عون يؤكد أن التكتل "لن يستقيل" من الحكومة: سنشاكس من الداخل

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أكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أنه لن يستقيل من الحكومة بل "سيشاكس" مع وزرائه من الداخل.

وقال عون في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير" أنه "منذ عودته الى لبنان قبل عشر سنوات، وهناك من يصر على إقصائه بما يمثل في الوجدان المسيحي، وبالتالي استبعاده وتهميشه ووضع حواجز دون مشاركة المسيحيين في القرار".

واوضح أنّه "برغم الكتلة النيابية الكبيرة التي فاز بها في انتخابات العامين 2005 و2009 لم ينل حقيبة سيادية، ولم يتمكن من تعيين قاض أو ضابط في قوى الأمن الداخلي لأنه يرفض تدوير الزوايا".

عليه، صرح عون "سخوض مواجهة مع الحكومة، لا يجوز أن تستبعد الأقلية من الأكثرية"، مضيفا "أنا أقاتل كي أكرس الإصلاح والحقوق ولهذا يتكتل الجميع ضدي، أعرف أين المال المهدور وكيف هدر".

وتابع "انهم يرفضون التوازن ويقومون بالسطو على الحقوق، ربما يريدون منا أن نغطس في هذه اللعبة، ولو غطسنا معهم لكنت ريّسهم".

ورأى عون أن "القوات اللبنانية" لربما كانت محقة حين طرحت الفيدرالية في زمن الحرب الأهلية، قائلا "صار مستحيلاً أن نقبل ما يحصل معنا، وهذا التحوّل في الموقف فُرض علينا ولم نخلقه".

وإذ سأل "ماذا يمكن أن أقدّم للمسيحيين في هذا الموقف الذي وُضعت فيه"، حذر عون من أن "الأفق مقفل وهم يرفضون أن يستمعوا الى شكوانا وكأنهم يطلبون منا أن نحزم حقائبنا لنرحل".

وسأل أيضا "إذا كانوا مصرين على التمديد لقائد الجيش جان قهوجي فما الذي يجمعنا بهذه الدولة؟

مؤكدا "انا لن اخون الأمانة التي منحت لي، ستون سنة على الرئاسة والدولة وقيادة الجيش".

في هذا الاطار جزم عون لـ "السفير" أنّ وزراء "التكتل" لن يستقيلوا من الحكومة، لا بل سيشاكسون من الداخل وشعبياً، رافضاً الكشف بحسب الصحيفة عن خططه الاعتراضية، لأنها "سرّ المهنة".

أما عن الاستطلاع الرئاسي فلفت رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر"، انه يحدد خيارات المسيحيين، قائلا "لربما هناك من ينتظر مخرجاً مشرفا".

واشار الى ان في حال تبوء سمير جعجع المركز الأول سأقدم له التهنئة وأنزل الى المجلس لانتخابه اذا كانت هذه ارادة المسيحيين".

وكان عون عقد اجتماعا طارئا أمس الخميس بعد ساعات من انعقاد جلسة مجلس الوزراء عرض خلالها ما أسماها بالتجاوزات القانونية والدستورية للحكومة، محذرا من التوجه نحة "انفجار" اذا استمرت حال الحكومة على ما هي عليها.

التعليقات 33
Thumb ex-fpm 09:14 ,2015 تموز 03

“If married couples disagree, they resort to divorce. We don't want divorce but we propose federalism that is based on a centralized government.”

Strange, but you said you and hezbollah are one body and share the same organs.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:17 ,2015 تموز 03

Aoun told As Safir that despite his bloc's victory in the parliamentary elections of 2005 and 2009, he hasn't been able to appoint a single judge or officer in the Internal Security Forces.

and why should you be able to appoint a judge! You preach independence and transparency of the judiciary and now you want to appoint a politically motivated judge?

Thumb ex-fpm 09:19 ,2015 تموز 03

"some parties are working to eliminate him and trying to put obstacles to the participation of Christians in political decision-making."

I think he means trying to put obstacles to the participation of Christians in positions like the Director of General Security;)

Thumb EagleDawn 11:12 ,2015 تموز 03

5 flamethrowers voted freely on your comment.:)

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:25 ,2015 تموز 03

Aoun is the leader of the biggest Christian bloc in Lebanon, the presidency is his by right.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:26 ,2015 تموز 03

And this regardless of how much saudi slaves are instructed to hate him

Default-user-icon super.mowaten (ضيف) 13:35 ,2015 تموز 03

Geagea is the leader of the biggest Christian bloc in Lebanon, the presidency is his by right.

And this regardless of how much iranian slaves are instructed to hate him

Thumb EagleDawn 13:59 ,2015 تموز 03

by the same token, you are the leader of the biggest trolls bloc on naharnet and as such the privilege is your right.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:10 ,2015 تموز 03

Mowaten, to be fair on you, your statement over Aoun was correct if this was a few years ago, but to say this in 2015 is tantamount to suffering from a total disconnection from reality. With all due respects to your sect, I believe that you are either a Shiite or a Metweleh, so by default you could be forgiven to give unconditional support to your key ally Aoun. However, not wanting to burst your bubble, fact is that nowadays Aoun no longer has that kind of support anymore, this support he once might have enjoyed has now dwindled to almost zero. Have you ever heard of that saying about not only reaching the top, but rather staying there? At HA HQ, you're having that exact problem nowadays, do you have any clues as to why?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:58 ,2015 تموز 03

Yaa MOwaten, ma elnelak min zamen, let's vote, you want street level, so be it, you want it parliament level, so be it, yalla, bala ketret 7akeh, let's do it. My bottom Dollar, your Claoun will lose, and with him HA as well. The trouble with the Hezbollah-led M8 is its proficiency to cheat and to refuse facts, but I am one who would say, let's go, but this time when you lose, the first thing is for Sayed Hassan NOT to double track, the winer wins and end of story. Try nmot to assassinate, or bomb people out of existence, this time things have changed.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:21 ,2015 تموز 03

Stay calm ya Mowaten, ma badda hal ad ya sheykh. About Aoun, it was proposed to him 3 weeks ago, but chi tabi3eh, you did not know, leysh ka dineh?

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:06 ,2015 تموز 03

elections were proposed to him 3 weeks ago? where do you get these from? or maybe you're talking about the opinion poll that LF wants to conduct? go ahead and do as many polls as you want, what we want is elections and a new parliament.

Missing humble 13:33 ,2015 تموز 03

He cannot say this without the approval of his Masters...we can clearly deduce that Ebola is aiming at creating a religious state...but Qitman and Taqqiya are behind.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:11 ,2015 تموز 03

Mowaten, you're wrong again, Shiite and Metweleh are NOT that same, in fact, they have started shooting at each other. Then ya Mowaten, that poor language, that trolling, why? Even when the going gets though, there is simply no need for this acrimonious kind of language, neither for that sultry behavior, such draconian reaction from your side is not needed. Thank God you people don't rule this country, one would have seen the very worst of the worst, thus, Aboul Mish the Claoun will never see that seat. Sad days for you people, and those you claim to support.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:16 ,2015 تموز 03

Ya Mowaten, ya habibi, you seem to forget that I am in the LF, wlak ya rou7i enta, I am right at the heart of the LF. Unlike Hezbollah or the FPM, we are not bombastic. The idea was discussed with your old friend Aoun, but even him agreed that constitutionally it wouldn't be possible and could even pave the way form more constitutional risks and abrogations. But your friend Aoun also knows the risks to him, these days he no longer enjoys any majority, street or parliament, for once do listen in good faith.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:24 ,2015 تموز 03

Mowaten, this a special gift for your eyes, just in and I hope that you will not want to deny this either: بحضور عدد من الضباط ، تسلّم اللواء اللوجستي قبل ظهر اليوم عبر مرفأ بيروت، كمية من الأسلحة والذخائر مقدمة هبة من السلطات الصينية لمصلحة الجيش اللبناني.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:20 ,2015 تموز 04

who would deny that phoenix? plus it's completely irrelevant here

Thumb barrymore 10:34 ,2015 تموز 03

the people of Lebanon and specifically this lunatic's followers deserve no better. When people vote for a crazed unruly fanatic like this one, they cannot complain about his actions.

Thumb shab 13:28 ,2015 تموز 03

General Michel "Warning" Aoun

Missing humble 13:38 ,2015 تموز 03

The General of Generals is the coward who run away. Everyone knows that. He is corrupt + 3ameel + traitor + mentally mareed ! Everyone can see that.
The "lebanese-iranians" are supporting him because he is mentally ill and they know how to manipulate him.

Missing humble 13:39 ,2015 تموز 03

If his Masters see that he is destroying the Institutions and the Christians, they will support him more...

Thumb canadianpaul 13:47 ,2015 تموز 03

In any other country in the world, naming a relative to be the Head of the Army would be considered a flagrant conflict of interest, and the perosn would be forced to resign. Not Aoun, he has no shame! After forcing us to "like" his im-Bassil, he now wants us to like his "Shame-l".

Thumb justin 16:50 ,2015 تموز 03

I am not sure what satisfaction you get by making a fake account per comment when everybody knows you are a regular user and poster on this forum. DO you enjoy insulting people? Does it make you feel superior? Think for one moment: everybody can do the same and hide behind a new fake screen name and pour insults onto others. Your resorting to insulting others shows your absolute sick mind and lack of morals.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 14:45 ,2015 تموز 03

When the delusional senile fool speaks of "robbing our rights" he means his family, his sons in law.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:47 ,2015 تموز 03

Aoun the claoun, the caporal il zghir, at the beginning of times advertised himself as the man with clean hands, well, now not to delve into his tainted past, his present is just as bad. He has never been a clean man, never has had an iota of dignity, that noble uniform he once wore was probably the worst apostasy of his, now the real Aoun, or better known as the Claoun want not only the presidency of Lebanon, but rather all of Lebanon, pure and sheer heresy from a man who has now lost it all.

Missing humble 15:20 ,2015 تموز 03

Yes. He protects the Cristhians but destroys the Christians.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:00 ,2015 تموز 03

No ya habileh.domn.habileh.com, but I am one who reported your IP, do you read, I said I reported your IP, it happens to be the same collection of IPs that your yellow camp uses to troll. El 3ama bi albkoun shoo hebal, 3an jad!!

Thumb EagleDawn 16:40 ,2015 تموز 03

this is the incredible credible flamethrower:)

Thumb -phoenix1 16:03 ,2015 تموز 03

Tricky Tric, I can see you sitting in a semi lit room, your Caporal Claoun sitting on a wooden horse wearing Napoleon's hat, one hand tucked inside his front jacket, the other one behind, you ya Trick dangling a cheap Cedars cigarette from your mouth and happily painting the old fool. Trust me, you won't make a fortune our of this painting because only a fool paints another fool, just as you've done with this silly post of yours. Did you need all those exclamation marks too?!

Thumb the.treating.psychiatrist 16:24 ,2015 تموز 03

We have come to the conclusion that wherever the General goes off his cocktail of meds he will do what any animal in nature does when it's cornered, act erratically and blindly lash out at everything around him!
Please ladies and gentlemen we beg of you, as his treating medical care professional, always refill his prescription and have his nurse follow it to the letter, those are not mere suggestion people!

Thumb -phoenix1 20:25 ,2015 تموز 03

بحضور عدد من الضباط ، تسلّم اللواء اللوجستي قبل ظهر اليوم عبر مرفأ بيروت، كمية من الأسلحة والذخائر مقدمة هبة من السلطات الصينية لمصلحة الجيش اللبناني.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:32 ,2015 تموز 03

Lebanese Special Forces FB page just in: weapons from China to the Lebanese Armed Forces: بحضور عدد من الضباط ، تسلّم اللواء اللوجستي قبل ظهر اليوم عبر مرفأ بيروت، كمية من الأسلحة والذخائر مقدمة هبة من السلطات الصينية لمصلحة الجيش اللبناني.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:39 ,2015 تموز 03

Mowaten, your fight is not with me but with MM. When you see me express the word Shock, you tell me, all I was trying to say was for you not to fly the lid off, I am sure that this forum could do without this added devaluation package feature.