
Report: Hizbullah, AMAL Back Extending Term of High-Ranking Security Officials

Hizbullah and the head of AMAL, Speaker Nabih Berri, back the extension of more than 20 officers in different posts despite a steadfast rejection by their March 8 ally, Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported on Tuesday.

The daily said that several parties support such a decision amid the presidential vacuum and the delicate security situation that the country is passing through.

Al-Mustaqbal Movement chief Saad Hariri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat also support the extension of the term of officers, the newspaper said.

Sources said that rivals are discussing the matter away from media spotlight as several party leaders deem the extension inevitable, claiming that political differences shouldn't impact the military institution.

The tenure of Army chief General Jean Qahwaji is set to end in September. His term was extended for two years in September 2013.

Last week, Defense Minister Samir Moqbel was at loggerheads with Aoun decided to withdraw confidence from him over the extension of the term of the head of the Higher Defense Council, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khair.

The FPM described Moqbel's extension decision as “illegal,” arguing that the defense minister's jurisdiction state that he can extend the terms under the authority of a president.

The tenure of Khair expires on February 22.

The military positions in Lebanon are suffering as the result of the months-long presidential vacuum in light of the parliament's failure to elect a successor for Michel Suleiman. The vacuum also threatens the position of Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous who is set to retire in June.

Media reports had said that Moqbel had abstained from including the name of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, who is Aoun's son-in-law, in the list of extension.

Roukoz's tenure ends in October 2015.

However, Aoun lashed out at critics, denying that his objection is linked to his political aspirations.



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