
March 14 Condemns Bloodbath in Libya, Renews Commitment to STL

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday the “bloodbath committed by the regime of Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi against Libyan citizens demanding normal political freedom and rights.”

It called on in a statement after its weekly meeting “the Arab and international communities to take all measures to protect the Libyan people and guarantee their national and humanitarian rights.”

It also demanded that the sides responsible for the crimes against the Libyans be put on trial before an international tribunal.

Addressing the local Lebanese scene, the general secretariat renewed its commitment to the national values of the Cedar Revolution and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, adamantly rejecting the possession of arms outside the framework of the Lebanese state.

The meeting also addressed the political, popular, and media preparations for the re-launching of the “independence intifada” set for March 14.

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