الجالية اللبنانية والعربية في سيدني تجبر موظفا كبيرا على الإستقالة بعد تأييده العدوان على غزة

Read this story in English W460

أجبرت الجالية اللبنانية في سيدني موظفا كبيرا في الدوائر الحكومية على الإستقالة بعد تأييده عدوان إسرائيل على غزة الذي خلّف أكثر من 1050 قتيلا.

وأشارت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" إلى أن "الجاليتين اللبنانية والعربية في سيدني نجحت في حمل موظف حكومي كبير في سيدني" وهو فيك الهادف بعد تأييده لإسرائيل.

والهادف هو الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس ممثلي الجالية اليهودية في نيو ساوث وايلز الأسترالية.

وكان قد توجه الهادف في رسالة إلى الجالية اليهودية في المدينة المذكورة أدان فيها "الهجمات الصاروخية من حماس على إسرائيل".

وكتب في الرسالة التي نشرتها صحيفة "الغارديان" الأسترالية قائلا "حماس قامت بانتهاك القانون الدولي والانخراط في جرائم الحرب وإطلاق مقاتليها الصواريخ بشكل عشوائي على المدنيين من مناطق مدنية".

وإذ ادعى الهادف أن إسرائيل "تتجنب سقوط الضحايا المدنيين" شرح أنها "لا تنوي المزيد من التصعيد، ولكن سوف تفعل كل ما هو مطلوب للدفاع عن مواطنيها".

وقد مارست الجالية بمعظم هيئاتها ومؤسساتها وفاعلياتها ضغوطا على حكومة الولاية لإقالة الهادف وقاطعت الإفطار السنوي الذي أقامه رئيس الحكومة مايك بيرد الذي رفض والوزير المختص فيكتور دومينللو إقالة الهادف بداية.

لكن الأخير عاد واستقال الأحد بعد أسبوعين على دفاعه عن إسرائيل في عدوانها على غزة.

وأفادت الصحيفة المذكورة أن بيرد ترك الحرية للهادف بعدها واتخاذ قرار الإستقالة من عدمه.

وقال الهادف في بيان نشرته وكالة "أسوشييتد برس" الأسترالية "مع الأسف الكبير قررت الإستقالة من منصبي كرئيس للجنة العلاقات المجتمعية في نيو ساوث وايلز".

ويشغل الهادف وهو يهودي الأصل منصب الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس ممثلي الجالية اليهودية منذ كانون الأول الماضي.

وتتعرض غزة لعدوان إسرائيلي دام ٍمنذ 20 يوما لم يوفر الأطفال والمستشفيات والنساء وحتى مدارس الأمم المتحدة التي تؤوي نازحين. وقتل اكثر من 1050 فلسطينيا غالبيتهم العظمى من المدنيين.


التعليقات 15
Thumb chrisrushlau 18:40 ,2014 تموز 27

Lebanese know better than even Israeli non-Jews that imperialism always acts through local proxies: traitors. Quislings.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:40 ,2014 تموز 27

What happened in Australia reflects good governance. An official made a statement offending certain people. These people protested and called for a boycott. That official, seeing a negative impact on the work of his department, resigned. One may disagree with his first action, it is difficult to disagree with the reaction of the Lebanese and Arab community and one must laud the resignation.

Default-user-icon arab invasion (ضيف) 21:03 ,2014 تموز 27

as always the arabs makes the most noise and are appeased out of fear....

Thumb nickjames 21:23 ,2014 تموز 27

It's fine if Arabs protested, but it shouldn't be of any concern to the Lebanese. And who cares what he said, that is free speech. He didn't make any disparaging remarks, that's a violation of what would be his First Amendment rights in America (I guess they don't have any in Australia). "Oh this guy doesn't support Palestinians, he should resign." Really? Is that how these people still think?

Thumb nickjames 22:09 ,2014 تموز 27

If what they're doing in Gaza is inhuman, why don't you guys shoot rockets at Israel? Oh that's right, you're helping a mass murderer who uses chemical weapons on his own people. "That was the terrorists" you say. No, it wasn't. Rebels don't have the access to chemical weapons, nor would they know how to use them. So shut the hell up with your inhuman aggression over Gaza.

Thumb nickjames 23:00 ,2014 تموز 27

What about your above post? I answered it. See here you are deviating again. I stated a fact, that Assad is killing his own people with the assistance of your sectarian militia. And then you see come on you idiot Zionist. You're stupid Southern, you need to go to school. You need to take English Composition and learn the basics of arguing. Do that for me, please.

Thumb nickjames 23:08 ,2014 تموز 27

And no you didn't reply to me on the Gaza article. You have ADD (which I asked on the Gaza article).

Thumb nickjames 00:19 ,2014 تموز 28

Hey sectarian, is it Monday or Tuesday you're celebrating Eid? Just wondering.

Thumb nickjames 22:59 ,2014 تموز 27

Southern, speaking of "sectarian hates", isn't Hezbollah fighting in a war to fight the takfiri? It isn't the Lebanese Christians spewing their sectarian hates in other countries you ignorant Al-Manar mouthpiece. And yes when you don't respond to direct questions (like in the article about the US blacklisting Hezbollah), it means I did humiliate you. You're just a radical who defends a radical sectarian militias, and you deny it by calling other people sectarians.

Thumb nickjames 23:07 ,2014 تموز 27

What is that supposed to mean? He doesn't defend the Israeli enemy, as Lebanon is "in a state of war" with them as all of you say. All he said was that we should focus on the presidency and nothing else.

Default-user-icon Basem (ضيف) 23:40 ,2014 تموز 27

He was fired because he says the truth ? Chi bi arref wlo.....

Thumb kanaandian 10:58 ,2014 تموز 28

aussies need to wake up and start reading middle eastern news...
or maybe one day aussies will be the ones fleeing australia like others have been forced to flee the middle east.

Default-user-icon UmmaGumma (ضيف) 12:05 ,2014 تموز 28

Naharnet: Please maintain accuracy of the Fact; True Journalism dictates to call a Spade a Spade.
The title should read: Muslims in Sydney Force Top Official to Resign over pro-Israel Remarks.
In fact Christian Lebanese supported Alhadeff's comments.

Thumb lozalucy 15:22 ,2014 تموز 28

sad and disheartening, that such a distinguished leader had to leave his post, by stating the facts. This makes me question Australian Democracy and especially the political culture in NSW. Interestingly enough, that it was mainly expat communities that were offended, i.e. they are here temporarily on job postings, they are not even real Australians. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Alhadeff received much more than calls for resignation... This Resignation should be the BIGGEST concern to the Australian Community, as anyone who doesn't support Israel is effectively supporting Hamas (i.e. Terrorist Organisation), therefore here we are more concerned with upsetting our sensitive Hamas Supporters instead of Condemning Terrorism and aligning Australian Media to start reporting the truth and not merely a pro-Palestinian Propaganda. I hope that Mr Alhadeff will be replaced with an equally if not more outspoken leader, who wouldn't be pushed to resign so easily.

Default-user-icon M. Yamout (ضيف) 16:16 ,2014 تموز 28

Ok the guy was an angel. Oh, he was full of good intention. But you see, he just thought, or believed that Israelis are being careful so no harm happens to the civilians. Well, if being careful caused a 1000 citizen killed I wonder what would be the damage if the Israeli army wasn't careful. Now he resigned that is good for him and everyone else. At least he was brave enough to do so. In our neck of the woods, we never resign regardless how many mistakes we make.
As for the reader who switched the channel and started talking about the Syrian regime, all is good but one thing: if Assad is gone are we looking for a better off situation? would we like to see fundamentalists in power? Do we need ISIS and other brutal factions as a replacement? I wonder about some of us who still talks as if it's really the People vs. the regime. Wake up… it started like that for a few weeks, then it was hell on everyone… and still is.