طيران الشرق الاوسط تعلق رحلتها لبغداد بسبب للاوضاع الامنية

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علقت شركة طيران الشرق الاوسط-الخطوط الجوية اللبنانية، رحلتها المقررة اليوم الثلاثاء من والى بغداد بسبب الاوضاع الامنية.

وفي بيان صادر عن دائرة العلاقات العامة في شركة طيران الشرق الأوسط اعلنت عن "تعليق رحلتها من وإلى مطار بغداد الدولي ليوم الثلاثاء27 كانون الثاني 2015 نظراً للوضع المستجد في مطار بغداد الدولي".

وصباح الثلاثاء، اصيبت طائرة تابعة لشركة "فلاي دبي" المتدنية الكلفة برصاصة قبل هبوطها الاثنين في مطار بغداد الدولي كما اعلن ناطق باسم الشركة الاماراتية.

وبعد هذا الحادث قررت مصلحة الطيران المدني في الامارات تعليق الرحلات الى بغداد للشركات الاربع في البلاد فلاي دبي وطيران الامارات والاتحاد والعربية للطيران.

ويقع مطار بغداد غرب العاصمة، بالقرب من محافظة الانبار التي سيطر جهاديو تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" على اجزاء كبرى منها.



التعليقات 20
Thumb the_roar 12:04 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

iceman,did you forget to log in as norma to sing the houthi tune?

We can't blame you if you forget which name you log in & out with all day long.... keep up the good work iceman..terrorist..norma etc etc.

Thumb EagleDawn 12:14 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27


Thumb the_roar 12:16 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

That's what I thought also...glad we agree on something eagledawn.

how else could we describe iceman?

Thumb EagleDawn 12:22 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

iceman is your nightmare you vindictive hateful creature. Focus on the article and stop spamming with ten new aliases every day.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

takfiris at work. probably the son of some oily sheikh.

Thumb the_roar 12:40 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

Whats scary is no matter when I log into this site...You & your other gender names is re-posting unrelated Houthi over & over.

How about you surprise this forum & prove me wrong by not posting for one day... ONE DAY !! is it that serious that you need to live & breathe on Naharnet & repeating the word houthi over & over?

Thumb the_roar 13:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

when will you sign in as norma & reply to yourself, iceman?

Thumb ex-fpm 13:58 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

-phoenix1 best described him the other day as the toad not the roar.

Thumb the_roar 13:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

You are a star on Naharnet iceman...like clockwork..no one cam match your dedication

King/queen of Naharnet is ta da ...iceman/woman.

punctual & on time every time to reply to itself as predicted.
oh btw..thanks for confirming everything I predicted about you & how you will reply to yourself as norma ... PERFECT..you never miss lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:45 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

how can i quit saying something i never said terrorist?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

we are on very good terms with the lebanese army, and HA supports it in every possible way. it is you and your kind who hate the lebanese army and keep attacking it, verbally and physically, bombing checkpoints, shooting at soldiers, planting IEDs against its convoys, kidnapping and beheading them.

there is nothing you could ever say that would make you respected, there is only one solution for you, and it comes in intra-cranial lead injections.

Thumb EagleDawn 17:14 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

The secular atheist mouthpiece of hezballah says" we are on very good terms with the lebanese army, and HA supports it in every possible way. "

I wonder how he happens to be an atheist member of hezballah when Nassrallah says:
السيد الامين العام لـ”حزب الله”، فجأة ومن دون مقدمات، أطلق سهامه على الملحدين، واعتبر ما يرتكبه البعض باسم الدين والاسلام لا يبرر النزعة الى الإلحاد التي لاحظ انها بدأت تظهر في المجتمعات العربية، ولمّح الى ان خطر الالحاد لا يقل عن خطر التكفير."

Thumb the_roar 13:54 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

southern have a look at what I posted & how it played out like clockwork.

so predictable but pathetic a man pretending to be a woman & replying to him/herself.

lololol it played out like just as predicted...iceman on time everytime lmfao

Thumb ex-fpm 13:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

the troll of trolls has the @ice-man syndrome. Go get a life and for once comment on the article and stop harassing people.

Thumb the_roar 14:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

I will comment on the article when you lead by example.

point us the post you made worth reading?

take a hike spammer

Thumb galaxy 14:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

roar seriously man... this is a news forum and not a gossip social forum. Just look at your first post and onwards. The article is about MEA canceling flights and look how you hijacked the forum with your personal nonsense. Do you know what time it is in the western United States now... I doubt iceman will be posting at 4 in the morning. Your prejudice is clouding your judgement that is if you ever had any. Please spare us your childish behavior and rants and as others said to you STICK to the article.

Thumb the_roar 14:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

Galaxy...I rarely posy on here anymore because its the same BS & the post that was posted when I was here last hasn;t changed.

This should be a forum to debate in a civilized manner.

Yet your friends that you support only repeat the same nonsense every single day.... houthi this houthi that......if you consider that debate then your no better then them.

& yes iceman terrorist norma etc replying to itself & then logging in & out signing as guests to harass anyone who disagrees with their agenda is a disgrace.

You want me to debate whom? who is posting anything to debate?

its nothing more than spam.....houthi houthi houthi houthi houthi..
get real people..this site is bombarded by iceman & his spamming.

when you want debate..then make it only one name per legit email address

anyone have a problem with that?

Default-user-icon the_roar be moss (ضيف) 14:35 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

well said the_roar

Thumb the_roar 15:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

no no, thank you iceman... we value your dedication & commitment to signing in & out all day under so many names..from iceman to terrorist to Norma jean, to even all diff guest names.

Your tireless efforts shall be recognized .

Thumb the_roar 15:02 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

You mean you know this because you haven't had time to log in as iceman yet?

hilarious stuff