
Suleiman Says Dialogue Can Remove 'Weapons of Civil Strife'

President Michel Suleiman stressed Tuesday the necessity of resorting to dialogue, as the only way “to agree on the integrity of national security, the thing that would remove the weapons of civil strife”.

In a speech marking the World Environment Day, Suleiman said that “economic progress is a main condition to achieve development, modernization and state authority.”

The president pointed out that “only the state can ensure stability,” adding that “there can be no permanent development without stability, no stability without security, and no security without justice and a judiciary.”

“Through dialogue we can agree on the integrity of national security, the thing that would remove the weapons of civil strife,” Suleiman added.

He stressed that Lebanon is “the total opposite of many neighboring countries,” noting that it paid the price for that “by losing its security as a result of the wars of the others.”

The president also noted that “the events in the Arab world have reflected negatively on trade and tourism in Lebanon.”

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