عون يلتقي الراعي ويتلقى اتصالا من جنبلاط

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التقى البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الخميس رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون الذي تلقى بدوره اتصالا من رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط.

وعول جنبلاط خلال اتصاله برئيس "الوطني الحر" "على حكمته في هذه المرحلة الصعبة التي يمر بها لبنان".

وأكد في الوقت ذاته "الحرص على إستمرار التواصل والتشاور بينهما".

كما عرض الراعي وعون خلال لقاء دام ساعتين بينهما في الصرح البطريركي بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، الاوضاع العامة في البلاد، لا سيما موضوع الاستحقاق الرئاسي وعمل الحكومة.

كما عرضا الرجلان الاوضاع الاقليمية واحداث المنطقة وتداعياتها على لبنان.

وكان تشديد وفقا للواكلة على "ضرورة التواصل مع كافة الاطراف من اجل التوصل الى حلول تصون الوحدة اللبنانية والميثاق الوطني".

وتعمل الاطراف كافة على انقاذ حياة الحكومة التي تواجه اسحقاقات خطيرة في ظل معارضة "الوطني الحر" و "حزب الله" الذين لم يشاركوا الخميس في جلساتها. كل ذلك فيما البلاد ما زالت ترزح تحت وطاة الفراغ الرئاسي منذ أكثر من عام.

ويعارض الوطني الحر الية عمل الحكومة ويطالب بتحقيق "الشراكة الحقيقية" فيها.

ويتهم التيار الحكومة بانتهاك صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية ويرفض النزول الى مجلس النواب لانتخاب رئيس جديد قبل قانون انتخابي جديد.


التعليقات 17
Thumb justin 16:57 ,2015 آب 27

"Aoun and his ministers are accusing Prime Minister Tammam Salam of infringing on the jurisdiction of the Christian president, arguing that the cabinet's decrees and resolutions must enjoy the approval of all ministers, or blocs, in the event of a presidential vacuum."

Aoun's last concern is the infringement on the jurisdiction of the Christian president. If that was the case he would rush to Parliament with the same speed and urgency he rushed to the French Embassy and elect a president. Does Aoun really believe that 24 normal people let alone 24 politically motivated ministers would unanimously agree on one single matter. Therefore, He is using this excuse to sink the country further into the abyss and obstruct the citizens lives.

Thumb freedomarch 17:10 ,2015 آب 27

Excellent analysis by Justin. And one word described Mich. AOUN LA Hada, Gen of Disasters: you are really our " Judas" nothing more need to be said after this.

Default-user-icon illegitimate extra terrestrial southern (ضيف) 17:39 ,2015 آب 27

well said
great to have you as the voice of wisdom on this forum

Thumb -phoenix1 17:39 ,2015 آب 27

Southern, P1 is certainly hurting people like you. You do sound a lot like Mystic and Mowaten. Yalla iza ana haleik'koun, fal ya koun.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:18 ,2015 آب 27

Southern, haven't you noticed that the Youth Movement is all about people like you trying to hijack the constitution? Don't you know that we know that this is but a sick ploy to use the street in the hope that my mixing up Shiite voices, Aoun could win? Well you tell me, how come that TWICE, your M8 side lost miserably elections from the street to M14. me? I have no problem, let's go to the street and vote, this time you will need to zip it off after you lose again.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:25 ,2015 آب 27

Ex-FPM, and we are still waiting for the Diaspora vote which ex-President Suleiman worked so hard for to legislate. Aoun is sick and I am told is not feeling well these days, he in fact is suffering from a real illness, that is why his appearances are less and this is why he finally accepted the double jointed gnome Gebran to take his place.

Missing imagine_1979 17:47 ,2015 آب 27

Waw southern what a nice comment...
Aoun effectively has the vast maj of christians following him, we hv seen the large demos je held 2 weeks ago after his calls for "al nafir"..
Anyway do u really want aoun? A guy who passed from critisasing hezbos in fromt of american congres, wirked on syrian accountability act, was the father and grd father of 1559 (as he said and otv aired that again 2weeks ago in the propaganda for"al nafir") and now is hezbos best friend just for the presidency chair??
A guy supposed secular and now talking more sectarian than LF ever did because it sels better???
Maybe for his "islah part"; don't u find bassilo a lot wealthier than few years ago...
So once again when u are so full of it please donnot come lecture us, go have fun, enjoy urself or falgelate urself while chanting some lobayaka ya nosrollah but plaese when u are so full of it avoid lecturing others...

Thumb nickjames 17:51 ,2015 آب 27

"FPM represents the majority of christians" lol how? They have 19 seats. They might have more seats than the other Christian parties, but they are not the majority. Even all of the Change and Reform bloc's 29 seats is still less than half of the 64 Christian seats.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:21 ,2015 آب 27

southern: in a direct election by the people as suggested by aoun, will the christians of lebanon be the deciding factor in who elects the winning president that will be representative of the christians, or will it be the moslems who will decide? Aoun not only is damaging the christians but he is calling for the christians to have no say in electing the president.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:24 ,2015 آب 27

جملة مقولات ساقها عون منذ عودته من المنفى عام 2005، وخاض تحت ستارها حربه وحرب حلفائه على «الطائف«. ألم يقل الجنرال إن تيار المستقبل يأتي بنوابٍ مسيحيين، الأمر الذي اعتبره منافياً لأصول «المناصفة«؟ ألم يعتبر الجنرال أن الأغلبية الشيعية تأتي برئيس للبرلمان وبأن الأغلبية السنية تأتي برئيس للحكومة، وبالتالي يحق للمسيحيين أن يأتوا برئيسهم كما تفعل الطوائف الأخرى؟ الجنرال الذي تحدّث عن كلّ ذلك، هو نفسه الذي يطالب اليوم بانتخابه من الشعب ليأتي بصوت حليفه الشيعي. كيف يرضى، مَن يطالب بحق المسيحيين في انتخاب رئيسهم ونوابهم، أن يأتي بالصوت المسلم؟

Thumb barrymore 18:40 ,2015 آب 27

ex-fpm! excellent points really. I don't understand how any sane Christian Lebanese cannot see Aoun's systematic weakening of the Christians albeit under Christian rights. The current system allows a 50% Christian-50% Muslim parliament to elect the president. Aoun wants to be elected by a national pool that consists of 40% Christian (at best) and 60% Muslim.
The bottom line is Aoun will do what is best for Aoun and his family and while at it he will use Christian rights to play on the minds and hearts of some Christians who still believe him.

Thumb ex-fpm 19:21 ,2015 آب 27

both ways it won't work. Even if the christians elect their candidates in the first round and the strongest 2 or 3 christian candidates go to the second round in which all citizens will vote... it will not guarantee the election of a representative christian president. Let's assume candidate A with 70% of christian votes and candidate B with 30% of christian votes go into the second round. What precludes a collective agreement between the lebanese moslems in the second round from voting for candidate B (who only got 30% of christian votes) and make him president. How would that make him representative of the christians. Those who put the Taef accord knew what they were doing and did not put together the accord in a haste.

Thumb galaxy 19:29 ,2015 آب 27

would aoun have called for direct election of the president by the people prior to 2005... I doubt it. Prior to 2005 Aoun was calling hezbollah a terrorist organization and was demanding its disarmament. The fate of Lebanon's Christians cannot be tied to the whimsical personal and political wishes of one inconsistent man.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:58 ,2015 آب 27

Your Eminence, count your fingers after the Claoun leaves, he has a habit of stealing things that are not his, he has a habit of throwing stones in the well from which he drinks. By the way, Y.E, things are changing in Lebanon, there could come the time soon when none of the old guard will be around anyway. And contrary to what my dear brother Southern wishes deep in his heart, Aoun represents no one these days, not even his party now believes in him. Y.E, now Aoun is reduced to scavenging by going to the You Stink demos and win a few voices there, duh.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:24 ,2015 آب 27

The same attitude Aoun is sporting these days is what sparked the civil war in our Lebanon on the mid 70s.
He is using the Christoans justifiable angst of loosing powers vested in the Presidency until Taef for the sole purpose of sitting on the "chair" make no mistake about it. To that end, he and his followers think that they will get there by playing the anti-Sunni card and laying all the blame on the Lebanese Sunni community.
That strategy will fail of only because it divides rather than unite a multi confessional nation such as ours.
Pitting the Shiites against the Sunnis is ultimately a loosing strategy that will come back to haunt the Christians. We're we not all supportive of HA until it revealed its ugly and arrogant face?
Aoun can never become president, period.

Thumb lebnanfirst 04:30 ,2015 آب 28

Learn reading English properly first, then maybe, just maybe I will consider engaging an impolite person like you. Then again, nah I won't bother with the likes of you.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:57 ,2015 آب 28

I am looking for the day when a Batrak would just be another higher posted priest praying in a monastery, when a Sheikh is in his mosque, gently preaching the true word of God and not of Satan, when a minister will be a servant on a bike without guards, and when a retired general fills his days fishing and manicuring his flowers. I am looking for the day when a warlord never appears on our screens but behind bars, when the youth will lead. It's now or never.