
Nasrallah says 'pressure' on Israel to continue from Lebanon front

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah noted Saturday that his group has escalated its attacks against Israel over the past week through introducing new weapons to the battle, noting that military “pressure” on Israeli will continue from Lebanon’s front as long as it is pressing on with its war on Gaza.

“Over the past week, an escalation took place in terms of the number of operations and the type of the used weapons, seeing as for the first time we have used suicide drones and the Burkan rockets, which are rockets that weigh 300 to 500 kilograms each,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech marking Hezbollah’s Martyr Day.

He also pointed out that Hezbollah used Katyusha rockets to respond to the killing of civilians in Ainata and the Israeli airstrike on Iqlim al-Tuffah.

“Drones and Katyushas reached deeper regions inside the occupied territories and this was required by the nature of the battle,” Nasrallah said, quoting an Israeli report as saying that a single hospital in Israel’s Galilee had admitted more than 350 wounded soldiers and civilians since the beginning of confrontations.

Nasrallah also revealed that Hezbollah has been sending “reconnaissance drones” into Israel on “daily basis.”

“Some of them reached Haifa, Acre and Safed and sometimes they would go beyond the north (of Israel),” Nasrallah said.

“Over the past days, we witnessed a new wave of Israeli threats against Lebanon due to the qualitative and quantitative escalation on this front. The general course on the south Lebanon front is continuing and it will remain a pressing front,” Nasrallah added.

He also applauded Hezbollah’s “heroic jihadist fighters” and the popular “environment” that is “embracing” them in the border towns while bearing “the burden of displacement and material losses.”

Nasrallah also hailed the political and popular stances in Lebanon that have been supportive of Gaza and Hezbollah in south Lebanon despite “a few rogue stances.”

“Today the battle is different and it’s not me who declares the steps. Our policy in the current battle is that the battlefield is doing the actions and the word belongs to it. On Lebanon’s front, the eyes must remain on the battlefield and not on words,” he added.

“We are in a battle of resilience, patience and accumulation of achievements and points,” Nasrallah went on to say.

Time is not in favor of the enemy and all the factors, including the captives file, will pressure the enemy. We must continue the pressure and those bearing the most burden are the people of Gaza,” he concluded.

Source: Naharnet

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