
Mustaqbal MP Says Hariri ‘Determined’ to Form Govt

Al-Mustaqbal Movement MP Mohammed Hajjar said Tuesday that PM-designate Saad Hariri “is determined to have a government formed” in Lebanon, despite a volley of words between him and the team of the Presidency that disappointed many about a close lineup.

“PM-designate Saad Hariri does not want any escalation, rather it was necessary to directly tell the Lebanese people the facts after the accusations, slanders, and even myths by (MP Jebran) Bassil's team and the Free Patriotic Movement,” Hajjar told VDL (100.5) radio station.

Hajjar said parties should sit together to discuss and present the observations that Hariri made during his meetings with President Michel Aoun on the government formation.

On whether Hizbullah support’s Aoun’s demands to get a blocking one-third powers in the new cabinet, Hajjar said: “Hizbullah is Aoun’s ally. But by logic, the government should be formed of nonpartisan experts. They can always resort to the Parliament if they disagree, they have the majority and can topple the government or refrain from giving it their confidence vote.”

“Hariri is determined to form a government,” he stressed.

Source: Naharnet

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