
Zahra: LF to Partake in Legislation Only if New Electoral Law Tops Agenda

Lebanese Forces MP Antoine Zahra said on Monday that the party will refrain from attending a parliament session if approving a new electoral law did not top the agenda.

“On behalf of the Lebanese Forces I say: There is no possibility for us to go to any legislative session that does not start with discussing and approving a new electoral law before moving to any other item,” said Zahra.

“We sought and will continue to strive to fill the presidential vacancy, and to provide all that is required of us to fill the vacancy in the presidency in order to restore regularity to the constitutional life in Lebanon,” he added.

In the name of the LF, Zahra refused that “the world and the Lebanese get used to running the affairs of the country in the absence of a Christian president, the regulator of the constitutional institutions.”

Pointing out that Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that has a Christian president, Zahra said: “It is not acceptable that things are going as if nothing has happened in the absence of a president. This is not a normal situation, and the proof is that the cabinet does not work as it should, they are making different settlements every day.”

The MP added: “After focusing on the need to end the presidential vacuum, the title to the next phase is to agree on a new election law that provides proper representation.”

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