
Ibrahim: Negotiations with Nusra on Arsal Servicemen Complete

General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim revealed that the negotiations with the al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front over the release of the servicemen abducted in 2014 are over.

He said: “We have agreed with al-Nusra on the mechanism of a prisoner exchange, as well as its time and location and other details.”

He made his remarks in the latest issue of “General Security” magazine set be published on August 27.

“We have completed the negotiations along with our brothers in Qatar and all we need are some clarifications over the swap,” Ibrahim said.

The servicemen were kidnapped by al-Nusra Front and Islamic State jihadists in the wake of clashes in the northeastern border town of Arsal in August 2014.

A few of them have since been released, four were executed, while the rest remain held.

The kidnappers are reportedly demanding the release of Islamists from Lebanese jails in exchange for the hostages.



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