
Makari Suspends Subcommittee Meetings over Death Threats

Deputy Speaker Farid Makari voiced his concerns on Saturday for the lives of five deputies, in light of last week's assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau head Wissam al-Hasan, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Saturday.

He added that the crime has prevented him from resuming meetings on a new electoral law, he told the daily.

“There are five MPs of the parliamentary subcommittees who have received death threats and they aren't leaving their homes,” Makari said.

“I would convene the parliamentary subcommittees' meetings, but the only obstacle stopping me is the security situation that should be taken into consideration," he explained.

The subcommittee, made up of representatives of rival blocs, is studying controversial items related to the type of electoral system and the size of districts to be adopted in the upcoming parliamentary polls, set for 2013.

Five deputies of the opposition March 14 alliance received death threats from Syria through text messages, days after the assassination of Hasan, media reports said.

Makari was referring to himself along with al-Mustaqbal MPs Serge Torsarkissian and Ahmed Fatfat, National Struggle Front MP Akram Shehayeb, Lebanese Forces MP George Adwan, and Phalange MP Sami Gemayel.

Hasan was assassinated in a massive car bomb in Beirut's Ashrafiyeh district on October 19. The explosion left 3 three dead and more than 100 wounded.

Makari noted that Lebanon's security is exposed and has become subject to threats.

He added: “I don’t want to be held accountable for the safety of deputies should anything happen to them and whoever wishes to shoulder such a responsibility should call for the resumption of sessions.”

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