ريفي يعتبر الحل في عرسال "سياسي" وكبارة يصف ما يجري بـ"مسلسل ايراني سوري"

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رأى وزير العدل أشرف ريفي أن الحل في بلدة عرسال التي تشهد اشتباكات منذ امس السبت بين الجيش ومسلحين، "سياسي"، مشددا على ان "الخلاص هو بالمؤسسات الشرعية".

وقال ريفي الجمعة الى قناة الـmtv "حماية البقاع الشمالي مهمة كل سكان البقاع الشمالي وخلاصنا بالمؤسسات الشرعية"، معتبرا أن "الدويلة اوصلت البلد الى هنا".

وإذ حذر من ان "البلاد مام تحد كبير ولحظة دقيقة"، أكد ريفي ان "التحدي الكبير هو وضع حد لما يجري في عرسال"، محذرا انه "مسبب لما قد يجري في مناطق اخرى".

واعتبر وزير العدل ان "الحل في عرسال سياسي ويجب حماية بقاعنا الشمالي من حمم البركان ويجب حماية العيش المشترك.

وتشهد عرسال اشتباكات لليوم الثاني على التوالي بين الجيش والمسلحين الذين دخلوا هذه البلدة الحدودية وطوقوا عدة مراكز عسكرية.

واتى هذا الهجوم بعد توقيف الجيش لعماد احمد جمعة الذي اعترف بحسب ما اعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي الاحد بتخطيطه لهذا الهجوم، مؤكدا انه "ليس وليد الصدفة".

واثر هذه الاشتباكات الدائرة، دعا النائب محمد كبارة بعد اجتماع في دارته في طرابلس جمع فيه عدد من نواب طرابلس وعكار وفعاليات ومشايخ الشمال، دعا الى "وقفة ضمير امام الله والوطن لان الشعب سيحاسب الجميع".

وقال المجتمعون في بيانهم الذي تلاه كباة "ان ما يجري في عرسال السنية البطلة ليس الا حلقة من مسلسل ايراني سوري لاخضاع اهل السنة".

عليه، حذر المجنمعون من "أن اي قرار يحول جيشنا من مؤسسة وطنية جامعة واجبها حماية كل اللبنانيين الى ما يشبه جيش المالكي".

وشدد المجتمعون في بيانهم "على رفض اهل السنة استقدام اهلهم دروعا بشرية لحماية ميليشيا حزب ايران"، مؤكدا انه "لو قام الجيش بالانتشار على الحدود منذ البداية لما وصلنا الى ما وصلنا اليه".

كما طالبا "الضغط على حزب الله لوقف اطلاق النار والصواريخ على عرسال لكي ينسحب المسلحون".

وما تزال الاشتباكات في عرسال دائرة وسط حركة نزوح كثيفة من قبل الاهالي الى خارج البلدة، فيما يعمل الجيش على استقدام المزيد من التعزيزات.


التعليقات 23
Thumb ex-fpm 17:07 ,2014 آب 03


Thumb cedre 17:55 ,2014 آب 03

haboub is right, rifi is a traitor for forgetting his city, his people, for letting Eids bomb our mosques and then flee, for letting sunnis in roumieh without trial, for sitting at the same table with WIssam HASSAN's and Hariri's murderers. No honour in Rifi and Mashnouq, there are the reason why hopeless sunnis turn to Assir or Daesh...

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:29 ,2014 آب 04

Shame on naharnet for trying to silence opinions. reposting:

Nusra killing our soldiers while the rififi-kakabara duet are demonstrating M14's political cover of these terrorists.

A special award goes to kakabara for trying to turn this into a sectarian issue.

They are both complicit in the killing of our troop, and should be should be prosecuted for treason and sectarian incitement.

In the mean time, no mercy, Go LAF! Exterminate the vermin, you have the full support of all real Lebanese.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:29 ,2014 آب 04

rifi calling for a political solution, as if nusra had any legitimate political claims in Lebanon.

Just a little reminder, because it might have slipped your mind just like it did the justice minister's: nusra is responsible for a campaign of terrorist bombings in Lebanon which killed tens and tens of people. They are also now guilty of attacking and killing soldiers, and taking a number of ISF and LAF hostages.

There is no "political solution" here, no negotiations to have, they need to be wiped out.

Missing karim- 17:19 ,2014 آب 03

Humm, were did I hear this kind of silly argument before.. let me think.. Ah I remember there it is..

26- 05- 2007- Hassan Nasrallah called for a negotiated settlement rather than a military assault on the Nahr el-Bared camp. "Does it concern us that we start a conflict with al Qaeda in Lebanon and consequently attract members and fighters of al Qaeda from all over the world to Lebanon to conduct their battle with the Lebanese Army and the rest of the Lebanese? We will not accept or provide cover or be partners in this."

We told the idiot not to get involved in Syrian for these exact reasons but if the idiot didn't want to listen to us the idiot should have at least listened to himself.

Thumb cedre 18:25 ,2014 آب 03

like dubai or qatar ?

Missing karim- 19:23 ,2014 آب 03

sealed off Qalamoun, yeah sure he did do that obviously. It seems that since the battle of al Qalamoun started, every time the Syrian army announced that it surrounded a town most of the fighter trapped inside managed, or more likely were allowed, to withdraw towards the Syrian Lebanese border and the unmarked mountain range.

Default-user-icon tony (ضيف) 17:25 ,2014 آب 03

Kabarra and Rifi you are a bunch of traitors and mhst be thrown in jail
Stop defending terrorists and animals only because they claim they are Sunni. Your hate toward the state and the army is huge

Thumb popeye 21:45 ,2014 آب 03

Ali (Guest)

Thumb cedre 17:58 ,2014 آب 03

lebfirst, army is not perfect, in lebanon and worldwide.
We dont criticize the institution, but its political use.
Many people served or are serving in LAF, ISF,etc...
Most are disgusted since 7 ayar...

Thumb lebanon_first 19:42 ,2014 آب 03

cedre. I am as frustrated as you that HA put itself in a situation pretending it were legal, while it is not. I am frustrated that the exactions of HA go unpunished, especially 7 ayyar, especially Hashem el Salman.

But our army, even if i sometimes feel acts like an ally of HA, should not be critisized.

Thumb cedre 20:56 ,2014 آب 03

lebfirst, in all honesty, would u think the same if instead of targeting sunnis, the LAF was targeting christians ?
LAF is supposed to protect ALL lebanese not be HizbIran's tool...

Thumb cedre 00:17 ,2014 آب 04

i partially agree with u lebfirst...
LAF not targeting sunnis per se, but because Hizb orders it or creates tensions...

Missing ..karim.. 18:02 ,2014 آب 03

Arrest this filthy Al Qaeda sympathizing terrorist.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:08 ,2014 آب 03


Thumb ice-man 18:12 ,2014 آب 03

dear mowaten: please, don't be upset. I am one of a few who really know you and know how you feel. You don't have one single sectarian bone in your tender body unlike all the claims to the contrary. Just keep posting and posting and posting. I care....

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:00 ,2014 آب 03

Exterminate.... Is that all the logic you can muster @mowaten?
Ever occurred to you that despite deep disagreement with Al-Nusra's philosophy they are humans too?
Most Lebanese have similar deep disagreement with HA but you don't see us calling for extermination. Have you lost all of your humanity?

Thumb galaxy 19:04 ,2014 آب 03

he thinks he is in dahyeh and naharnet is his office. let him spew his totalitarian fantasies.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:29 ,2014 آب 03

there is no known cure for a sectarian, don't bother.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:35 ,2014 آب 03

i'm not interested in having compassion for terrorists who kill civilians and soliders alike lebnanfirst.
i'll let your fellow takfiri lovers here cheer their "philosophy" with you, while the army does what needs to be done.

Thumb iamymasterscard 00:58 ,2014 آب 04

Sectarian threats at the gates of Keserwan


Thumb cedre 03:03 ,2014 آب 04

civilians were evacuated in nahr bared + situation was totally different...

Missing ransar16 10:35 ,2014 آب 04

Cedre you are more rat than Rifi himself