
Clashes at Funeral of Iranian Student Killed in Anti-government Protests

Clashes erupted Wednesday between regime backers and "apparent" supporters of Iran's opposition at a funeral in Tehran of a student killed in anti-government protests, state television reported.

"Students and people participating in the funeral of martyr Sane'e Zhale in Tehran Fine Arts University are clashing with a few apparently from the sedition movement," the television website said.

It said that regime backers by "chanting slogans of 'Death to Monafeghin'(rebels) forced them (opposition supporters) out of the scene."

The clashes erupted when pro-regime backers, including members of parliament and Revolutionary Guards, held a demonstration during the funeral of Zhale chanting "Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to Britain! Death to Monafeghin! Death to Mousavi and Karroubi!", state media reported.

Zhale, a Sunni Kurd, was slain during Monday's anti-government protests staged by supporters of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi.

But he became the centre of a dispute Wednesday, with regime-backers insisting he was member of the volunteer Islamist Basij militia, while the opposition said he came from their ranks.

"This university student (Zhale) was shot around Enghelab Square by small arms fire. He was a student of fine arts and defender of the regime," said state news agency IRNA.

Opposition website said Zhale was "pro-Mousavi and a member of the Green Movement," referring to the opposition movement spearheaded by Mousavi which refuses to acknowledge the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"His family was under pressure to say he is Basiji and pro-government," the website said.

Zhale was one of the two people killed on Monday when riot-police and opposition backers clashed in Tehran during an anti-government demonstration.

In the holy city of Qom, regime backers gathered at the main seminary school where they were addressed by hardline cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, state television reported.

Iran's prosecutor general Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie meanwhile warned that action would be taken against Mousavi and Karroubi.

"The heads of seditions are the people who should be punished for their criminal acts and God Willing actions in this regard are being taken," Mohseni Ejeie said, according to Fars news agency.

"People have given them their punishment, but people also have a legitimate right to demand (punishment) from the judiciary which we hope we would be able to fulfill."

Mohseni Ejeie said several people were arrested during Monday's protests but some were immediately released, adding that some more arrests are expected later.

"In general the anti-revolution current is behind these events. Unfortunately, some have fallen in traps of America."

Thousands of anti-government protests took to streets of Tehran Monday and clashed with riot-police in which two were slain and several wounded, including nine members of security forces, officials and opposition websites say.

The two opposition leaders came out fighting on Wednesday after MPs the previous day demanded they be executed for their role in Monday's protests, issuing statements slamming the authorities and praising demonstrators.

Karroubi, once a pillar of the regime, said in a statement posted on his website, he was ready to "pay any price."

"I declare that I am not afraid of any kind of threat and as a soldier of this great nation for the past almost 50 years, I am ready to pay any price," he said.

"I am warning that before it is too late, take out the buds from your ears and listen to the voice of the people. Forcing violence and opposing peoples' wishes will last only for a certain time," the cleric said.

In a separate statement on his own website, Mousavi criticized the authorities and praised the protesters for turning out in Monday's rally.

"The glorious rally on 25th Bahman (February 14) is a great achievement for the great people of a great nation and for the Green Movement," Mousavi said, referring to the opposition movement and its supporters who took to streets on Monday.

Source: Agence France Presse

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