باسيل: لبنان بات مهددا بوجوده وهويته ولا يقابل إلا بدعم كلامي

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أعلن وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل الأربعاء أن لبنان بات مهددا بهويته ووجوده جراء التدفق الكبير للنازحين السوريين، داعيا إلى دعم الجيش لرد الإعتداءات الإسرائيلية ومكافحة الإرهاب.

وقال باسيل في خلال الاجتماع الوزاري السابع عشر لبلدان حركة عدم الإنحياز الاربعاء في الجزائر "لبنان أكثر من يتأثر بأزمة سوريا وهو يطالب بنظام سياسي ينبثق عن إرادة شعب سوريا".

إلا أن باسيل أضاف "لبنان أظهر استضافة غير مسبوقة للسوريين لم تقابل إلا بدعم كلامي ووصل عدد السوريين إلى نصف عدد سكانه وأصبح مهددا بوجوده وهويته وكينونيته".

وكشف أن الأمر "ألزم الحكومة بوضع خطة تقضي بوقف تدفق النازحين وعودتهم إلى بلادهم وإيواء من تبقى في تجمعات سكنية داخل سوريا أو على الحدود وصولا إلى عودتهم نهائيا".

وكان قد شكلت الحكومة الجمعة الفائت خلية وزارية لمتابعة أوضاع النازحين السوريين إلى لبنان ومن بين مهامها للمرة الأولى إمكانية إقامة مخيمات لهم "داخل سوريا أو على الحدود"، وإمكانية "عودة آمنة" للبعض منهم إلى بلادهم.

وبحسب ارقام المسجلين لدى المفوضية العليا لشؤون اللاجئين التابعة للامم المتحدة، يستضيف لبنان اكثر من مليون لاجىء سوري نزحوا اليه هربا من النزاع المستمر في بلادهم منذ منتصف آذار 2011. ويقيم غالبية هؤلاء لدى عائلات مضيفة، او في مخيمات عشوائية موقتة.

من جهة أخرى شدد باسيل على أن لبنان "ملتزم بالشرعية الدولية وبالقرار 1701 ويطالب المجتمع الدولي بوقف اعتداءات اسرائيل وانتهاك سيادته بحرا وبرا وجوا".

وإذ دعا باسيل "إلى مساعدة جيشه في مؤتمر روما ما يؤدي إلى تعزيز دوره في مكافحة الإرهاب وصد الإعتداءات الإسرائيلية" أكد على "حقه بحماية أرضة وحدوده البحرية ويحث على دعمه من خلال مجموعة الدعم الدولة التي أنشأت من أجله".

وختم وزير الخارجية بالقول "إن لبنان القوي يمكنه المساعدة في حل القضية الفلسطينية".


التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon convenient (ضيف) 15:48 ,2014 أيار 28

The identity of Metn, Keserwan, Jbeil and Jezzine is also at risk by Hezbollah's settlers, they already changed the identity of Haret Hreik, Chiyyah, Hadath...

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 15:55 ,2014 أيار 28

how many refugees camp there is in the gulf countries be it Palestinian or Syrian? none
so ship all refugees Syrian and Palestinian to the gulf countries where they have the money to cater for their needs

Thumb geha 16:21 ,2014 أيار 28

basil is scared that already sunnis outnumber shia by more than double with the Palestinians and Syrians that found refuge in Lebanon.
he is correct in being afraid because the civil war is coming fast, and his hizbushaitan will be kicked out and he will lose his masters.

Thumb freedomarch 20:35 ,2014 أيار 28

Agree 100 and a simple question the people running away from the tyrant should be expelled? Or these thugs supporting the regime and still come here for no reason?

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:26 ,2014 أيار 28

@Bassil : Lebanon's existence is threatened by Bachar el Assad and Hassan Nasrallah. Syrian refugees are an unfortunate collateral damage of the criminals and terrorists you support !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:28 ,2014 أيار 28

@Bassil : focus on filing a complaint about Syrian Government bombings and aggressions and doing your job ! You failed to do so with over 100 such Syrian aggression in the past year. You are a traitor. You will be dealt with as a traitor ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:14 ,2014 أيار 28

@Roar : I don't know who lies more, You or Nasrallah.

Please backup your BS : Give me evidence of any M14 politician supporting takfiris.

Suleiman ORDERED Bassil to file a complaint at least 5 times. He did not do it. Tell me why ?

The Lebanese army is perfectly capable of handling the border in and around Arsal and it has proved it in so many occasions.

Syrian bombings are unacceptable. Any support for such bombings is similar to supporting Israel bombing Lebanon. TRAITOR that is !

Thumb FlameCatcher 20:06 ,2014 أيار 28

@Roar ... i'm asking you who supplied milk and blankets to "takfiris". Yalla, show me evidence or shove it.

And by definition, Hezbollah is Takfiri so pick your words right.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 16:51 ,2014 أيار 28

well said Geha thank you for reminding us what was said at the beginning of the so called revolution in Syria
and thank you for admitting the initial plan of the whole mess in the region and who is behind it

Thumb geha 17:11 ,2014 أيار 28

it seems everything is a game to you: how old are you? 5 years old?

this is the problem with you guys: you do not realize you are destroying this country. you think it is a game.

Thumb geha 17:12 ,2014 أيار 28

it seems everything is a game to you: how old are you? 5 years old?

this is the problem with you guys: you do not realize you are destroying this country. you think it is a game.

Thumb cedre 17:34 ,2014 أيار 28

oldest trick in the book : divertion, blame the refugees/foreigners for masking Aoun blocking the elections...

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 17:43 ,2014 أيار 28

the problem of the refugees should be the responsibility of the brains who planned and armed the Syrian uprising on religious basis and by saying it will be over in a few weeks
if these brains have billions for arms let them pay billions fpr the refugees in their land

Missing peace 18:02 ,2014 أيار 28

who refused to set up camps in Lebanon? who pretended they would be turned into training camps if any camps were set up?

Thumb cedre 18:10 ,2014 أيار 28

Having done it in lebanon, Jumby understood it long time ago...


Default-user-icon ML (ضيف) 19:03 ,2014 أيار 28

Dawlat Lobnan al Sa8ir.

That is all.

Thumb geha 19:53 ,2014 أيار 28

really childish poor boy.

Missing coolmec 19:58 ,2014 أيار 28

I fully agree with you. I have been advocating for a long time now that Lebanese living in Lebanon must leave the country and all Lebanese overseas to come back home and rebuilt the state
in my humble opinion it is the only way to salvage the country

Thumb -phoenix1 20:46 ,2014 أيار 28

It took you quite a while to spit it out honorable minister, but I honestly don't know how this position of yours, which is most commendable will sit with your father-in-law? Now you've got your job clearly cut out for you, now you must make good on your position in this summit, to come back home and push for the Syrian and Palestinian refugees to start going back home. It's in your hands now, so please do it, and do it without accusing anyone either, remember, your a FM for all Lebanon, not just the FPM or Hezbollah, right? Yalla, get started.

Default-user-icon CrunchThis (ضيف) 22:51 ,2014 أيار 28

We are doing a good job of helping the refugees and we will continue to do all we can. This government is constructive and proposing new solutions and Bassil is part of this effort government.

We welcome those who flee war, and seek peace here, and we remember our own exile because of war...

Lebanon will always be a safe haven.

This forum, unfortunately, mostly voices those who hate, speak doom and destruction and wish harm on others. But the majority of the Lebanese have learnt from their mistakes.

This is not 1948, 1973, or 1976, or 1978 or even 2006. Gone are those days never to return.

Thumb cedre 23:50 ,2014 أيار 28

rory, va jouer chez ta mere...

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 14:30 ,2014 أيار 29

lebanons existance is only threatened by your Aouncle's endless stupidity!
and we added your sheer ignorance... what a blowing mix!

Default-user-icon Nicole (ضيف) 14:04 ,2014 أيار 30

I don´t understand why the christian´s just doesn´t stand up for their country and kick out the syrians, Aoun and Hezbollah!!! You´ve already tried to solve the problems by turning your other cheek, but insstead of doing the same, those war-damaged criminals slap you on your other cheek. You can´t be non-violent with violent people, cause you´ll end up dead, or being their slave.