
Geagea: Cloud of Uncertainty on al-Rahi’s Statements Has Passed

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday expressed relief at Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s confirmation that his statements on Syria and Hizbullah’s arms were taken out of context.

In remarks to Free Lebanon radio, Geagea said that he faced “uncertainty” when he heard al-Rahi’s remarks during his visit to Paris. “I know well the church’s stance and al-Rahi’s stand from humanitarian principles, core values, human rights, humanitarian dignity, the freedom of people, democracy and the right of self-determination.”

Geagea also said that the church believes a society cannot rise if it doesn’t have control on the defense strategy and the weapons.

The controversy that erupted over al-Rahi’s statements is “a cloud of uncertainty that has passed,” he said. The patriarch is “the guardian of Bkirki’s heritage and this is comforting.”

Asked about the situation in Syria, Geagea said that the rejection of the Syrian regime of the Arab League initiative proves that Damascus doesn’t want to introduce reform.

He expressed regret at the Lebanese state’s official stance, wondering whether Lebanon supports the violent crackdown in Syria.

Geagea advised President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati to review the foreign ministry’s policy because Lebanon shouldn’t appear as a state that supports violence against the Syrian people.

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