
Imminent Formation of Government Ruled Out

Center House sources have ruled out the possibility of forming a new government this month, citing “the statements of the Strong Lebanon bloc on the eve of PM-designate Saad Hariri’s return to Beirut.”

In remarks to the Progressive Socialist Party’s al-Anbaa news portal, the sources described the statements as “the explosion that precedes the storm.”

“MP Jebran Bassil will have a speech on Sunday and Hariri’s response will be of the same caliber, and therefore the issue of the government will be postponed,” the sources explained.

MP Yassine Jaber of the Development and Liberation bloc meanwhile told al-Anbaa that the formation of a government “in these circumstances” is ruled out.

“We are hearing how U.S. President Donald Trump has gone mad… There are no indications that the government will be formed,” Jaber added.

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