مجلس الامن يدعو الى وقف اطلاق النار في غزة وحماية المدنيين

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دعا مجلس الامن الدولي السبت اسرائيل وحركة حماس الى وقف اطلاق النار و"احترام القوانين الانسانية الدولية وخصوصا حول حماية المدنيين".

وفي بيان صدر بالاجماع، دعت الدول ال15 الاعضاء في المجلس الى "نزع فتيل (التوتر في قطاع غزة) وعودة الهدوء واعادة ارساء وقف اطلاق النار (الذي اعلن) العام 2012".

التعليقات 3
Missing phillipo 20:06 ,2014 تموز 12

We must congratulate Hamas on the accuracy of its rockets. Yesterday they hit the town of Beituniya near Bethlehem, and today they did even better. they hit Hebron.

Missing munjk1 03:53 ,2014 تموز 13

We don't need comments by Israeli agents in our media when we are in a state of war with the enemy. Shame on An-Nahar for publishing such comments.

Missing phillipo 11:02 ,2014 تموز 13

munjk1 - Why exactly does Lebanon regard Israel as an enemy state?

In the late 1980's Lebanon and Israel reached a peace agreement which was torn up by the Syrian then-occupiers of Lebanon. Why have the governments of Lebanon since then not tried to renew this agreement?
Neither side has territorial claims on the other, peace could bring about joint development and use of the naztural gas and oil fields in the Mediterranean, bringing an economic bonanza to both countries.
How much would Lebanon like to be in the situation where there are no regular electricity blackouts. What about tourism, with the possibility of Lebanese Moslems, Christians and Druze being able to visit their Holy Sites in Israel.
What exactly does Lebanon have to lose from peace ? - NOTHING