
Lebanese Shepherd Mistakenly Thought to Have Been Kidnapped by Israel

A Lebanese shepherd thought to have been kidnapped in southern Lebanon on Thursday had in fact been hiding from Israeli soldier fire, reported LBCI television.

It said that Mohammed Hashem had hidden when Israeli troops near the Shebaa region had opened fire.

Earlier, al-Jadeed television had said that Hashem was kidnapped in the Shebaa Heights region as he was tending his cattle.

It added that he was the victim of an ambush by the troops that crossed 150 meters into Lebanese territory.

Israel had denied claims of the abduction, reported al-Jadeed.

A tripartite meeting that included Lebanese, Israeli, and UNIFIL officials was held on Wednesday to address the implementation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and other developments in southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese representatives demanded during the meeting that Israel halt its violations of the country's sovereignty.

On April 7, an Israeli patrol abducted two shepherds and three women near the Blue Line at the Bastra Farm near Shebaa.

They were soon released however.

Israeli troops frequently kidnap shepherds near border areas.

They are usually interrogated before their eventual release.



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