
Phalange Hopes Govt. Would Regain its Authority in Light of Recent Instability

The Phalange Party noted on Monday that the recent instability in Lebanon has made the state “appear like the weak and losing authority” in the country.

It said in a statement after its weekly politburo meeting: “The government must tackle the catastrophic repercussions the recent developments have had on the authority and image of the state.”

It therefore demanded that foreign captives held in Lebanon must be released and the rule of law should be imposed.

“This is necessary in order for Arab and international trust to be restored in Lebanon,” it stressed.

It hoped that the release of the Lebanese pilgrim Hussein Ali Omar would pave the way to the end of the series of kidnappings.

“The release does not exempt the government from the responsibility to firmly combat these crimes,” said the Phalange Party.

In addition, the party warned that the instability in Lebanon would “bring the country closer to strife.”

“This therefore requires a radical solution to the security situation throughout Lebanon, starting with Beirut and Tripoli, through controlling the border and lifting political cover off those violating security,” it stated.

“The army and security forces must be supported on the political and popular levels and the judiciary must be allowed to issue arrest warrants against the perpetrators,” it continued.

Omar was released on Saturday after being kidnapped, along with ten companions, in Syria’s Aleppo in May as they were making their way back to Lebanon from a pilgrimage in Iran.

Earlier in August, Hassan al-Meqdad was kidnapped in Syria prompting his family’s military wing to abduct a number of Syrian nationals in Lebanon, as well as a Turkish national.

The development forced some Arab countries to impose travel restrictions against Lebanon.

Some of the abducted Syrians have since been released in light of Omar’s release.

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