
WhatsApp Assures Users on Circulated Messages, Says 'It is a Hoax'

The popular messaging WhatsApp service posted a blog on Thursday warning users of a string of hoax messages circulating on the network, assuring its users that there is no truth to any of them.

WhatsApp users have been flooded with lengthy messages asking them to forward the message to others on their list if they want to continue using WhatsApp as a free service.

The message also warns that those who fail to forward the message will lose all their contacts and their accounts will remain inactive.

Whatsapp posted a blog to warn users of the service, it said “We have been getting a lot of emails and questions from you about a chain letter message circulating in our network. Please understand that this is a hoax and there is no truth to it.

“While we are flattered that we made it Hoax Slayer we would rather work on cool new features instead of debunking silly stories like these.”

The hoax message said that WhatsApp is going to cost users money soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 10 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 10 people who receive it and your WhatsApp logo should turn Red to indicate a frequent user.

The blog also clarified that the message allegedly from CEO of WhatsApp Jim Balsamic was also a hoax message.

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