اشتباكات "عنيفة" بين حزب الله والمجموعات المسلحة في جرود الطفيل وبريتال

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تدور اشتباكات "عنيفة" بين حزب لله والمجموعات المسلحة في جرود الطفيل وبلدة بريتال البقاعية، بالتزامن مع تقارير عن تحضر الحزب لخوض معركة القلمون.

وقالت قناة "المنار" ان المواجهات عنيفة. وأفادت عن تدمير 5 آليات ومقتل 12 مسلحاً في المواجهات هذه.

اما قناة "الميادين" فأفادت عن مقتل العشرات من مسلحي النصرة في كمائن متقدمة نصبتها عناصر من حزب الله في جرود طفيل وبريتال.

لاحقا، أفادت قناة "سكاي نيوز عربية"عن مقتل علي عليان قائد العمليات العسكرية لحزب الله في معارك القلمون.

ووفقا لقناة "الجزيرة" قتل اثنان من قادة حزب الله الميدانيين في مواجهات القلمون أيضا.

و تقع بلدة الطفيل في أقصى جرود سلسلة لبنان الشرقية في نقطة تداخل في الجغرافيا السورية بعمق نحو 24 كيلومتراً، وتحيط بها الأراضي السورية من ثلاث جهات، الشمال والشرق والجنوب، ولكن إلى الغرب منها تقع بلدات حام ومعربون وبريتال اللبنانية.

ويبلغ عدد سكان الطفيل أكثر من خمسة آلاف لبناني من المسلمين والمسيحيين، منهم أكثر من 25 عنصرا في الجيش اللبناني، وفق اتحاد الجمعيات الإغاثية والتنموية في لبنان.

وتنشر وسائل الاعلام مؤخرا تقارير عن تخطيط قوات النظام وحزب الله لشن هجوم كبير يستهدف القضاء على تجمعات مسلحي المعارضة في جرود القلمون ومنع تدفقهم باتجاه لبنان عبر بلدة عرسال الحدودية او وصولهم الى دمشق.

ومنذ ايام أفاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان عن ان مقاتلين من جبهة النصرة والفصائل الاسلامية والمقاتلة هاجموا مراكز تابعة لحزب الله وقوات النظام السوري في جرود القلمون شمال دمشق، حيث تدور اشتباكات عنيفة منذ ايام بين الطرفين.

ويتنازع الجهاديون ومقاتلو عدد من الفصائل المعارضة ابرزها اسلامية السيطرة على منطقة ريف القلمون الشرقي، في وقت تسيطر قوات النظام ومقاتلو حزب الله على ريف القلمون الغربي منذ نيسان 2014، الا أن اعددا من المسلحين استطاعوا حينها التحصن في بعض المناطق الجبلية وكانوا ينطلقون منها لشن هجمات على مواقع النظام والحزب.

"الجيش السوري وحلفاءه يصدون هجوما للمجموعات المسلحة من جهة جرود الجبة وجرود عسال الورد حيث وقعت المجموعات المهاجمة في كمائن محكمة ادت الى تدمير الياتهم، اضافة الى مقتل وجرح العشرات" في صفوفهم.


التعليقات 51
Thumb EagleDawn 17:20 ,2015 أيار 05

The pro-Hizbullah al-Mayadeen television meanwhile reported the death of “dozens” of fighters from the Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front in “advanced ambushes set up by Hizbullah members in the outskirts of Tufail and Brital.”

al mayadeen reports are as credible as when mowaten says he is lebanese and secular:)

MTV: The funeral procession of Hezbollah militant Hassan Zeaiter, killed in #Qalamoun clashes, got underway in #Bekaa

Thumb EagleDawn 17:23 ,2015 أيار 05

you know my reaction... I wish everyone of your iranian terrorists dead.

Thumb justin 17:32 ,2015 أيار 05

نعى “حزب الله” “القائد” علي خليل عليان الذي “قضى اثناء قيامه بواجبه في الدفاع المقدس” حسب ما جاء في بيان النعي الذي تناقلته مواقع تابعة للحزب. القتيل ملقب بـ”ابو حسين ساجد” وهو من بلدة قلاوية الجنوبية.

Thumb skeletor 17:38 ,2015 أيار 05

They are coming in by the truck loads.... even up here they're fighting: one says 'allahu akbar' and another answers 'labayka ya hussein'.

Thumb liberty 18:09 ,2015 أيار 05


Thumb ice-man 18:28 ,2015 أيار 05


Thumb shab 21:20 ,2015 أيار 05


Thumb Mystic 17:44 ,2015 أيار 05

We wish all your beloved takfiri militants eradicated aswell parrotdown, don't you worry none, because that is what is happening at this minute.

Thumb EagleDawn 17:51 ,2015 أيار 05

mystic i could care less. I only care about how many of your iranian terrorists who live in Lebanon become waste.... that's all.

Thumb Mystic 17:53 ,2015 أيار 05

Honorable blessed Resistance, fighting for the safety of Lebanon and the whole region. Truly heroes


Thumb liberty 18:04 ,2015 أيار 05

why don't you join your "heroes" and become a martyr instead of spamming the forum 24/7...?

Thumb Mystic 18:11 ,2015 أيار 05

Trying to keep myself alive to disturb your life on this here website libtard. Don't worry, death comes for us all sometime.
Question is, would you welcome it?

Thumb joebustani 18:12 ,2015 أيار 05

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its supporters, members, or followers wherever they maybe.

Thumb ice-man 18:26 ,2015 أيار 05

How sad..... this news ruined my whole day. I can't focus on my work, I can't talk with my friends, I can't even cry. Why are these monsters intent on slaughtering our resistance as if they were sheep to the slaughter, why? I feel very sad..... or am I the only one feeling this way?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:50 ,2015 أيار 05

They asked for it, here comes their "zero hour".

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:58 ,2015 أيار 05

and "poof" they go

Missing Ghazanfar 19:06 ,2015 أيار 05

I'm sure if you told General Chamel Roukoz he's a Great General in the Great Cristhian Army of Lebanon he wouldn't know what the hell you were talking about!

Thumb EagleDawn 19:10 ,2015 أيار 05

Al-Jazeera: Two Hizbullah field commanders were killed in the Qalamun clashes.
and "poof" "poof" they went.

Thumb Mystic 19:19 ,2015 أيار 05

Let's hear what the beloved Sayed says about this later.
This is a great day for the Resistance, the battle of all battles thus far.

Missing peace 19:24 ,2015 أيار 05

terrorists killing terrorists so none of lebanese business as long as they kill themselves in syria .....

Thumb ashtah 19:26 ,2015 أيار 05

the battle of all battles started with the death of your field commander, not a great start:)

Missing hajjradwan 19:28 ,2015 أيار 05

Saint Peter is going to be real pissed when both sets of Jehadis show up at his gate unannounced, with keys, demanding to get in. By now he should be sick and tired of explaining for the billionth time that the keys are only decorative, they don't open anything and the gate they are looking for is the red hot one in the basement.. "I don't care what you've been told this is the wrong place! Now quit bothering me go to that other gate! There's no need to knock or for a key. Just push it open, the ones that still got their legs take off your shoes, and get in. Your friends Osama and Imad are waiting for you there..".

Thumb the_roar 19:40 ,2015 أيار 05

The brave men of Lebanon(HA) have once again come to Lebanon's rescue.

If it were not for HA, Lebanon would be another Iraq,Syria,Libya etc.

May God be with you & many thanks in advance .

Thumb liberty 19:50 ,2015 أيار 05

the 'australian' night security guard is on duty once more. Is your lebanese great great grandfather still alive and feeding you lebanese politics...? shame he did not teach you Arabic.

Thumb the_roar 19:53 ,2015 أيار 05

how was your weekend liberty? how did you spend it?

Did you come on as Iceman or normajean?

how about you go get a change of thobe for us.

Thumb geha 20:00 ,2015 أيار 05

may both sides kill each other and no one of them remain.
long live Lebanon.

Thumb the_roar 20:02 ,2015 أيار 05

Only problem with your post is this....Not one of them lives in Lebanon & I doubt any are Lebanese or have roots belonging to Lebanon.

They are paid trolls to incite hatred on Lebanese forums.

How else could one explain their unwavering support for IS-Nusra-Qaida or in fact anyone who intends on harming Lebanon?

Thumb EagleDawn 20:02 ,2015 أيار 05

flamethrower .. nezlit dam3te man.... oussa mou2ssira jiddan jiddan

Thumb the_roar 20:04 ,2015 أيار 05

& here is the proof...like a vulture it waits all day everyday.

Does it miss a day? Paid troll 24/7

Thumb EagleDawn 20:30 ,2015 أيار 05

the_toar, actually i did not post for 2 weeks but then again you were not here and you would not know that, would you now:)

Thumb the_roar 20:34 ,2015 أيار 05

No I wasn't here...but this place is so predictable.

You deny being here for the last 2 weeks?

so if I go through history of articles for the last 2 weeks ..I won;t find a post for you?

Thumb the_roar 20:13 ,2015 أيار 05

had some spinach today, iceman-normajean?

lol@iceman & his gif friends...not to mention his feminine side.

Thumb the_roar 20:18 ,2015 أيار 05

You who cheers every article that speaks of killing is a man of peace?

You who cheers every war is a man of peace?

you who spreads lies 24/7 on a political forum is a man of peace?

you're nothing but a peaceofsht

Thumb the_roar 20:19 ,2015 أيار 05

so his English isn't the best...that gives you great joy to note it down for all?

what a loser.. kids in 2nd class got over that type of BS

Thumb beatryce 20:19 ,2015 أيار 05

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.

free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free Beirut
free Aden

Thumb the_roar 20:36 ,2015 أيار 05

Lets hope not only teens but women also...Lebanon is at a point of no return....It requires all out commitment to stop your friends IS nusra qaida etc from entering Lebanon.

For then no woman or child will live with any rights as a human.

better dead than live under your friends.

Move along bani..go fetch some milk & blankets for your relatives Isis etc

Thumb the_roar 20:48 ,2015 أيار 05

If my country was under this threat I would indeed sign up.

Why live, if your values are gone?

Thumb the_roar 21:11 ,2015 أيار 05

go ask the Kurds what they think of their values & if their is a need to fight for their values...including women & teens.

God bless those who refuse to lay down & lose their values.

You are not here to tell truths ..you're a story teller..like the rebels in Yemen have surrendered etc..nothing but BS comes from you

Thumb the_roar 21:22 ,2015 أيار 05

a liar like you cannot curse anything...for liars are already cursed.

No one is sending children to fight for anyone...Its fighting for your own freedom''


The world admires the Kurds..why? because they rose as one against your friends Isis nusra etc to save their freedom.

you're a staunch supporter of Is etc...no wonder you lie so often.

Thumb the_roar 20:40 ,2015 أيار 05

you call yourself the "truth' ? really?

you who assured us with all truth known to man that the rebels in Yemen have surrendered is now back to give more Truth to us?

how shameful .. how despicable ..how low can you be?

Thumb the_roar 20:40 ,2015 أيار 05

you call yourself the "truth' ? really?

you who assured us with all truth known to man that the rebels in Yemen have surrendered is now back to give more Truth to us?

how shameful .. how despicable ..how low can you be?

Thumb the_roar 20:43 ,2015 أيار 05

The same noble army you accused many times of taking orders from HA.

The same noble army you accused many times of serving HA.

The same noble army you cheered when Assir & his grubs killed.

Which noble army do you speak of today? & what would a grub like you know about noble? Go fetch some milk & blankets for those you supported who kill the Noble army that makes you cheer.

Thumb the_roar 20:46 ,2015 أيار 05

& if you have any doubts that you have no idea about being noble.

You cannot spell the word to begin with let alone trying to act it.

Thumb the_roar 20:56 ,2015 أيار 05

congratulations Gabby...you sound like a wounded sow.

Feel better now? now go fetch some milk & blankets for your relatives Isis nusra qaida etc..they require your support

Thumb the_roar 21:01 ,2015 أيار 05

Not to mention your total & unwavering support to boot.

Not to worry Bani...HA are brave & will make the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard Lebanon from You & your brethren IS0Nusra-Qaida etc.

you just worry about supplying your brethren with the milk & blankets.

Thumb geha 21:04 ,2015 أيار 05

guys, enjoy this one :)


Thumb shab 21:24 ,2015 أيار 05

filthy militias killing filthy militias. Great day

Thumb the_roar 22:17 ,2015 أيار 05

Yeh & don't forget to go pay your respects to your relatives that have been killed on the border of Lebanon.

We know you wanted them to enter Lebanon, but HA killed them.

Bad luck Bani....oh & don't forget the milk & blankets you have to deliver to them.

Missing wikileaked 22:38 ,2015 أيار 05

القائد ميداني في حزب الله معني بمعرکة القلمون قال في حديث خاص إلى وكالة الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية للأنباء “إرنا” ”المعرکة المقبلة ستکون من کل الجبهات الميدانية، وبمشارکة کل الأسلحة بما فيها سلاح الجو، متحدثًا عن “مفاجآت” ستذهل الجميع”.

مفاجأة علي المذهلة

قتل قياديان من “حزب الله” معركة القلمون وأضافت المصادر أن أحد القتيلين هو القيادي في حزب الله ومسؤول العمليات في معركة القلمون،
وكان نعى “حزب الله” “القائد” علي خليل عليان الذي “قضى اثناء قيامه بواجبه في الدفاع المقدس” في القلمون

Thumb the_roar 23:18 ,2015 أيار 05

You seem to know more about Mowaten, his private parts & fetishes better than you know yourself.

maybe you need to get a life dude.

naharnet will only get you so far.

Thumb thepatriot 15:39 ,2015 أيار 06

grayt Englich endiid porto!