
Int'l Support Group for Lebanon Hails New Govt., Urges 'Continuity of State Institutions'

Members of the International Support Group for Lebanon, which was launched in September last year by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with President Michel Suleiman to mobilize support for Lebanon’s stability, sovereignty and state institutions, congratulated on Saturday Prime Minister Tammam Salam on the formation of the new government in Lebanon.

The International Support Group for Lebanon warmly welcome the announcement of the formation of a new government in Lebanon.

Special Coordinator for Lebanon subsequently issued the following press statement on behalf of the International Support Group.

The International Support Group have repeatedly underlined the urgency of this step. They note that the announcement follows extensive dialogue across the political spectrum.

In light of the severity of the immediate security, humanitarian and economic challenges facing Lebanon, the International Support Group take this opportunity to highlight the need for the government to be able to act effectively from the outset to address such challenges.

They look forward to working closely with Salam and his government, and encourage all concerned to come together in support of its efforts.

They stress that effective implementation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and other relevant Security Council resolutions remains crucial to ensuring stability in Lebanon.

They reiterate the importance also in this regard of continued commitment by all Lebanese parties to the Baabda Declaration and the Taef Accords.

The Group underscore the need for all parties in Lebanon to build on Saturday's announcement in the months ahead to ensure the continuity of state institutions.

They emphasize the crucial importance for confidence and stability of the presidential election being conducted successfully within the time-frame set by law and the constitution. They further emphasize the need for steps to be taken to ensure that parliamentary elections are held thereafter without delay and in accordance with the constitution.

The members of the International Support Group pay tribute to outgoing Prime Minister Najib Miqati for his leadership, and to outgoing ministers for their contribution. They welcome the progress achieved on the key support agendas which were highlighted by the Group in September, most recently in respect of assistance for the Lebanese army and at January's pledging conference in Kuwait on the humanitarian response to the impact of the Syrian conflict.

They stand ready to work closely in partnership with the new government to promote support for Lebanon in the period ahead.

The International Support Group has brought together the governments of China, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the European Union and the Arab League. It was launched in September by Ban with Suleiman to help mobilize support and assistance for Lebanon’s stability, sovereignty and state institutions and to specifically to encourage assistance for the Lebanese Army, Syrian refugees in Lebanon and host communities and government programs and public services impacted by the Syrian crisis.

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