جهاديون ومعارضون يسيطرون "بالكامل" على معلولا وإخراج 12 راهبة سورية ولبنانية بالقوة من ديرهن

Read this story in English W460

سيطر مقاتلون جهاديون وعناصر في كتائب مقاتلة معارضة على بلدة معلولا المسيحية شمال دمشق بعد تقدمهم فيها اليوم الاثنين اثر اشتباكات مستمرة منذ ثلاثة ايام، بحسب ما افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وقال المرصد في بريد الكتروني مساء اليوم "سيطر مقاتلو جبهة النصرة (المرتبطة بالقاعدة) وجبهة تحرير القلمون ولواء الغرباء ولواء تحرير الشام والكتيبة العمرية بشكل كامل على بلدة معلولا التاريخية التي تقطنها غالبية من اتباع الديانة المسيحية".

واشار الى ان "اشتباكات عنيفة تدور في محيط البلدة بين القوات النظامية مدعمة بقوات جيش الدفاع الوطني" والمقاتلين الذين سيطروا على معلولا.

واوضح مصدر امني سوري في دمشق لوكالة فرانس برس ان مجموعات المعارضة المسلحة القت اطارات محشوة بالمتفجرات من التلال التي تتواجد فيها عند مرتفعات البلدة في اتجاه مواقع القوات النظامية داخل البلدة، ما اضطر هذه القوات الى التراجع. وتقدم مقاتلو المعارضة في اتجاه وسط معلولا.

من جهتها ذكرت اذاعة الفاتيكان ان 12 راهبة ارثوذكسية اخرجن بالقوة من ديرهن الواقع في الوسط التاريخي من المدينة.

ونقلت الاذاعة عن السفير البابوي في سوريا المونسنيور ماريو زيناري قوله ان الامر يتعلق ب"12 راهبة سورية ولبنانية".

واوضح السفير "يبدو ان الجهاديين اقتادوا الراهبات الى الشمال نحو يبرود. نجهل اسباب هذا العمل من جانب مسلحي المعارضة: انها عملية خطف او سيطرة على الدير لكي تطلق يدهم في معلولا". وبدا السفير حذرا قبل التحدث عن عملية خطف.

وقالت وكالة "ايجيا نيوز" الكاثوليكية المتخصصة ايضا ان بطريركية الروم الارثوذكس نشرت النبأ.

وقال المرصد في بيانه الذي صدر مساء الإثنين "بالنسبة لمصير الراهبات علم المرصد السوري انهن لا يزلن على قيد الحياة حتى اللحظة".

وبحسب وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا)، فان مسلحين بينهم جهاديون من جبهة النصرة دخلوا الى دير مار تقلا الارثوذكسي وسط المدينة والذي كان تحت سيطرة الجيش حتى هذا الوقت، حيث وجدوا اربعين راهبة ويتيما.

وسيطر المسلحون وبينهم جهاديون مرتبطون بتنظيم القاعدة، على المدينة في التاسع من ايلول. وبعد ثلاثة ايام، دخل الجيش السوري الى معلولا لطردهم منها. ومنذ ذلك الوقت، تشهد المدينة تبادلا يوميا لاطلاق نار.

وتقع معلولا المعروفة بآثارها المسيحية القديمة ومغاورها المحفورة في الصخر على بعد حوالى 55 كلم شمال دمشق.

وهي من اقدم المناطق المسيحية في العالم، وتقع على خارطة المواقع السياحية البارزة في سوريا. وهي المكان الوحيد في العالم الذي لا يزال سكانه يتكلمون اللغة الآرامية، لغة المسيح.

التعليقات 57
Thumb cedre 23:45 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

1- they didn't take yet all the town
2- from what i heard, FSA would have helped to evacuate the nuns under alawite artillery
3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ1Z6UNs3iA

Thumb ado.australia 16:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

you should be ashamed of yourself

Thumb zahle1 19:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 05


Its one thing to be pro M14, but to really believe these guys aren't doing these things to Christians is why I have disassociated myself with LF. There are too many that refuse to admit the FSA through their alliance with Al Nusra/Qaeda, that these extremists are killing Christians because they hate their religion. I understand we have some Sunni moderates in Lebanon, but these takfiri are rampant in Syria. They are Syrians and North Africans....

Thumb Mystic 23:50 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

Take a beer benzona, would do you some good. Stop being a fundamentalist

Thumb benzona 00:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

I'm having one as we type. I almost died of a carbon monoxide intoxication this evening... What a sweet death it would have been in comparison to what bachar's chabiha are doing to the Free Syrians.

Thumb Mystic 23:59 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

@thefact You see now why this can't be called a Revolution? This is a call for Jihad against ordinary human beings! If they want to fight Assad so bad why don't they go fight him in Damascus? All they want to do is spread fear and terror among the ordinary civilian people of Syria.

Thumb Mystic 00:01 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

I hope that day will be soon.

Missing peace 00:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

A U.N. commission of inquiry into human rights violations in Syria "has produced massive evidence ... (of) very serious crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity," she said, adding that "the evidence indicates responsibility at the highest level of government, including the head of state."

that means that those supporting the syrian regime are no better than these terrorists as both sides commit crimes against humanity and should stop blaming the other camp while they support a camp that does the same ! LOL

and that is the reason why the president has called for disassociation with this conflict in order not to fall into their trap!

Missing peace 00:12 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

the point is that i do not support anyone... both sides are terrorists...

Thumb benzona 00:12 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

You're talking to deaf ears.... I'm afraid. Bonne nuit

Missing peace 00:20 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

well if you read carefully i said both sides are terrorists meaning that if those terrorists carry out crimes against humanity then nothing can defend them...

Missing peace 00:32 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

i am not M14...
and also i haven't seen M14 defending nusra or elqaeda, have you? but M8 defending bashar who committed crimes against humanity and war crimes yes!

and i won't defend FSA if they kill innocent people or anyone on the grounds of religion!

Thumb benzona 00:09 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Ana, any weak and vulnerable person can be easily manipulated by any sect... It happens everyday. They are endcotrined and abused... For personal benefits who are always related to power hunger.

Bonne soirée

Thumb Mystic 00:10 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

"To the Christians of Lebanon." This is not something that is happening far away, or something we can't do anything about, this is happening right next door! People are getting killed just for believing christ, statues of virgin mary are getting smashed, for christ sake, leave Geagea and all the Saudi supporters before it is too late for you.

Thumb cedre 00:12 ,2013 كانون الأول 03


Missing peace 00:27 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

as long as religion is mixed with politics then it is no longer religion but fanatism...
christians in their history committed genocides, killing , raping, torturing because at the time it was also politics, now some muslims do the same (both chia and sunni!) so nothing good can come out of it...

the last century has seen the fall of strong ideologies such as communism , no strong ideology has risen yet to replace it so some extremists fill the void by spreading islamic fanatism because some people need to cling to something: you now have elqaeda and hezbollah who are thriving on this need....

Missing peace 00:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 03


Missing peace 00:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

"but not if they're terrorists trying to establish an islamic caliphate in the levant and do not hesitate to recruit lebanese to suicide bomb or kill lebanese"

who would defend them in that case? not me anyway....

Thumb Mystic 00:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Funniest thing of all is even cannibals got supporters nowadays.

Thumb cedre 00:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

u don't have supporters so u need to open multiple accounts and speak to urself. Quelle tristesse... Are u based in Damascus or Tehran ?
I believe more and more that u're part of that army of trolls can the syrian electronic army. Loads of them on fb, twitter, ect...

Thumb Mystic 01:00 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

lol cedre, i could say the same about internet jihad all over the place. You are one of those i guess

Thumb Mystic 00:51 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

I'm not debating with people that have no relation to Lebanon at all, you are just here for the drama which is silly.

Thumb Mystic 01:09 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Mate wth are you talking about attacking for? We are having a simple conversation and you talk about debate and attack, just act normal i have no problem with you. Btw everybody wants a piece of Lebanon, and everybody got something to loose in both Lebanon and Syria, so it is naive to think that it can be undependent at this present time.

Thumb Mystic 01:12 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Switzerland is europe and that is about 60 years ago now, you can't resemble a middle east country with an european one, that is just unrealistic.

Thumb Mystic 01:23 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

hehe habibi rellikifalas<3, btw cedre we both know that it is bs what you are saying everyone opposing you are either Iran thug or Hizb shaitan supporter, just like i'm calling you Qaeda supporter, we can continue all day long.

Thumb Mystic 01:26 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Btw, Yes i support Bashar al assad and i support Hezbollah & Iran i have no secrets there ;) I'm atleast being hornest so now please, tell me you support Al Qaeda so u are hornest too Cedre

Thumb primesuspect 01:27 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Mystic is FlameThrower

Thumb Mystic 01:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Everyone opposing you is either me or FT right? It's not the first time i heard that lol

Thumb primesuspect 03:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

moowatyn then

Thumb Mystic 03:05 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

nope, both mowaten and FT has been here on Narhanet long before i knew it existed lol.

Thumb Mystic 01:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

btw dear cedre, i will start acting different and give you different expressions if you start changing ;)

Thumb cedre 01:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

whatever moustique, u know u're just BS.
Get a life and stop supporting a tyrant killing kids and women...

Thumb Mystic 01:30 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

and i support them free of charge.

Thumb cedre 01:33 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

not free, u're benefiting from shia-alawite ruling in the Levant, and u know it's coming to an end.


Thumb Mystic 01:40 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

nope, i do it for free mate. I think that their money should be spend on more needful things :)

Thumb Mystic 01:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

You call that documentation? Ofcourse the nuns will say anything to protect the children from getting beheaded!

Thumb Mystic 01:37 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

The only tyrants are al Qaeda cedre, just shame you can't admit that they take the Syrians hostage, thats why so many Syrian soldiers died.

Thumb Mystic 02:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

@rellikifalas you wont be able to change his mind, cedre is one of those brainwashed Saudi cheerleaders that think everything the Al Qaeda are doing in Syria are Gods work, including beheadings of innocent civilians.

Thumb Mystic 02:36 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

ou hayda bas cigarettes and already they yell Allahu Akbar.. Everything is haram in their eyes, no life is this what you call freedom Cedre? Is this really what you want for Syria and probaly Lebanon too?

Thumb Mystic 02:46 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Allahu Akbar Sharia for us all..

Thumb Mystic 02:52 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Goodnight akhi ;)

Thumb Mystic 01:39 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

@actionman the Civil war was a horrible moment for us all, i grew up with the horrors of that war like most people here, and i will never forget it, but why do you blame Syria for everything? Don't you remember Israel was here too? Everybody was killing each other and Syria was even helping archieving stability. You had your so called Cedar revolution, are you gonna hate Syrians forever? Forget the past and think about the future.

Missing VINCENT 02:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Islam has been tarnished. It is time for an overhaul to salvage whatever credibility is left.

Missing --karim_m2-- 03:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

FSA-Al Qaeda are Salafists, not Muslims.

Default-user-icon Freespirit (ضيف) 03:14 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

The christians of syria are boneless. They have no cause. They count for about 20%. That will be about 3 million. They need to arm themselves and defend their towns. We did the same thing in lebanon. They are going to be slaughtered if they don't do what the christians of lebanon did. Yes we paid more than 15,000 martyrs b ut we defended our existence. They need Syrian Forces the same way lebanon has the Lebanese Forces. I think they can find a Bachir or Hakim among them

Missing --karim_m2-- 03:48 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

The FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists can try but they will not succeed in importing their Salafist terrorist ideology into Syria.

Down with Arabism! Down with Wahabism! Down with terrorism!

Missing --karim_m2-- 08:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

What kind of Salafist calls himself Tony Farris?

Missing dcnzogh 03:58 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Cowards that they can only strike out at nuns and orphans.
My sincerest unChristian prayer is that when this animal trash is cleaned out of Syria by the Armed Forces of Syria that they will instead of returning to their home countries go straight for KSA, Turkey, the Gulf and any other countries that supported these mercenaries to reap the same destruction on those countries and bring them to their knees.

Thumb primesuspect 04:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

jajaja that is indeed rotfl

Thumb primesuspect 04:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

nice metaphor.... especially when it's more like a morgue (:

Thumb Mystic 05:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

lol and i love when people like you keep crying, when i mention it primesuspect.

Thumb BeautifulMind 05:38 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

God bless the woom that carried and delivered you!

Thumb Mystic 15:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Thank you lovely mind :)

Thumb Mystic 15:45 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Bless you too

Thumb Mystic 05:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Haha Tony, remember to tell your priest that you are supporting the killing of Christians, release your sins dude. Goodnight catch you on the other side ;)

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 10:05 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

whenever in doubt hit the Christians!
Dear muslim world (most of not not all)you pose danger amongst yourselves and Christians have nothing to do with it and they don't carry arms! resolve your problems between Saudi Arabia and Iran coz the problem is inter-muslim, and please get off the Christians case coz your ignorance/resentness/stupidity is killing everything around you and soon enough it will kill you.

Thumb Mystic 14:11 ,2013 كانون الأول 03

Lol ok, here is another proof that Naharnet is M14 loyalists, they just deleted all my comments, i'm not gonna answer you guys anymore because i know everything i say will be deleted. Good riddance Naharnet keep up the good work..