
Hariri Meets Hollande as Diplomatic Endeavors to Safeguard Lebanon Continue

Head of al-Mustaqbal Movement and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri met on Tuesday with French President Francois Hollande in Riyadh.

The meeting comes in light of Hariri's shuttle diplomacy to safeguard Lebanon from the conflict raging in the region.

Talks were held in presence of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and members of the French delegation.

A statement issued by Hariri's press office said that the meeting underlined the latest development in the region and the arming of the Lebanese military under a $3 billion Saudi-financed deal.

The two officials also tackled ways to end the sufferings of the Syrian people and attempts to resolve the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Hariri traveled to Washington last week on an official visit where he met with a a number of senior U.S. officials, including Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and several others.

The talks focused on efforts to safeguard Lebanon from the repercussions of the turmoil in the region.

He will also head to Moscow next week for talks with prominent leaders, al-Liwaa newspaper reported earlier on Tuesday.

During his three-day official visit to Russia, Hariri will meet with President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergie Lavrov and other senior officials.



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