
Electricity Outage to Shrink in Return for Increase in Tariffs

Lebanon's electricity outage will be decreased three hours per day by the end of February, to be paralleled by a “slight” increase in electricity tariffs, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Thursday.

Sources well-informed on Lebanon's longtime problematic electricity file, told the daily that a new supply program will increase power supply by 3 hours per day, starting at the end of February.

“The (EDL) institution has shortly finished establishing two new power plants that will kick start work with a production capacity of nearly 270 megawatts. They will be linked to the core network for the distribution of electricity,” the sources said speaking on condition of anonymity.

In that regard, Energy Minister Cesar Abi Khalil told the daily in an interview: “We are preparing a plan to ease the electricity bill on citizens which shall pass through a number of stages including an increase in the hours of power supply, which in turn means a reduced reliance on private electricity generator services.

“Thus, the overall total (monthly energy) bill paid by the citizen will be cut down. When we finish this study it will be presented to the cabinet and later put out in front of the public,” added the minister.

Asked about reports circulating on a hike on an already costly electricity tariff, the Minister said astounded: “How can these criticisms arise now while the ministry has not even started the study yet?

“The plan includes an increase in hours of supply and a slight increase in tariffs, in return for a decreased dependence on private generators. In the end we will reach a 24/24 feed. The total bill will eventually become much lower than what the citizens are paying today.”

Lebanon is plagued with frequent power cuts because of outdated and damaged infrastructure.

Local generator companies have filled the gap by providing power when state electricity cuts off -- but they often charge exorbitant prices.

The poor condition of the state's power infrastructure has been a major source of public frustration.

Source: Naharnet

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