
Connelly Meets Miqati, Hopes New Govt Will Uphold STL Support

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on Thursday held talks with Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati and discussed with him the U.S. administration’s “developing view on the dramatic events that have occurred and continue to occur in the region,” the U.S. Embassy said in a statement after the meeting.

“Connelly expressed the U.S. government’s view that the governments of the region ought to listen to their people, refrain from violence, and engage in political dialogue in order to insure that the legitimate changes and reforms they demand can begin to be implemented,” according to the embassy’s statement.

“The United States views that the international community will assess its relationship with any new government of Lebanon based on the make-up of the next cabinet, its Ministerial Statement and the actions it takes in regard to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and Lebanon’s other international obligations,” the statement quotes Connelly as saying.

“The U.S. hopes that the government formation process will be protected from outside influence. The U.S. continues its support for Lebanon’s sovereignty, stability, and prosperity, and calls on the next Lebanese government to provide stability and promote justice for the people of Lebanon by honoring its international agreements.”

Connelly stressed, according to the statement, that “a government that is truly representative of the interests of the people of Lebanon will continue to support and sustain the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.”

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