
Independent March 14 Figures Continue Efforts to Reach Agreement on New Electoral Law

A meeting of March 14 independent figures held a meeting on Friday to discuss a new parliamentary electoral law in light of Interior Minister Marwan Charbel's opening of the door for nominees to submit their candidacies, reported the daily An Nahar Saturday.

MP Butros Harb told the daily that the talks focused on a law that “offers fair representation for Christians, while maintaining national unity.”

The meeting was held at the lawmaker's residence and away from the media spotlight.

The independent March 14 figures had rejected the Orthodox Gathering electoral law, saying that it harms Lebanon's diversity.

The gatherers said after a meeting at MP Butros Harb's residence in February: “This law paves the way for the formation of sectarian statelets and the division of Lebanon in a manner that contradicts the country's diversity.”

The proposal enjoys the support of the Christian Phalange Party, Lebanese Forces, Free Patriotic Movement, and Marada Movement.

The proposal calls for dividing Lebanon into a single electoral district and allows each sect to vote for its own lawmakers under a proportional representation system.

The draft-law has been rejected by President Michel Suleiman, Premier Najib Miqati, the Mustaqbal bloc, and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Jumblat.

The ongoing dispute over a new electoral law is threatening to postpone the elections, which are scheduled for June 9.

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