رعد: جاهزون لفتح أبواب الحوار لكن على أساس قناعتنا

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أكد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد الأحد جهوزية "حزب الله" للحوار لكن "على أساس قناعتنا"، وأبرز الأولويات هي الإستمرار في محاربة "المشروع الصهيوني والإرهاب التكفيري".

وقال رعد خلال احتفال تأبيني في حسينية بلدة مجدل زون الجنوبية الاحد "جاهزون للتفاهم مع الآخرين ونريد أن نتعاطى بواقعية مع شركائنا في الوطن ومع أبناء المنطقة التي نريدها أن تكون منطقة ممانعة ضد الأخطار الوجودية الكبرى".

ويستعد حزب الله لعقد جلسة حوار ثنائية مع تيار "المستقبل" على صعيد القياديين لم يحدد موعدها بعد. وفيما يأمل الطرفان "تنفيس الإحتقان السني الشيعي" المتصاعد في المنطقة، يأمل التيار التوصل لإسم رئيس جديد "توافقي" للجمهورية.

وأكد رعد الإستعداد لفتح "أبواب التلاقي والحوار لكن من مواقعنا وعلى أساس قناعتنا وعلى ما نراه مصلحة لبلدنا".

وعدا الخلاف على قرار الحرب والسلم الذي يدعو "المستقبل" لحصره بالدولة فقط، لا يوافق التيار على قتال حزب الله في سوريا إلى جانب قوات النظام.

وقال رعد في السياق عينه "سنبقى متيقظين لمخاطر المشروع الصهيوني والإرهاب التكفيري لأننا نرى بوضوح ونستشعر الخطر الوجودي الذي يشكله العدو الصهيوني من جهة والإرهاب التكفيري من جهة أخرى".

وإذ رأى أن "بعض الذين اقتنعوا مؤخرا أن داعش هي إرهاب لا تزال قناعتهم شكلية"، شدد على "ضرورة أن يرفع الغطاء كاملا عن التعاطي مع داعش (تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية) لإسقاط هذا الخطر".

ولم ينس رئيس كتلة حزب الله في البرلمان التأكيد ان "الأزمات التي تعصف بهذا البلد ناتجة عن أفعال البعض الذين راهنوا على سياسات القوى الأجنبية ودعموا ولا زالوا داعش وأمثالها، وراهنوا على أن ثمة تحولا في المنطقة يحصل لحسابهم على حسابنا".

وأكد "هؤلاء سيتعبون كثيرا وسينتظرون طويلا، فقد ولى الزمن الذي يستطيعون فيه رغم كثرة جيوشهم وعدادهم وأموالهم أن يهزموننا، وستبوء كل سياسات المراهنين على خيارات أعدائنا بالفشل".


التعليقات 18
Thumb EagleDawn 20:13 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

Raad Says Hizbullah Ready for Dialogue 'According to Its Principles'
.... and those principles can be summarized as: terrorism, sectarianism, eroding the State, and harboring criminals.

Thumb freedomarch 21:28 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

Can we all become part of this and use it against them, they wont let us to have an army or self armed as well as they don't allow us to negotiate with them if it is not their way.i say it is time to ask the free world to help us from these monsters ... whether Isis or HizEbola both are out of control.

Thumb janoubi 20:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

This man has no principles

Thumb freedomarch 21:42 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

Don't you love the way weapons do to principles
He knows we are brothers in the same tiny country but he chooses to act as a victor lawless without any care to consequences from attitudes.

Thumb freedomarch 21:45 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

Attitudes that can be shown from his distinctive facial marks.

Thumb Elemental 21:20 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

My way or the highway: how moody.

Default-user-icon WillyPete222 (ضيف) 21:30 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

all 3 of you are right and there's nothing you can do about it!

Thumb nickjames 22:01 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

“We will remain vigilant in the face of the threats of the Zionist scheme and the takfiri terrorism, because we are clearly seeing and sensing the existential threat posed by the Zionist enemy and the takfiri terrorism,” the MP added.

Looooooooooool ya3ne because of the Zionists and takfiris we can't have a president...good one Raad

Missing greatpierro 23:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

What does this dialogue mean if khizbollah is only ready to talk according to its principles. Forget this dialogue andet us just listen to raad and Hassan speeches.

Thumb Maxx 23:21 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

Hmmm. Let's read between the lies here, shan't we?
Head of the Loyalty to Resistance Against Lebanon's Dignity bloc, MP Mohammed Raad (representing the Brainwashed Gullible Schmucks and Ready-Traitors constituency), stressed Sunday that Hizbullah ... are ready for reaching an agreement with others and we want to deal realistically with our partners in the country, Iran."
"We will remain vigilant in the face of the threats of the Zionist scheme and the takfiri terrorism, or whatever else we may call anybody who doesn't bow before us, because we are clearly seeing and sensing the existential threat posed by the Zionist enemy and the takfiri terrorism, the same way that we sensed an existential threat in the days leading up to the 14th of February 2005, and the threat when our cover-up was about to be blown which led us to May 2008."

Thumb Maxx 23:21 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

"Some of those who only recently admitted that Daesh (Islamic State group) is terrorist are still voicing superficial stances," said Raad, stressing that "those stances are as superficial as when we say we are a legitimate resistance force while you don't need a double-digit IQ to realize that we're just an Iranian Occupation Force. And unlike the Islamic State that WE tried (but failed, at first) to establish in Lebanon before, Daesh are evil. Believe it or go the way of Rafiq Hariri."

Thumb Maxx 23:22 ,2014 كانون الأول 14

The Iranian HMV puppy blamed the crises in Lebanon on "the deeds of some parties, who made bets on the policies of foreign powers other than Syria and Iran and are still supporting Daesh instead of supporting us when they know that the end-result will be the same."
Lebanon has been left without a president since May, when the tenure of the Honourable President Michel Suleiman ended, due to March 14 nominating a war-criminal who had at least served his time in prison, and March 8 nominating a war-criminal who hadn't even served his time, with neither side seeming to care about the actual Lebanese people that said president will be supposed to represent.

Default-user-icon lebnani wbass (ضيف) 00:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

I think it means , if I try to translate khomeinist rhetoric, that " we can have a deal, because we are winning and assad will not fall
the american are focused on defeating ISIS and co, and the moderate rebels do not exist anymore. so your(mustakbal) position is weak, SA and turkey lost, and we believe US will give us 3 countries : irak syria and lebanon, if we guaranty we clean them from ISIS and other crazy jihadi, so american can withdraw from ME, and Iran will replace them."

Thumb liberty 05:20 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

A certified criminal with no values and no decency....

Thumb -phoenix1 11:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

Mr. Raad, it so happens that your Hezbollah is not alone in living in Lebanon. It so happens that you will never be able to control Lebanon. It so happens that your fellow Lebanese siblings mean no harm to either the Hezb or to its adepts, but it so happens that if you people continue to frustrate every single attempt by the Lebanese people to live normally, then the day will come when you will realize at a lot greater expense that it would have been a lot wiser to listen when the Lebanese people were gently whispering it to your ears. Mr. Raad, you still have time if you forgot, never too late for good deeds.

Default-user-icon lebnani wbass (ضيف) 12:02 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

phoenix1, remember the "negotiations" in 2008 ?
what if one day the "dialogue" is ending up with barrels bombs thrown over jounieh and west Beirut from komeinist heli ?

Thumb Machia 11:54 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

Raad looks like a zombie, so do all other Islamic Extremists: Ikhwan, ISIS, Hezbollah, Nusrah, Qaeda...
Right out of a horror movie...ugly

Default-user-icon Mcmanifesto (ضيف) 12:11 ,2014 كانون الأول 15

Everyone known what hezballah's principles are. They've been the same since they were but a gleam in the ayatollah's, the dead one, eyes. They are th sons of Hizbullah's nation, whose vanguard God has given victory in Iran and which has established the nucleus of the world's central Islamic state, abide by the orders of a single wise and just command currently embodied in the Supreme Ayatollah. Simple, precise, comprehensive.