مسؤولون فرنسيون يتابعون "بعيدا عن الأضواء" موضوع تزويد الجيش المزيد من الأسلحة

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يزور وفد فرنسي حاليا لبنان "بعيدا عن الأضواء" لمتابعة موضوع تزويد الجيش بالاسلحة المنصوص عليها ضمن الهبة السعودية.

ويعقد هذا الوفد بحسب ما كشفت صحيفة "ألجمهورية" الجمعة سلسلة اجتماعات مع المعنيين لمتابعة الملف.

وكان السفير الفرنسي ايمانويل بون أعلنَ إثر لقائه وزيرَ الخارجية جبران باسيل أمس الخميس أنّ لدى بلاده "برنامجاً واعداً وذا أسُس لتجهيز الجيش اللبناني، ما يَسمح له بإنجاز كلّ مهمّاته في كلّ المجالات".

واكد أن "هذا البرنامج مستمر في ظلّ أفضل الظروف"، لافتا الى انه "تم الاتفاق بين السلطات السعودية والفرنسية واللبنانية معا، وإنّ هذا التزامٌ قويّ مِن الدوَل الثلاث لتطبيق البرنامج كاملا".

في هذا السياق، أفادت مصادر عسكرية لـ"الجمهورية" أن "الأمور تسير بسَلاسة".

وأوضحت ان "الجيش وبَعد إكمال صفقةِ الـ 3 مليارات دولار، سيؤمّن تجديدا لأسلحته بنحوٍ يَكفيه لعقود"، مشيرة الى أن "هذا الأمر شبيه بصفقة الأسلحة الأميركية التي حصل عليها في الثمانينات وأمَّنَت له تجديداً لعديده، لا يزال سارياً حتى الآن".

ومنذ أشهر أقيم احتفال في قاعدة مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي الجوية بحضور وزير الدفاع الفرنسي جان ايف لودريان والسفير السعودي في لبنان علي عواض عسيري ووزير الدفاع الوطني سمير مقبل وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، جرى خلاله تسليم لبنان الدفعة الاولى من الاسلحة الفرنسية ضمن الهبة السعودية.

وفي نهاية كانون الاول 2013، أعلنت السعودية عن منح ثلاثة مليارات دولار للجيش لتزويده أسلحة فرنسية.

ويتسلم الجيش الذي يخوض معارك على الحدود مع سوريا ضد مجموعات متطرفة، أسلحة فرنسية وكذلك اميركية كدعم له.

وينتشر الجيش في بلدة عرسال البقاعية وينفذ مداهمات في كافة المناطق اللبنانية وسط تشديد على دوره الحامي للاستقرار وضرورة تحييده عن اي صراع سياسي.


التعليقات 24
Thumb EagleDawn 08:07 ,2015 آب 21

But the incredible credible flamethrower thinks otherwise!

"France is currently discussing with Lebanon the delivery of arms to the Lebanese military under a $3 billion Saudi grant."
another M14 lie in the light of what KSA said: they will not activate the grant without an (M14) president.

Thumb Mystic 08:50 ,2015 آب 21

More scrap metal from the French scrapyards & landfills.

Ofcourse the March 14 stooges will wait as little baby birds for their mother France and father Saudi to deliver them junk in their little nests.

Thumb marcus 13:55 ,2015 آب 21

more propaganda from Mystic. How do you think the LAF have been able to withstand the threats at the borders and almost on a daily basis shelling the intruders. Where do they get their ammunition from?
Surely not from hezbollah iranian supplied depots.!

Thumb Mystic 13:57 ,2015 آب 21

If your beloved Kingdom of Wahabism, is so strong and powerful. Then how come they and Israel always keeps begging on the U.S to come and attack Iran?
They do not have the guts to do it themselves texas, they are all talk, just like you.
They are fast to attack the poorest Arab country, whom lack of basic human needs and real military equipement, no Iran did not supply them, the Ansarullah got their own weapons along with the Yemeni Army whom are all against the corrupted Hadi saudi thugs and Al Qaeda.
You should rather count on Israel and the Takfiris to attack the Resistance, because the Lebanese Army aint going to do it, you might aswell wait a 100 years for that.

Might even see Iran supply the LAF, since the sanctions have been lifted and all.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:12 ,2015 آب 21

Mystic, if scrap metal is making my army better and better, so be it. If Sate-of-the-art weapons as claimed by Israel makes your Hezbollah white elephants, then so be it. You ya Mystic are so predictable, anything that renders our army better is always scrap. Let's state it plain on paper, you are a Hezbollah partisan, one of your reason to be able to stay around and enslave Lebanon is because the army was weak, so an army that is growing more and more potent doesn't bode well for your militia for rent. In due time my friend, in due time, the day when that feared confrontation between your militia and the LAF will come to a head, you people will turn around only to find that only Shiites will support Hezbollah whereas most non-Shiite Lebanese will rally behind their army. That day will come and we know that you loathe it. In the meantime, you can get your trolling machine fired up, plus the dirty tongue as well, as I said, you are so predictable.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:18 ,2015 آب 21

Mystic, please tell you trolls to have some dignity, 3ayb aleykoun, this is cheap and low, very low. Tell your friends.

Thumb Maxx 15:17 ,2015 آب 22

At least these weapons won't be used to kill Lebanese people like the weapons Iran provided Hizb with for May 2008.

Default-user-icon merkin (ضيف) 08:10 ,2015 آب 21

3 billion dollars yea right. Where is that 1 billion dollars or the 3 billion dollars promised over a year ago. Stop embarrassing yourself dude.

Thumb barrymore 08:10 ,2015 آب 21

Thank you KSA and Thank you France

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 08:12 ,2015 آب 21

loooooooooooooool 7elwe mennak @merkin

Thumb justin 10:46 ,2015 آب 21

إرتفاع عدد قتلى "حزب الله" في معارك الزبداني إلى 6 خلال 24 ساعة.

Default-user-icon illegitimate but legal southern (ضيف) 10:47 ,2015 آب 21

very funny southern

Thumb -phoenix1 14:16 ,2015 آب 21

Southern, we know that you know that a stronger army means a weaker Hezbollah, no wonder your side always jumps to attention when the army receives more weapons. You people are so short on argument,a s if the army is going to invite you to inspect their new weapons, just as your mercenary army for rent gets its lots secretively, so does our army, when a dumb person perceives everyone to be dumb, then only that perceiver is deemed dumb. The army is working on one day being the only legitimate armed force in Lebanon, then it will impose its will, first starting from Hezbollah. Your posts lately have devoid of any substance, if any.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:49 ,2015 آب 21

"a stronger army means a weaker Hezbollah" > nope. that's your dream, because you want to imagine that army and hezbollah are enemies, whereas they are allies. stronger army means stronger hezbollah means stronger country, we're all on the same side, unlike you m14ers who keep finding all sorts of pretexts to start internal fights.

and btw, you keep saying we dont want the army to be armed, when in reality it is very clearly the opposite: we are demanding REAL WEAPONS for it, not the obsolete junk they're sending.

Thumb galaxy 16:20 ,2015 آب 21

One has to ask if you claim the weapons the LAF are receiving are junk and you want REAL WEAPONS then ask hizbullah the magnificent resistance that possess REAL WEAPONS to give some to the LAF instead of using them to kill Syrian civilians.. but who said you have any logic!

Thumb EagleDawn 16:40 ,2015 آب 21

"and btw, you keep saying we dont want the army to be armed, when in reality it is very clearly the opposite"

I would bet anything that each and every word besides " the" in this sentence is a lie.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:41 ,2015 آب 21

you said it yourself texaspsychousa, and yet you blame iran for not having helped? help was offered by iran, and help was refused by m14 traitors of the govt. responsibilities here are very clear.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:34 ,2015 آب 21

Mowaten, your malaise can be felt miles away. Now dear Mowaten, how every time the army receives weapons, you call the obsolete? What proofs do you have, any proofs? We've seen Iran send your militia for rent obsolete weapons and rockets, why didn't you complain? There was a time when the army and Hezbollah had a better relationship, but that is hanging gradually, Lebanon is weak because of Hezbollah, you guys join the fold and see how quickly lrbanon will rise. Sorry to tell you this Mowaten, Hezbollah is still dreaming of Wilayet El Faqih and for a while you thought Aoun could be your vehicle to attaining this aim, too bad for you, it's all gone now. Personally I am not dreaming, that is what you wish of me, but you know that what I am saying is form truth.

Thumb freedomarch 15:01 ,2015 آب 21

God bless our Lebanese Army, no matter what.

Thumb galaxy 16:21 ,2015 آب 21

you see they vote down the person not the content!

Thumb -phoenix1 19:35 ,2015 آب 21

Galaxy, those doing this are sewer rats.

Thumb freedomarch 16:26 ,2015 آب 21

@Mo Wati n, up.
DEAR mowatin, How is it that sharing control with Lebanese Army will weaken the Army,..When Hizbolah here, have different comad, orders, doctrine 100 religious, 1 sided, clearly not accepted or represent or liked by all Lebanese, Unlike the Legitimate Lebanese Armed Forces? Let us all here you most logical and smart take.

Thumb freedomarch 16:27 ,2015 آب 21

@Mo Wati n, up. 
DEAR mowatin, How is it that sharing control with Lebanese Army will weaken the Army,..When Hizbolah here, have different comad, orders, doctrine 100 percent religious, 1 sided, clearly not accepted or represent or liked by all Lebanese, Unlike the Legitimate Lebanese Armed Forces? Let us all here you most logical and smart take.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:19 ,2015 آب 22

** Corrected text.*** Mowaten, your malaise can be felt miles away. Now dear Mowaten, how every time the army receives weapons, you call the weapons obsolete? What proofs do you have, any proofs? We've seen Iran send your militia for rent obsolete weapons and rockets, why didn't you complain? There was a time when the army and Hezbollah had a better relationship, but that is changing gradually, and against your wishes too. Yes, Lebanon is weak because of Hezbollah, you guys join the fold and see how quickly Lebanon will rise. Sorry to tell you this Mowaten, Hezbollah is still dreaming of Wilayet El Faqih and for a while you thought Aoun could be your vehicle to attaining this aim, too bad for you, it's all gone now. Personally I am not dreaming, that is what you wish of me, but you know that what I am saying is the truth.