"تحذيرات دولية من مواجهات كارثية" اثر خطاب نصرالله

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تلقى عدد من الوزراء تحذيرات دولية من جرّ لبنان الى مواجهات "كارثية"، في حين تشدد الحكومة على موقفها المعتدل القاضي بالوقوف موحدين خلف القوى الشرعية للدفاع عن ارض البلاد.

وأفادت صحيفة "النهار"، السبت، ان "أطرافا في الحكومة تلقوا إتصالات ديبلوماسية من الجانبين الاميركي والفرنسي للإستفسار عن موقف الحكومة" من خطاب الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله.

ونقلت عن مصادر وزارية، قولها ان "الموقف المعتدل الذي اتخذه رئيس الوزراء تمام سلام في مجلس الوزراء الخميس، يفترض مبادلته بالمثل فإذا بالخطاب يأخذ الامور الى مزيد من التصعيد".

"مما يشير الى ان التطمينات الى انتهاء المخاطر ليست سوى تطمينات مرحلية"، وفق مصادر "النهار".

والاربعاء تبنى حزب الله هجوماً على قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية مؤكدا وقوع "قتلى وجرحى" من قبل مجموعة سميت "مجموعة شهداء القنيطرة" الذي سقطوا الأحد في 18 الجاري بغارة إسرائيلية في بلدة القنيطرة السورية. إلا أن الجيش الإسرائيلي رد بقصف بلدات جنوبية معترفا بسقوط قتيلين منه وسقوط سبع إصابات.

وسارع سلام الى ادانة التصعيد العسكري الاسرائيلي في الجنوب، معربا عن قلقه من "النيات العدوانية التي عبر عنها المسؤولون الاسرائيليون وما يمكن ان تسفر عنه من تدهور للأوضاع في لبنان والمنطقة". وأكد أن البلد يقف "بكل فئاته وتلاوينه وقواه السياسية يقف صفا واحدا خلف القوى المسلحة الشرعية في مهمتها المتمثلة في الدفاع عن أرضه وأمن ابنائه".

ولفتت المصادر المعنية عبر "النهار"، الى ان "عددا من المرجعيات تلقى تحذيرا من جهات دولية في الساعات الاخيرة من مغبة جرّ لبنان الى مواجهات ستكون نتائجها كارثية ليس فقط على المستوى الامني، بل أيضا على الصعيد الاقتصادي".

في سياق منفصل، يتوجه رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام منتصف الاسبوع المقبل إلى المانيا، وفق ما أفادت صحيفة "اللواء" السبت، للمشاركة في مؤتمر ميونيخ للأمن.


التعليقات 46
Thumb nickjames 08:37 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Nasrallah declared on Friday that the party no longer recognizes the rules of engagement with Israel, saying that it has the right to respond to an Israeli attack in any way or time it deems fit.

- I'm just curious: was the motto "the army, people and resistance" or was it "the resistance reigns supreme over Lebanon." Oh that's right, the cabinet statement was changed to "the Lebanese have the right to resist" so Hezbollah has the right to resist in anyway it sees fit; got it...

Missing humble 10:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The caporal said to a close friend that Ebola has confiscated the state decision, but for the time being me we must accept it.

Missing humble 10:54 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

What do you think of this Caporal : is he not dirtier than Ebola?

Thumb geha 12:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

the question is:
who gave hizbushaitan and iran behind it the right to decide to drag Lebanon and the Lebanese people into war.
they do not have the right to decide such matters on behalf of more than the Lebanese people!.

this is just an extremist Iranian terrorist militia that is destroying our country Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 14:10 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The Resistance is here to stay, and you western puppets can complain forever, it will do you no good, give up.

Listen to this and stop crying your hearts out.


Default-user-icon Alex (ضيف) 14:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The upcomming war hope it doesn't show up at all ,but if it shows up will be devastating alot innocent civilians wil die while resistant will be digging underground and hidding will be the end of resistant by the lebanese themselves.

Thumb Elemental 08:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

These are Iranians occupying Lebanon and using the country for it's own agendas. Ever since they came in 30+ years ago and began imposing on the regular Shi'a and Christians of Lebanon. They are no better than their "enemy" Israel, it's the exact same tactics: Overpopulate with use of force, manipulate and conquer. They are foreign, plain and simple, and are using the normal natives for their own personal gain, no better than ISIS or Israel.

Missing humble 10:51 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Their will is to create an Islamic Republic.

Thumb Elemental 20:41 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Hello ..le..flamethrower.. Unlike you and your multiple fake accounts, I'm not like that. Secondly I won't lower myself to your level, grow up. Any more false accusations?

Thumb Elemental 02:04 ,2015 شباط 01

I see..le.."phoenician"...was removed, yet another fake account by everyone's favorite (im)poster on this site. Just a heads up before another cheap tactic is played. Cheers.

Default-user-icon CHARLIE (ضيف) 08:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

International Community Greatly Concerned after the killing of a UNO spanish peace keeper by Israeli bombings, that comes after israeli bombings of UNO schools and hospitals in Gaza, where civilians were searching shelter.

Thumb liberty 08:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

This criminal should be eliminated ASAP. He blatantly defies the will of the people, has no regards to the state, the army, the security forces, the government, and international resolutions.

Thumb nickjames 09:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

But Liberty the ISF stands for Internal Salafi Forces, and if it weren't for Hezbollah, the government would establish a Zionist Salafi caliphate and impose it on the Lebanese citizens, and beheadings and crucifixions will be commonplace. Thank God for Hezbollah... oh sorry I can't thank God for Hezbollah, because Hezbollah is the Party of God...

Thumb marcus 09:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

يا رب احمنا من الذي ينتحل اسمك وجعل لك حزبا

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 09:03 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

May all your life savings be in Russian Ruble and all your valuables be in Tin as you prepare the final touches to lay in pieces and tranquility dear flamethrower.... RIP Shia hero

Thumb Machia 09:23 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Interesting story in the Washington Post on how the CIA and Mossad conspired to kill Imad Mughniyah:

Thumb Machia 09:32 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

According to sources quoted in the article, Al Qaeda is considered amateurish compared to Hezbollah.
How the CIA, Mossad, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State and Hezbollah kill one another is none of my concern. They all contribute to the destruction, poverty and misery that is present in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
They are are disgusting killers that consider the great majority of human beings, families, university students, children, teenagers, grandmothers, grandfathers, pregnant women, babies living in those countries as collateral damage.
They think that their cause is more important than our lives.

Thumb cityboy 11:41 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

interesting how you never blame USA, Britian, France for any of the long standing wars in the middle east.

Thumb cityboy 12:14 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

I support any one in Lebanon that is willing to fight for Lebanon, ensuring that all its citizens are protected from foreign enemies and from any form of internal authoritism by any one group and above all to keep Lebanon from becoming a slave state, we have enough of them around us.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (ضيف) 13:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Oh @cityboy, I was thinking the same thing.... the same thing exactly. We both support anyone willing to fight for Lebanon, ensuring that all its citizens are protected from foreign enemies and from any form of INTERNAL AUTHORITISM by any one group such as Mustaqbal or the Lebanese Forces; We both are Shia extremists who pretend to be secular in order to drum up support for Hizbollah; We both are malignant narcissists and most importantly we both are paid to post.

Thumb marcus 13:16 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

no city boy... you only support hezbollah and are happy to see it dominate other groups and sects because you are one of them.

Thumb cityboy 16:25 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

pboy, I am always patriotic, that is why i support the proven success of the people, army, and resistance equation. You should try it too.

Thumb Machia 21:16 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Cityboy and his Village People crew,

Please read what I wrote: " the CIA, Mossad, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State and Hezbollah kill one another is none of my concern. They ALL contribute to the destruction, poverty and misery that is present in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq."

Thumb nickjames 19:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Le Phenicien starting to think outside the box... Attaboy

Missing humble 10:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Norma Jean for president

Missing humble 10:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The caporal said to a close person that Ebola had confiscated the state decision, but for the time being me we must accept it.

Missing humble 11:36 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

If Caporal says loud on TV that "Ebola has confiscated the state decision. That Ebola must surrender its weapons. That he is not for Mutelateh. That the Butcher is an assassin. That the best course for Lebanon is Neutrality". Then he will be my candidate.

Missing humble 10:50 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

I truly believe what Myriam of Medjugorje said 2 years ago that Holy Virgin Mary has put her protecting hand over Lebanon.

Missing humble 10:50 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Is Mastica a human being???

Missing humble 10:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Yesterday, the caporal said to a close friend that Ebola has confiscated the state decision, but for the time being we must accept it.

Thumb cityboy 11:39 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Are his days numbered just like Assad's were 4 years ago.

Thumb cityboy 12:07 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Yeah, it's just a matter of time before the sun burns out too.

Thumb cityboy 11:45 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Obviously you have not being paying attention. You just witnessed an eye for an eye attack on Israel. Does Israel want to escalate things, will have to wait and see.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:15 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

thought hizb was destroyed in 2006 !!!!!?????

Thumb cityboy 12:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Exactly my point too, Israel has no right or justification to escalate the situation, unless it is looking for an all out war.

Thumb cityboy 12:20 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

For terrorist, a week ago, most of you posters on here were daring hezbollah to do something, accusing it of being scared to retaliate. Now they have and you accuse them of speaking the same language of the enemy. You really have to make up your mind what you want.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The incredible credible flamethrower once explained his presence on naharnet:
unlike people like you, I'm into conversing with the opposite side, which explains my presence on naharnet."
and his "conversing" clearly shows..

Default-user-icon Mushroom (ضيف) 14:11 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Lebanon's problem is that Hezbollah holds it in the balls and is stronger than the military

Thumb EagleDawn 14:51 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

The day this sectarian terrorist is dead is the day we finally celebrate our independence.

Thumb Mystic 15:28 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Haha cute biography texas, did you write it yourself?

Thumb shab 17:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Filthy murdering militia

Default-user-icon Mark (ضيف) 18:29 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

..iiCan't believe you guys are waiting time listening to this garbage ass. He is no more than a very professional Mossad agent helping Israel destroying all the neighboring countries,and when time comes they will get ridd of him like others. @mastic:you are soo stupid, I feel sorry for you.

Missing mark 18:32 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

He is nothing other than a Mossad agent

Thumb EagleDawn 19:24 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

flamethrower and mowaten always the dynamic duo

Thumb Machia 21:21 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Naharnet is an excellent free, serious and independent platform where we can express our thoughts.
Try expressing your thoughts on Tayyar.org or Al Akhbar. I guess if you are a bearded khomeinist at heart you could but if you are a liberal, secular, pro-development, anti-extremist freedom lover your comment will be "blown up" off the site.

Thumb Machia 21:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 31

Israel GDP per capita: 36,151.21 USD
Lebanon GDP per capita: 9,928.04 USD
Iran GDP per capita: 4,763.30 USD
Syria GDP per capita: 2,065.54 USD

The difference between the extremist zionists, khomeinists, Assad regime and ISIS is that the zionists take care of the development of their country.
Instead of emulating their extremism and being proud of being better and scarier murderers than they are, we should emulate their economic development.
Because the race to being a better murderer is a race to annihilation and destruction.