
300 Startup Fans Gather at Bader's Flagship Event

Networking961 is an annual networking event organized by Bader Young Entrepreneurs Program with the goal of gathering entrepreneurs, startup fans and investors under the same roof, in order to exchange ideas and discuss business opportunities.

This year’s Networking961 event took place on the 19th of November at Rooj rooftop lounge in Hamra, and acted as the official opening of Global Entrepreneurship Week Lebanon 2013, which Bader was also hosting.

Over 300 of the Lebanese entrepreneurship community joined as Bader President Robert Fadel took the stage to welcome the attendees and celebrate success stories by announcing the winners of the Bader Startup Cup.

Bader has been hosting Networking961 events for four years, with each year seeing an increase in attendance, new and younger faces, as well as having a good mix of investors, entrepreneurs and ecosystem leaders.

Moreover, during this year’s Neworking961, startups recognized as "Achievers" by Bader received special tags that made them easily identifiable and encouraged new entrepreneurs to walk up to them and learn from them.

Whether you were a media professional looking for success stories, an investor seeking deals, or a startup fan looking for inspiration, Networking961 was the place to be.

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