"ساحة الشهداء" بانتظار المتظاهرين السبت و"طلعت ريحتكم" تؤكد أن "الشارع ملكا للناس"

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أعدت مجموعة "طلعت ريحتكم" العدة استعدادا للتظاهرة الشعبية الحاشدة يوم غد السبت، وجددت دعوتها للنزول بكثافة الى الشارع عبر مسيرة تبدأ من الحمرا حتى ساحة الشهداء.

عشية التظاهرة شبان من مختلف الانتماءات والتوجهات تجمعوا في رياض الصلح وساحة الشهداء، نصبوا الخيم لتمضية ليلتهم تحضيرا للافتات وشعارات منددة بكل السياسيين دون استثناء.

على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي (فايس بوك / تويتر) حصدت صفحة "علشارع" الاف "اللايكات" في غضون أيام قليلة، من أشخاص عبروا عن آرائهم وكتبوا ما يحلوا لهم من أفكار عبرها. نشروا صور جميع زعماء الاحزاب السياسية مع عبارات منددة بهم وبـ"فسادهم".

ولم تخل الصفحة من مشاركة لبنانيين في بلدان الاغتراب الذين اعلنوا عن تضامنهم مع تظاهرة الغد من الخارج.

وتضمنت الصفحة أشرطة فيديو من التظاهرات السابقة التي حصلت فيها مواجهات بين المتظاهرين والقوى الامنية أدت الى سقوط جرحى، ونصوصا تهاجم كل من فريقي 8 و 14 آذار.

اما "تويتر" فضج بهاشتاغ #علشارع أيضا دعما لهذا الحراك الشعبي المطلبي.

عصر الجمعة تحدث الناشط أسعد ذبيان باسم "طلعت ريحتكم" من رياض الصلح بحضور ناشطين من المجتمع المدني، مذكرا بكيفية انطلاق التحرك منذ اقفال مطمر الناعمة في تموز الفائت والتي معه بدات كارثة النفايات.

وإذ اعترفت "طلعت ريحتكم" ببعض الاخطاء في تحركها، أكدت ان التظاهرات هذه هي في "بلد المحسوبيات والمربعات الامنية".

وأضافت المجموعة "اعتقلنا وضربنا بخراطيم المياه وكان ذلك رسالة من السلطة انها لن تسمعنا ، ونحن ملك الشارع والناس وحين حاول الشعب استعادة ساحته باعتصام سلمي تمادى حرس المجلس والقوى الامنية بالقوة".

ولفتت الى أن "النظام جرب بمخابراته وازلامه تخريب الحراك السلمي وتخويننا"، مطالبة "بمحاسبة الفساد لدى كل الاحزاب".

عليه، دعت الى "مسيرة حاشدة من وزارة الداخلية في الحمرا الى ساحة الشهداء" حيث مكان التظاهرة.

وأكدت المجموعة على مطالبها الهادفة الى "محاسبة من اطلق النيران عليها وكذلك محاسبة وزير الداخلية واستقالة وزير البيئة"، مشددة على ضرورة تحرير اموال البلديات لحل ملف النفايات بعد الغاء المناقصات، وانتخابات نيابية.

وخلص ذبيان الى القول على لسان الحملة "هذه الساحات ساحتنا وسننزل من كل المناطق والانتماءات".

تظاهرة الغد السبت تاتي بعد سلسلة تظاهرات بدات سلمية الى أن دخلها مندسون عمدوا افتعال الشغب.

اما "جدار العار" الذي وضع لفصل المتظاهرين عن السراي الحكومي فرفع بقرار من رئيس الحكومة بعدما تحول الى لوحة فنية ناطقة اطلق عليها الشبان العنان لافكارهم ورسوماتهم.

وتلقى التظاهرة دعما كبيرا من وسائل الاعلام التي وضعت شعار "طلعت ريحتكن" على "لوغو" شاساتها تضامنا، و أعطت الشبان جميعا منبرا لاطلاق صرختهم.


التعليقات 41
Default-user-icon Karl (ضيف) 19:18 ,2015 آب 28

Asaad, please be honest, just tell the public that you are being driven by your Marxist ideology and stop hiding behind lofty named NGOs.
Besides the garbage issue would have been resolved by now except that "someone" had been blocking the government from functioning properly, shouldn't you be addressing them too?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:23 ,2015 آب 29

Karl, kindly stfu will you?

Default-user-icon Karl (ضيف) 14:48 ,2015 آب 29

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, enjoy the ride.
FYI Assad Thebian is a Marxist and as such a professional activist.

Thumb liberty 19:23 ,2015 آب 28

dream on! and hezbollah weapons and its wilayat al fakih will let you do it your way.;)How are you going to deal with resistance-army-people equation;)

Default-user-icon Darwr (ضيف) 20:48 ,2015 آب 28

I agree with Baroud...it is the municipalities that should be handling the trash collection and disposal instead of a centralized party which is obviously not capable of meeting everyone's needs.

Thumb smarty 21:01 ,2015 آب 28

My dear Lebanese compatriots. I just want to be extra careful. I don't mean to frighten you for demanding your rights.... but it started with similar demonstrations in Syria and the rest of the Arab Spring.... look where they are now. There are people who want to destroy Lebanon and those who are pulling the strings might be behind the demos... I just want to wish you all good luck and I hope you know what you're doing, because if YOU destroy the country, YOU will be held accountable... exactly like the people you have in your line of sight.

Missing coolmec 21:24 ,2015 آب 28

I appreciate your concern but I think after 40 years of war, misery, and impoverished life, the Lebanese people will not repeat the same mistake. The misery and economic distress is affecting ALL Lebanese therefore I am hopeful we will succeed and not fall in the vicious trap of sectarianism and divison

Missing coolmec 21:01 ,2015 آب 28

@min Canada
I could not have put it in a better way. I am hoping that this will be the result of our social manifestation. No more of these crooks. We want our money back and hang all the crooks and stop hereditary power. we are a parliamentary democracy and not a monarchy

Missing coolmec 21:06 ,2015 آب 28

min Canada
here is my concern. You got 4 thumbs down. What have you said wrong ? nothing yet 4 thumbs down

Missing imagine_1979 21:07 ,2015 آب 28

He will hv us backing him
Barroud, marwan charbel..any honest guy willing to work for lebanon and not making lebanese people work for him is welcomed and from now on there will b people backing him.....
But fir now the goals are clear; 1 waist problem
2 nouhad machnouk resignation (let him b tmroleodel)
3 judge the armed forces guy that overused power against manifestations... (And the guys sent for turning it into a riot)
Those are alreaddy fine.. For a start...

Thumb -phoenix1 21:10 ,2015 آب 28

When you wake up that is ya Sa7elnom.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:13 ,2015 آب 28

May God be with those brave people who have shown the real way. May God be with them all, young, children, old, all, if we want change, then Saturday 29 August 2015 at 5 PM Beirut time, come and do it for your country. It's been 70 years, 70 years they've suck our blood dry, stole our mountains, our seas, brought us waves after waves of refugees, wars, you name it, they did it. We can spend the next decades nagging and complaining, but they know, if we don't move, they will not move, so people of Lebanon, get off your chair, do what is for your future, show them that we can remove them, M14 and M8, let them give us back our country.

Missing coolmec 21:17 ,2015 آب 28

@ anonym
Ziad Baroud or Damianos Khattar will certainly and by far be better presidents that our current candidates. they can face Iran, KSA and anybody else when they have popular support.

Thumb ParvizAmir 21:23 ,2015 آب 28

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands with the lebanese people in their rightful fight to regain their rights from the elite corrupt ruling party. The republic is sending whatever it can to ensure the success of this campaign. Our people in lebanon have joined the demonstration but were attacked by the brutal security zionist forces. Go ahead and continue the struggle until you achieve our and your ultimate goal of making lebanon a model in how the islamic revolution can bring peace and prosperity to its followers.

Missing coolmec 21:29 ,2015 آب 28

You tell your Islamic republic thanks but no thanks. We do not need their support As a matter of fact we want both KSA and Iran to leave Lebanon alone. This is a purely Lebanese situation which is being dealt by Lebanese for Lebanon. So please relay my message to your mullahs Stay out of lebanon

Thumb lebanon_first 21:41 ,2015 آب 28

coolmec. Parviz is being ironic. You dont think someone in the right mind would say that lebanon should model a 14th century nation!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 14:12 ,2015 آب 29

Parviz, No thanks, this is a Lebanese Revolution, but it is said that charity begins at home, surely you people in Iran have some unfinished business to take care of, your moguls have stolen the people's voice some years ago, you were so close to real democracy when they reprimanded it, before you think of us, think of yourselves, you need it more over there. Now go and do what you should have done some years ago.

Missing coolmec 21:26 ,2015 آب 28

Hello my friend. I am not sure your read my earlier message the other day. I am in Beirut and want to participate tomorrow and would like to meet you if possible. Please let me know if possible.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:14 ,2015 آب 29

Coolmec, bro, I love you, and would love to, but right now anonymity would be best for everyone, please don't get me wrong, God bless.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:41 ,2015 آب 28

sa7elnom. Good point.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:46 ,2015 آب 28

min canada.

Liberty is right. We cant do anything with Hezbollah's weapons hanging over our head. we can kick right left and center and manifest all we want, but best case, a new M14 will be created, and HA will squash it with its weapons. I suggest sticking to manifesting for the trash issue, for cordoning off Brital from lebanon, and for parliamentary elections. Forget the rest for now.

Missing coolmec 21:57 ,2015 آب 28

@Lebanon first
I was not sure whether he was being sarcastic or serious. And yes I do think there are some lunatics would love to see Lebanon modeled a 14th century.Unfortunately

Default-user-icon Circle-A (ضيف) 21:58 ,2015 آب 28

Nice way to cover your faces boys so no one would identify you when you are burning and breaking public and private property.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:21 ,2015 آب 29

Circle, can you be a little more specific? If it is the goons of Amal, and Hezbollah then yes, you're right, but if you are referring to the peaceful protesters, then you are wrong. Clarify if you will.

Default-user-icon Circle-A (ضيف) 19:15 ,2015 آب 29

Exactly what you said phoenix1, not referring to the peaceful demonstrators but the goons and others behind the masks.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 22:23 ,2015 آب 28

Finally I read that some young Lebanese do believe that the only hope for better future for Lebanon is to end the sectarian system which brought only misery to the country and to the people, I sincerely hope that the rest of the population will be persuaded that this is the only way for peace, freedom, and independence. wish you all the best.

Thumb farsical.resistance 23:04 ,2015 آب 28


Missing imagine_1979 23:43 ,2015 آب 28

Leb first marcha 14 was unable to stop hezbos arms despite we voted them the majority in 2005 and 2009 and all tge power/money they have..so it is unfair to ask civil society to do that now
Let s start with the waste, resignation of environment ministry and trial for the armed forces who used excessive force (as their official statement asked for..
It would alreaddy be a good start, no?...

Missing imagine_1979 23:43 ,2015 آب 28

Sorry i meant @shiak

Missing imagine_1979 23:54 ,2015 آب 28

We tried it, how about trying the demos and civil society for a chance?

Missing imagine_1979 00:01 ,2015 آب 29

I've been supporting most 14mqrch poistions aiming at preserving the state and taking off illegitime arms of any millicia and mostly hezbos (now engaged in this retarded war under the banner of "lebayka ya hussein"
But this doesnot mean that i was with extension of parlement!!!!
So yes we want parlementary elections, we want electricity, watter, social security, education.... But let us start by the waste issue..
And my friend sad to say march 14 did nothing except concesions after concesions while getting us and more into obscene corruption, so why not give civil sovciety a chance for a change?....

Missing imagine_1979 00:03 ,2015 آب 29

And a president of course... Ziad barroud? Charbel nahas? Demianis katar?..

Default-user-icon Mohamad (ضيف) 01:10 ,2015 آب 29

People seem to forget that without Hezbollah.. there would be no Lebanon. It would be called Israel and if you deny this fact you are ignorant and maybe a little sick

Thumb -phoenix1 14:18 ,2015 آب 29

Mahamad the guest, the very contrary of your post is true. You people keep using the Israel stick to scare people into supporting Hezbollah, OK, fine, then answer me, why is Hezbollah in Syria and Yemen then? Let us call things in exactly as they are. Israel will leave us in peace, if we leave it in peace, but if provoked, Israel is ruthless and merciless. If Lebanon is still confronted by so many problems, that's because of Hezbollah mainly, now please, you in turn do remember this, most Lebanese are sober and not drunk on Lemon Juice. Next time you wish to use the word ignorant and sick, do start with yourself because from your post you sounded indeed exactly like that, ignorant and sick, a little more than a little sick.

Thumb freedomarch 02:32 ,2015 آب 29

Wakeem, Nahass and the Teacher coummunist union all under GhizEbolah are The Til3it# Nizlit# Ri7itkoun# Etc. Bunch of toys in the hands of the grand master, As for Mashnouk .. he did not control the broken by FPM Ta3teel and the Jumblat helping the problem to explode, had it been an active Majlis Wizara it was himto blame... but it is FPM and then GhizEbola that closed all roads to any active Majlis.

Thumb liberty 05:35 ,2015 آب 29

here is an example of what I was talking about: LBCI was attacked yesterday because they included the picture of nassrallah as part of the political class that needs to be changed. This was only for a photo, imagine what would happen if they were talking about the weapons. Nassrallah is above criticism.... and you want to convince me you can affect change;)
وقع اشكال على خلفية وضع "المؤسسة اللبنانية للارسال" خلال نقل مباشر صورة للامين العام لـ #حزب_الله للسيد حسن #نصرالله بين مجموعة الصور التي وضعوها للسياسيين وكتب عليها عبارات يجب ان يرحلوا وانهم من الفاسدين. وتهجم عدد من الشباب على فريق عمل "ال بي سي" وازالوا الصورة بالقوة

Thumb liberty 06:29 ,2015 آب 29

Don't understand me wrong! I am all for change. But you have to be realistic and see the facts. Unless there is a revolution that starts from within the Shia community there will be no real change in Lebanon. When 99% of the Shias support nassrallah and consider him a god and when hezbollah is still armed no "peaceful" change can be affected. The demonstrators have not been calling for election of a president and they know who is behind the obstruction. They are afraid to call things as they are. Hezbollah's weapons are the root cause of all our problems: from corruption to you fill in the blanks.

Thumb liberty 06:35 ,2015 آب 29

When the demonstrators include at the top of their demands the disarming of hezbollah and changing the political class including nassrallah then I myself will come from California and be at the front of the demonstration.

Thumb marcus 08:02 ,2015 آب 29

@liberty is spot on. In 2005 the demonstrations produced what was believed a new dawn for Lebanon. It did not.... the reason is while the liberals and free thinkers produced M14 in its original idealistic packaging, the shiites of Lebanon produced M8 and solidified their grip on power through hezbollah's arms. When they resigned from Saniora's government, they paralyzed the country and eventually carried out a military coup in May of 2008. You can get rid of M14 anytime you want, but how will you get rid of : 1) Junblatt 2) Berri and most importantly 3) Nassrallah and what he represents. Until then, these demonstrations are nothing more than some romanic liberal fantasy.

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 08:50 ,2015 آب 29

نتلهى دائماً بالقشور على حساب الجوهر. نعم هناك أزمة نفايات. نعم هناك أزمة اقتصاد . نعم هناك أزمات لا تحصى ولكن جوهر الأزمات هو انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية وما عدا ذالك يَصْب في مصلحة هذا او ذاك. اذا كنّا نريد الوطن ان يقف فان أولى مهمات التظاهرات هو مطالبة جميع النواب بالنزول الى المجلس وانتخاب رئيس دون إبطاء. ليس المهم من ننتخب بارود سليمان حرب او او او بل المهم لانتخاب وعزل كل متخلف لأننا انتخبناهم للقيام بواجباتهم تجاه. الناس وهذه أقدس الواجبات. كفانا مهاترات ان المجلس غير شرعي ومجلس الوزراء يتخطى حدوده والبطرك يجب ان لا يبدي رأيه. فإذا أراد الناس الخلاص فهذه هي الاولوية لتظاهراتهم .
في الحقيقة صدق المثل " يا عنتر مين عنترك فاجاب تعنتت وما حدا ردّني " وينك يا عصا

Thumb justin 09:52 ,2015 آب 29

very good comments above... I like also to add that whatever change is requested now seems to be targeted at 20% of the problem. Let's assume these demonstrators got what they wanted and they rose to power and replaced the current ruling class. Who will they be sharing power with or who will they be sitting across the table from in a cabinet meeting? Will it not be the same hezbollah ministers such as Fneish, Raad, and Mousawai? I think those behind the demonstrations are missing the mark or are implementing an agenda that seems to converge with Aoun and Hezbollah. I agree with Liberty that unless a real change takes place within the shiiaa community nothing will happen. The Shiiaa are happy with Hezbollah's rule of Lebanon since they can steal, trade in drugs, kidnap, use weapons, etc without any consequences.