النصرة تهدد "بقتل الشيعة لديها" بحال تدخّل حزب الله في القلمون

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حذّر تنظيم "جبهة النصرة" من قتل العسكريين الاسرى الشيعة لديه في حال تدخّل "حزب الله" في المعركة التي سيقوم بها من أجل "تحرير" بلدة القلمون السورية.

ونقلت وكالة "انباء الاناضول" التركية، الاحد، مقتطفات من بيان لـ"جبهة النصرة"، ان "الحملة العسكرية لتحرير قرى القلمون ستبدأ خلال أيام".

ولفتت الى ان البيان نبّه الى ان "أي مشاركة لـ "حزب الله" في المعارك ضدنا خلال تحرير القلمون سيضطرنا لقتل الأسرى الشيعة لدينا".

يُشار الى أن الحزب يشارك منذ أكثر من عام ونصف في المعركة السورية إلى جانب النظام. ويعلن الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله الإستمرار في المعركة "حيث يجب أن نكون"، مؤكدا أن سوريا "سند المقاومة لن تترك وحيدة".

وسيطرت القوات السورية مدعومة بعناصر من الحزب، على غالبية منطقة القلمون منتصف نيسان الماضي. الا ان العديد من المقاتلين المعارضين تحصنوا في الجبال والمغاور الطبيعية في هذه المنطقة الواقعة شمال دمشق، وتمتد عشرات الكيلومترات على الحدود مع لبنان.

وتوجه بيان "النصرة" الى السُنّة بالقول: "لقد قمنا بإطلاق سراح أبنائكم كعربون محبة لكم فأنتم أهلنا وأنتم منا ونحن منكم".

أما لمسيحيي لبنان، فقال البيان: "لقد حرم التيار الوطني الحر بأفعاله اﻷخيرة عددا من أبنائكم بأن يعودوا من اﻷسر فالزموا الحياد".

وقام مسلحون، مطلع آب الجاري وخلال المعارك مع الجيش اللبناني في عرسال، بأسر أكثر من 35 عنصراً من الجيش وقوى الأمن. واعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي ان عدد عناصر الجيش المفقودين "يبلغ 20، ومن الاحتمال أن يكون بعضهم قد استشهد".

يُذكر ان "جبهة النصرة" كانت قد أطلق سراح 8 من العسكريين لديها "كبادرة حسن نية"، وفق ما أعلنت، وسط معلومات صحافية عن مطالبتها بالافراج عم موقوفين في سجن رومية مقابل المختطفين لديها.

ومساء السبت، أعلن قيادي في جبهة "النصرة" الإفراج عن خمسة عسكريين من الطائفة السنية محتجزين لديها.

وصباح الاحد، أكد الجيش في بيان ان مديرية المخابرات استلمت كل من: الجندي ابراهيم مصطفى شعبان، الجندي محمد عمر القادري، الجندي احمد عبود غية، الجندي وائل سعيد درويش، اضافة إلى العريف في قوى الأمن الداخلي صالح البرادعي.

من جهة اخرى، أقدم أهالي العسكريين المختطفين على قطع طريقي اللبوة الدولية ورياق البقاعيتين بالاطارات المشتعلة، للاسراع بتحرير ابنائهم. وكان هؤلاء قد قاموا السبت بقطع العديد من الطرقات شمالا وبقاعا، مطالبين بحل سريع لملف أبنائهم.

وكان تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" قد نشر السبت شريطا يظهر فيه الجندي علي الحاج حسين وهو احد العسكريين المخطوفين، يطالب فيه أهله واقاربه بالتحرك والنزول الى الشارع للضغط على الدولة والافراج عن الموقوفين في رومية، والا فسيصار الى اعدامهم خلال مهلة لا تتخطى الثلاثة ايام. وختم بهذه العبارة: "لم نعد نحتمل... حررونا قبل ان يذبحونا".

التعليقات 21
Missing coolmec 11:17 ,2014 آب 31

hey guys
Ever considered that a Lebanese united front is our best approach to deal with the threat Lebanon faces? Don't you think it is better than the mutual m8 and M14 blame game?
Lebanon is facing an existential threat we need to be united to confront this.
so unite and stop this lame mutual blame

Missing coolmec 11:17 ,2014 آب 31

hey guys
Ever considered that a Lebanese united front is our best approach to deal with the threat Lebanon faces? Don't you think it is better than the mutual m8 and M14 blame game?
Lebanon is facing an existential threat we need to be united to confront this.
so unite and stop this lame mutual blame

Missing imagine_1979 11:51 ,2014 آب 31

Indeed, we should also send fighter to syria, irak, yemen... So we secure lebanon even more...
Flame bi charafak, go hv some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 11:37 ,2014 آب 31

I just get over the assassinations, 7 ayyar, assassination attepts, ansar al sonna twitter account, hezbollah jihadist duty in syria, irak... Just shut up and accept that hezbollah decides the fate of my country.... Really southern? That's all u got up with?..
La 3younak, what else?

Missing imagine_1979 11:38 ,2014 آب 31

And please can u tell me how i'm sectarian?
Or i just have to add this adjectif to imperialsit/takfiri/zionist/ksa... For not supporting very secular hezbollah islamic resistance?...

Missing imagine_1979 11:40 ,2014 آب 31

It seems u give a lot of importance to details (btw i wonder who is behind those guys which burning da3ech flag , which i don't mind btw, isnot there only modern and wise manifestation...

Missing imagine_1979 11:43 ,2014 آب 31

But those details are usually the results of a larger pictures no?...
Ur comments hv the same purpuse than ahrar el sonna twitter acount... Same way of thinking, same background? Same great party behind it...

Missing imagine_1979 11:44 ,2014 آب 31

Ur getting smarter flame... Amazing..
No chupachups man?.. Really?...

Missing imagine_1979 11:46 ,2014 آب 31

First not my leadders flame but more patriotic than this sectarian millicia, at least that's how i see it...
And it's only history, but i think too much otv/manar/sana have screwed ur brain, u know geagea was not the only one in fighting in lebanese war....

Missing coolmec 11:52 ,2014 آب 31

FT and imagine
you guys are something else you agreed with my comment yet you manage to do the mutual blame
pity the country

Missing coolmec 12:09 ,2014 آب 31

I agree that the UN should help us seal and protect our border.
On the other hand don't you think that our problem is beyond HA or any other related issue?
can't you just face the fact that the jihadists are at the border ready to expand their caliphate? they would have done so wether HA is fighting in Syria or not
I wish you guys focus on the jihadist threat. We need to face that threat united

Missing imagine_1979 14:34 ,2014 آب 31

No bigjohn hezbollah did it indeed, after all his effort cleaning all south from any other patriotic secular or multiethnic resistance group that liberated beirut to saida before hezbollah was created and after while he was busy fighting amal and getting journalists hostages for ransom...
He even tried this with lebanese army, assassissination of officer samer hana while on duty on a lebanese hellicopter, putting it on the zionist enemy at first, after when prouve were too obvious the hezbo assassin got 6months jail...
Intissarat illahiya ya rafik bigjohn... From lebanon threw syria, irak, yemen...labayka ya nosrolah...
Now go have ur chupachups to..

Missing imagine_1979 14:28 ,2014 آب 31

Flame, So the UN cannot also be on lebanese borders helping lebanese armed forced, or u prefer our local shiite millicia, hezbos will do some better job and some other intissar illahi awou lawou kountou a3lam?...
Flame it's not about an 80 year old genius and superb general getting presidency, it's our country getting dragged in there jihadist duty in syria irak yemen....

Thumb zahle1 14:29 ,2014 آب 31

I disagree. These ISIS wanted this with or without HA. Look at how many FSA they have killed.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:14 ,2014 أيلول 01

Zahle1 - ISIS would have been finished was it not for the Assad regime and Hezbollah attacking the rebels in the back who were about to finish ISIS.

Thumb zahle1 14:36 ,2014 آب 31

It is implied that M14 Christians are with them. What a shame!

Missing imagine_1979 14:51 ,2014 آب 31

Zahleh, no one with a litle comon sence can argue on the fact that isis and co must be exterminated...
But can u tell me on how u see hezbollah doing jihadist duty in syria, irak, yemen.. Enno was it really helpfull? Enno heik nehna mertehinn aktar?... Assad freed lokman from his jail in 2011 with nearly 500 other and u will find this info even in pro assad media u know how is lokman? A retarded takfiri now in charged of isis in dimashk area, u know shaker el abssi style also freed by assad and sent to lebanon, so instead of getting involved in all this mess we can focus on lebanon and maybe if our da3ech shiite style gets out of this regional conflict it might help, no?....

Missing imagine_1979 15:02 ,2014 آب 31

We have a lebanese millicia engaging in jihadist war in all the region.., what are u talking about flame?? We really need a sectarian conflict again?? We really need to be dragged more in this regional conflict???

Thumb Mystic 19:38 ,2014 آب 31

Cowardly salafis, they can't face the Resistance face to face, so they threaten to execute prisoners.

Thumb Mystic 19:38 ,2014 آب 31

Cowardly salafis, they can't face the Resistance face to face, so they threaten to execute prisoners.

Thumb zahle1 00:29 ,2014 أيلول 01

imagine, I wish HA stood on the border and shot every takfiri, Nusra, Isis trying to enter Lebanon. If the army would not do it, I wish they would. I wish they did not go to Syria. I agree with you. I believe they might have made the situation worse by doing so. But at least they have a vision, and have leadership. They obviously believed that their interest in Lebanon would be best served if they played some offense in Syria. M14 has no plan. I am now a neutral, and cannot blindly follow Geagea any more. This Mustaqbal alliance has some major consequences you must admit. I mean HA did nothing for those of us against Assad during his occupation but at least they were not forcing people from villages, attacking churches, and chopping off our heads. I don't thank them for this but look what is happening just a few miles from our villages in Syria. Although the moderate Sunni are against this they are too few, and these snackbarians are their muscle.