
Rifi Calls for Implementation of Security Plan Evenly, Confiscation of Weapons From all Areas

Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi called on Saturday for the implementation of the security plan evenly in all Lebanese regions and confiscating weapons from these areas, as it is happening in Tripoli. He also denied rumors about his escort transferring weapons to Arsal and stressed his support "to the government and the state institutions.”

During his visit to ISF member Deeb al-Lahhab, Rifi commented on what was published by al-Akhbar newspaper about the arrest of al-Lahhab while transferring money to the gunmen in the outskirts of Arsal, which Rifi considered as “lies and slur.”

"Some yellow media constantly install and fabricate false news targeting me to hit the Sunni moderation in the country," he said.

"The newspaper is part of a set of 'horns' targeting all those who defend the government and the legitimate state institutions and all who attack the Iranian project, meaning Hizbullah," added Rifi.

Rifi also said: “We can't build a country that includes statelets, despite all their fabrications, we will stay on our position in supporting of state institutions.”

“Who is planning for this aims to drag us to build a statelet facing Hizbullah's statelet,” he added “I will not be drawn into this, I will only depend on the state institutions.”

Rifi called, “the army officials and Health Minister Wael Abu Faour to clarify the details of this case.”

“Tripoli's residents do not need a blood test to prove their patriotism, but rather those who have warehouses of weapons and receives tons of money and weapons from Iran, they should prove their patriotism,” Rifi added.

“The people of Tripoli and the North are with the state, but the state should treat its citizens equally and without discrimination between an area and another, and it has a duty to implement vital projects in Tripoli and the North, as it did in other areas,” he said.

Rifi also called for, “the implementation of the security plan in all Lebanese areas and the confiscation of weapon stores in Jabal Mohsen and the southern suburbs just like whats happening in Tripoli.”

“The citizens of Tripoli feel persecuted since the army is arresting any person that has a weapon at home,” Rifi added.

“It is true that these weapons are not legitimate, but every house in Lebanon has a weapon due to the previous wars, why aren't they being raided,” said Rifi “for that reason we can't judge every person that has a rifle as a terrorist, there are people who where stopped and accused of being terrorists due to random arrests.”

For that reason, Rifi asked the army, “that we depend on to be fair with those people and release them," adding " the detainees should be treated within the applicable laws and shouldn't be using the Syrian regime intelligence's way of treatment.”

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