples can live only to wage wars … but the Zionist leaderships have something else in mind,” he said.

“It’s true that they speak of peace, but they don’t really want it,” concluded the FPM leader.

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