
Qabbani Condemns Israeli Attack against Syria, Warns Lebanese of Slipping into Conflict

Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani denounced on Monday the Israeli attack on Damascus, pointing out that the Lebanese should save their nation before it slips into a “sedition.”

“The Israeli attack on Damascus reveals the Zionist terrorism and the violations it commits against the sovereignty of countries,” Qabbani said.

Israeli raids on Sunday hit three military sites outside Damascus, the second such reported attack in 48 hours, reportedly targeting weapons bound for Hizbullah which is an ally of President Bashar Assad's regime.

The Syrian government warned that the regional situation was "more dangerous" following the raid as fears grew of a spillover of the conflict.

The Jewish state has frequently warned it would act to stop the transfer of advanced weapons systems or chemical weapons to Hizbullah, with which it fought a devastating war in 2006.

The Grand Mufti also warned the Lebanese of the sedition, urging them to safeguard the country from slipping into deeper rift.

Hizbullah and Iran, Israel's regional arch-foes, have steadfastly backed the Assad regime since the uprising erupted in March 2011.

Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to Syrian president Bashar Assad, while the March 14 camp backs the popular revolt.

The international community and analysts have expressed fears that the conflict in Syria may spill over into Lebanon.

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