"الوطني الحر" يحتشد في ساحة الشهداء.. وباسيل يطالب برئيس عبر الشعب وقانون انتخاب نسبي

Read this story in English W460

تجمع الاف المتظاهرين من مناصري التيار "الوطني الحر" مساء الجمعة في ساحة الشهداء بناء على دعوة من رئيس التيار ميشال عون للمطالبة بانتخابات نيابية على اساس قانون جديد، او بانتخابات رئاسية من الشعب مباشرة.

وتلونت ساحة الشهداء في وسط العاصمة بالاعلام البرتقالية. وحمل المتظاهرون لافتة ضخمة كتب عليها "لبيك يا جنرال".

و بعد ساعات من التجمع تكلم وزير الخارجية امام الحشود وطالب برئيس حر ينتخبه شعبه ويمتلك قراره في قوّته الشعبية والدستورية.

وقال "نريد رئيسا نظيفا لا يغطي الفساد بل ينتفض عليه، ونريد دولة يكون فيها مجلس نواب لا يمدد لنفسه وينتهك الصلاحيات. ونريد دولة يكون فيها كهرباء 24/24 بالطاقة المتجددة، والنفط ليس للمحاصصة بأيدي السياسيين ويكون رهينة للخارج".

وأضاف "نريد ضمانا لشيخوخة وضماناً صحيا واجتماعياً للجميع، والأهمّ نريد المساواة في هذه الدولة بالواجبات والحقوق".

وتابع باسيل "اليوم دعَونا مناصري "التيا ر" الى ساحة الشهداء، وغداً كلّ اللبنانيين إلى قصر الشعب، اليوم "تحماية" وغداً سيعود التسونامي، فالمستقبل لنا وليس لغيرنا. نريد كهرباء ومياهاً ونفطاً وغازاً وقانوناً انتخابياً يمثّلنا، وأن ننتخب رئيساً للجمهورية".

وبعد باسيل توجه رئيس التيار ميشال عون الى مناصريه بكلمة مقتضبة عبر شاشة في ساحة الشهداء بالتحية الى المتظاهرين.

وجاءت دعوة عون تحت شعار "الانتخابات وحدها بتنضف (تنظف بالعامية)"، وذلك ردا على مطالب يرفعها المجتمع المدني منذ اسابيع وتطالب بتنظيف لبنان من الطبقة السياسية متهمة اياها بالفساد والاهمال.

ويطالب عون باصدار قانون جديد للانتخاب واجراء انتخابات برلمانية. واذا لم يكن في الامكان اجراء انتخابات نيابية اولا، انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية من الشعب.

وينص الدستور على ان ينتخب البرلمان رئيس الجمهورية.

ومنذ بعد ظهر الجمعة، بدأت الوفود الشعبية تتقاطر من مناطق عدة في مواكب سيارة. وتصدح من المواكب اناشيد وطنية واغان خاصة بالتيار.

وتأتي هذه التجمعات وسط استنفار للمجتمع المدني بدأ قبل اسابيع على خلفية أزمة نفايات.

ويقاطع نواب كتلة عون المتحالف مع حزب الله جلسات مجلس النواب المخصصة لانتخاب رئيس وقد بلغ عددها حتى هذا الاسبوع 28، ما يحول دون اكتمال نصاب هذه الجلسات.

ويتبنى هذا الفريق ترشح عون الى رئاسة الجمهورية. الا ان قوى 14 آذار التي تشكل القوة الاخرى الاساسية في البرلمان ترفض هذا الترشح وتطالب بنزول جميع النواب الى البرلمان، ما يؤمن نصاب الجلسات واجراء انتخابات ديموقراطية بين سائر المرشحين.

التعليقات 60
Thumb EagleDawn 21:05 ,2015 أيلول 04

Bassil at FPM Demo: We Want Free President Elected by People, Proportional Representation
what happened to the Orthodox law proposal?
There were a lot of Christian demonstrators today from Baalbek, Hermel, Dahieh and the South.

Thumb EagleDawn 21:07 ,2015 أيلول 04

“We want a state enjoying 24/24 power supply through renewable energy, the traitor said.
Is the fatima goul ship renewable energy hahaha!

24/24 ? Were you not the one who stole 1.5 billion usd and promised the Lebanese 24/24 electricity just about now....haha!

Thumb EagleDawn 21:11 ,2015 أيلول 04

the traitor further said "“Our dream is to have a strong army, security forces and resistance,”
Why would you need a "resistance" if you have a strong army? What happened to the MOU you signed with the terror party? Did it not stipulate that hezbollah's arms will cease to exist when Shebaa farms are liberated and the Lebanese prisoners are freed? What's the plan for liberating Shebaa farms? Perhaps its turn will come once you liberate Jerusalem.

Missing humble 23:14 ,2015 أيلول 04

Tellement vrai...

Default-user-icon sophia from dahia (ضيف) 21:18 ,2015 أيلول 04

I told you there will be a Tsunami. I said it before Junblatt ever did.
Thank you hizballah for providing all the support today.

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 21:21 ,2015 أيلول 04

Ladies & Gentlemen: Today you listened to the future president of lebanon. Learn people learn

Thumb Al-Ba3th 21:48 ,2015 أيلول 04

Jonestown, prepare the Kool-Aid.

Default-user-icon warheart (ضيف) 22:04 ,2015 أيلول 04


Thumb barrymore 22:08 ,2015 أيلول 04

الله خلقنا كبشر وعون كمناضلين.. باسيل: من سيحرمنا من حقوقنا سنحرمه من الوجود

Thumb mouallek 23:10 ,2015 أيلول 04

You are very generous. I would say 5 000 to 6 000 people.

Missing humble 23:33 ,2015 أيلول 04

Let us wait to see the correct estimates. In all cases, I maintain that 20 000 is representative of about 20% of the Christians.

Missing humble 23:12 ,2015 أيلول 04

You always are saying exceptional and magnificent things...

Missing sweet.lorraine 23:19 ,2015 أيلول 04

As @wireless.wanker told you, you are the most despicable creature on the face of the earth. You are scum, filth, and puss. I am sorry but I have to be firm with you: You are a cunt at its worse during its menstruation cycle ;)

Missing sweet.lorraine 23:19 ,2015 أيلول 04

The Orthodox law was not a last minute proposal, in fact Geagea himself supported it and there are many videos online about it, Justin :)

Missing humble 23:26 ,2015 أيلول 04

This is an answer of a very intelligent person....who can think and reason in a perfect way!!!

Default-user-icon lteif (ضيف) 01:34 ,2015 أيلول 05

“Our dream is to have a strong army, security forces and resistance” Gebran's way to salute the thousand Hezbollah members dressed in orange in attendance so Aoun and himself don't embarrass themselves like they did during the previous demos when the FPM real popular support was out there for everyone to see.

Missing humble 02:11 ,2015 أيلول 05

Go and look on Facebook and you will see all the photos of the participation of Ebola supporters in the Muzahara.

Missing humble 02:13 ,2015 أيلول 05

Very clear and very true.

Thumb -phoenix1 02:30 ,2015 أيلول 05

حجم مظاهرة التيار العوني ..... في الواقع
حسبما يبدو وضحاً في الصور المنقولة أنّ المظاهرة ليست مكتظة .... يعني أن كثافتها تبدو بوضوح أنها أقل من شخص يالمتر المربع الواحد ... ولكن إذا افترضنا جدلاً أنها شخص بالمتر المربّع .... ولو استطاع المشاركين ملء الساحة بالكامل من جسر فؤاد شهاب وحتى مستوى الصيفي ومن اللعازارية وحتى مستوى الجميزة .... عل كامل المساحة دون فراغات ... فسيكون التيار قد نجح بجمع 50 ألف مشارك .... ولكن الإكتظاظ الخفيف واضح ... والساحة لم تمتلئ بشكل كامل أبداً كما أن هناك فراغات واضحة في عدة مواقع ضمن هذه المساحة

Thumb -phoenix1 02:31 ,2015 أيلول 05


Thumb -phoenix1 02:36 ,2015 أيلول 05

(1). محصِّلة مهزلة/تظاهرة اليوم:
- متظاهرون شي إستطاع يوصل شي لأ بسبب بعض المؤامرات!
- متظاهرون وحدة وطنية يعني مسيحية واسلام ومش لبنانية كمان.
- بهدلة لمذيع ال ام تي في جورج عيد يللي قالوله انه هالاذاعة حاطة كاميرا على مدخل معيَّن من الطرقات لَيشرفوا مين جايي من جماعة الحزب. ويللي تحت باطه مسلّة بتنعره ليش الاتهام والتعصيب؟
- مكانِس على ألوانها لتنضيف الوضع.
- أعلام الجيش كتائب و قوات بس هودي شو بدنا فيهن هودي مسيحية--كان في أعلام الحزب الأصفر وهيك.
- اتهام أو خلّينا نقول شمل القوات والكائب بالمشاركة بالمظاهرة. على أساس إنه ما ساقبت إنه القوات عندهن ما يسمّى بقداس الشهداء غدًا.
- وجوه فنّاني طلعت ريحتكم منهم معين شريف وزين العمر وهيداك يللي عوني بامتياز سمير صفير.

Thumb -phoenix1 02:36 ,2015 أيلول 05

(3).- زوم غسيل دماغ من خلال تكرار جملة يا شعب لبنان العظيم مع صدى لترسيخِها أكثر فأكثر لدرجة إنه الحضور صار يعيدها!!
- عدم تسجيل أي إشكال مع القوى الأمنية - الحمدالله- بس مدري ليه..

Thumb -phoenix1 02:36 ,2015 أيلول 05

(2).- حفلة بارتي تم إحيائها من قِبَل سمير صفير وزين العمر عبر البلاي باك.
- ظهور الرَّيِّس جبران باسيل وتبيَّن أن الmicrophones أكبر وأطول وأضخم من حَجمه المحترم.
- تَأليييه الجنرال من خلال عونك جايي من الله و مقولة الله لبنان عون وبس وكلام الصهر العزيز.
- المطالبة بالكهرباء والمياه بكل ما فيه من وقاحة لانه مدري مين كان الوزير..
- عدم القدرة على فهم خطاب النبي والمعلم جبرانو بسبب رداءة الصوت! المهم النية إنه غنم.
- التظاهر ضد الحكومة ومدري شو ما فهمت لأن هني مش فهمانين.
- الحديث عن الأحلام والتمديد و النواب غير الشرعيين يللي هني بيعتبروا انه بيمتلكوا اكبر كتلة نيابية.
- البلفة الكبيرة إنه ظهر المسيح على الشاشة متل السيّد لأنه مستهدف أكيد أو لأن قام دَفِش من الفرشة لأنه مرشَّح يااا حرام. وحكا أقل من خمس دقائق بس كرمال البركة.

Thumb -phoenix1 02:38 ,2015 أيلول 05

(4).ما حدا بيقدر ينكر إنّو عندهم حشد كبير بس هي يللي عّم تحكي يا إنّو جايه من المريخ يا إنّو هبله، عّم بتقولي بدك انتخابات ما نواب الاورونج هني يللي ما عّم ينزلو على المجلس ينتخبوا رئيس، الك عين تحكي عن الكهرباء الله يخليكي اسئلي جوجو وين راحو المليار والميتين مليون وما في كهرباء بال ٢٠١٥، عم تحكوا بالديمقراطية وانتخابات نزيهة وشفنا اكبر مثل كيف اجا جوجو رئيس للتيار، عنجد يللي استحوا ماتو

Thumb -phoenix1 02:41 ,2015 أيلول 05

(5).أنا حابة اسمع مشروع، برنامج لنطلع من الوضع المزري... هلكنا نسمع تهجمات... كل حزب بيتهجم على الآخر... بدنا براهين... بدنا تطبيق... شو نفع التجمعات... كله بيقول نفس الشي، كله بدو انتخابات و كله بدو مجلس نيابي خالي من المافيات، كلو عم ينادي بنفس الشغلات... طيب مين هيدا يلي بدو يطبق يلي عم ينادي فيه كل حزب... كل من 8 و 14 آذار عم نسمع منهم نفس المطاليب بس ما عم يقولولنا من مين عم يطالبوا و مين هني المافيا يلي عم يحكوا عنن... و كله كمان بيهددد... يعني تيتي تيتي متل ما رجتي متل ما جيتي... المطالب بتكون من الشعب تجاه السياسي مش من السياسي تجاه الشعب... ما في غير التجمع الشعبي هو التجمع الصادق، التجمع الشعبي يلي بيطالب بحقوقه بعيد عن كل ما هو طائفي و عن ما هو زعامات و عن فريق يتهجم على فريق اخر لمصالح شخصية صرف...

Thumb -phoenix1 02:42 ,2015 أيلول 05

(6). التنين 8 و 14 عم يحاولوا يسرقوا الشارع من الشعب سبحان الله هلق كلهم صار عندهم نخوة... الصدى يلي عملوا الشعب لما نزل دوى بكل العالم أما نزلات الأحزاب بتدوي بمحلها و بيرجعوا بعدها على بيوتهم ليكفوا مصالحهم... بيزرعوا الحقد ضد الآخر حتى لما يرجعوا على بيوتهم و يشوفوا انه المشاكل بعدها هي ذاتها بيكون براسهم انه الآخر هو سبب مشاكلهم و يلي بالسلطة بيربح وقت اكتر لمصلحته باستمرار التبعية....

Thumb -phoenix1 02:47 ,2015 أيلول 05

The image that scared M8 and M14. You Stink Demo 29 August 2105. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/dailystar/Pictures/2015/08/31/449877_img650x420_img650x420_crop.jpg

Thumb -phoenix1 02:52 ,2015 أيلول 05

(A). 29 August 2015, the You Stink Demo shook both M8 an M14. Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasrallah realized that they were in more trouble than anticipated: How could a bunch of disorganized youth garner such a huge crowd, estimated between 100 to 250 thousand people. Cars were parked as afar as the Audi dealership facing the port, and this on both sides of the highway. Prior to that, the police and the army connived to let the demos be violent, in spite of the peaceful intent of the organizers. Aoun denounced the demos as having stolen his slogans from him and the FPM, but in fact Aoun saw the street stolen from him, by people too young to be his grandsons even.

Thumb -phoenix1 02:58 ,2015 أيلول 05

(B). Aoun knowing that he on his own could no longer garner the crowds he used to command not long ago in the past could then only hope and call for the support of his major ally, Hassan Nasrallah and his militia party Hezbollah. Nasrallah had only a couple of weeks ago said that he would not let Aoun or the FPM be defeated, so yesterday the 4 September 2015, Hezbollah sent in its partisans from afar as the Hermel, the Bekaa and the South. The FPM and Hezbollah being the well organized cheaters and deceivers they are, knew that only such a trick would help show bigger numbers, and they also knew that people knew they'd cheat by bringing in Hezbollah and Shiite partisans to bolster Aoun's depleted ranks. But the cheating had to be organized, had to look like the FPM not only has Christians but Shiites too, thus making it look more like a multi-confessional party rather than a sectarian one.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:04 ,2015 أيلول 05

(C). So the Shiite vans and buses had to be brought it from all over Lebanon, and the Tchadors had to be left on its females to mark the plurality of the FPM. The aim was not only hope to swell the numbers, but also help pave the way to another big cheat being cooked, that of electing the president from the street, the slogans were already out. But again, sadly for Aoun, the FPM and Hezbollah, this time around the gatherings were not as massive as they had anticipated, the numbers in all were not estimated to be above 20 to 50,0000 in Martyrs Square max, a figure dwarfed by the youth demo of last week. Everyone was anticipating Aoun to join them in the Square for a glory speech which wasn't to be.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:09 ,2015 أيلول 05

(D). Aoun just gave a brief speech from his Rabieh home, so was Aoun to weak, too ill or too dispirited finally and especially when he had hoped for a much bigger crowd than was present? Gebran Bassil clearly hinted at the main aim of the FPM/Hezbollah demo, that one day they will be in Baabda to celebrate the throning of their Emperor Aoun, but Aoun from Rabieh clearly seemed to have finally gotten the message, that the people no longer were to be duped. FPM partisans looked nearly hysterical that finally they were enjoying again crowd sizes of before, but they do know that this crowd was a bastardized one and never a truly representative of the FPM. They stay until late, when even the square was no longer lit, hoping that more people would join, sadly, that was not to be. On FB, the comparison between the combined FPM/Hezbollah crowd and the You Stink movement could not be avoided.

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 03:15 ,2015 أيلول 05

حصان طروادة
قبل بدء تظاهرة "طلعت ريحتكم" صرح عون ان. حزبه لن يشارك. توجست شرا وكتبت ما أفكر به من ان هناك اتفاق تحت الطاولة بمساندة تحرك "طلعت ريحتكم" مقابل ان يشارك هذا الأخير بتظاهرة عون يوم الجمعة اي البارحة. وإنني اجزم ان عون انتهز فرصته ليظهر للراي العام مدى قدرته لاستقدام جمهور مزيف.
أنا احترم حسن نية الأغلبية الساحقة من فريق "طلعت ريحتكم" ولكن أنا ارتاب من مخططات الجنرال المخادع
اما مطالبة باسيل بالإتيان برئيس للجمهورية نظيف فاني جد موافق معه لانه بذالك يقطع الطريق عن ميشو وعن نفسه بالأخص
نعم نحن مع الإتيان برئيس نظيف ديمقراطي وشجاع وهذه الصفات لا تنطبق على زمرة العونيين

Thumb -phoenix1 03:22 ,2015 أيلول 05

(F). Aoun and his allies alluded to a small Gulf State funding and orienting the youth movement and aided by the US and other western countries. They used the T-shirts the youth movement printed as an indicator of their so-called huge cash finance. Would any cash rich movement print T-shirts without caps or buttons one may ask? The blame further went to the TV stations covering the events, imagine??!! Come now old man Aoun. The same character assassination campaign was also aired by M14, how shameful by the mafia.

Default-user-icon Saudis (ضيف) 11:42 ,2015 أيلول 05

5 meals from Kudu :)

Thumb -phoenix1 13:06 ,2015 أيلول 05

finiq.saudi, (whatever), the ones that are starving are people like you, please keep posting in your ways, I couldn't ask of you lot for a bigger favor. Your starvation comes form the fact that you cheat, and your mad euphoria simply comes form the fact that you got people on the street again, but your numbers don't convince in any case. The youth got you nice and clean, you lot, with all your logistics and cash, you couldn't do a quarter of what the youth did on a dime. You can troll, for sure, you can insult, for sure, you can create stories in your starved minds, but it won't change the fact that the loss is also all yours, you are indeed on a downwards spiral. Sadly for you, your starvation is mostly of the ethical kind, you now have none of it left to you. OK, the show is all yours now ya Satan.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:29 ,2015 أيلول 05

(G). Now, all said and done, even if the You Sink movement has committed some mistakes on Tuesday by entering the ministry of the environment, the combined FPM/Hezbollah demo did not produce the knock-out effect it had hoped for. Then the numbers could not talk on their own alone, even if it aimed to at least match 30% of Saturday's demo, it fell well short. What may now come out of this could be a people's fed-up-ness, that neither M14 is hearing nor is M8. The people of Lebanon are gradually moving away from both Ms wanting to end 10 years of inertia, 10 years of rot, 10 years of stagnation, all caused by the lethargy brought about by both M8 and M14. Would the popular combined Youth Movements be intimidated by the combined FPM/Hezbollah demo of the 4th September?

Thumb -phoenix1 03:32 ,2015 أيلول 05

(H). Personally I doubt it, the youth movement in truth is the people's movement, if the people feel that their voices are being drowned once again by the established mafia, then the youth movements could swell and gain in amplitude, let us see what the short term future will bring. However, gauging by the reigning climate on the ground, from the Trash Biding or Mouna2asah fiasco were both M8 and M14 were caught red-handed, what now looks set to happen is the election of a new president sooner than later. What is also being discussed and firmly agreed in the corridors of power is that Aoun will NOT be elected president, nor will Geagea be either, the new president seemingly is destined to be a much younger man. To save Lebanon from the choking effect the presidential void has caused, it looks apparent that the new president will be tasked to start untangling the mess in which Lebanon is being gripped currently.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:40 ,2015 أيلول 05

(I). On a final note for tonight, the combined FPM/Hezbollah demo and all the efforts and logistic deployed would have served for very little, if any, the diplomatic ballet to start resolving the situation in Lebanon has started well before the 4th September 2015, it started with the rising smell of Lebanon's trash crisis, a crisis only the youth had enough courage to tackle. By the time the merits of our solutions start manifesting themselves, instead of having the usual classic Lebanese no losers, no winers situation, clearly this time there will be winers and losers, the losing side will start with Aoun and his FPM on the one side, and Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah on the other hand.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:43 ,2015 أيلول 05

(J). The game of cheating so elaborately put by both Aoun and Nasrallah would have simply brought about their political demise and this after 10 years of their ruthless grip on the country. Inadvertently though, M14 too should go overboard with M8. We shall see what the final weeks of 2015 will bring with them. The vibes seem positive for the people of Lebanon finally, hoping that 2016 will fire off on a much better footing. When this happens, let us not forget to give credits to a youth that showed and paved the way.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:57 ,2015 أيلول 05

النائب حكمت ديب: عدد المشاركين في التظاهرة يقدر بما يقارب ال20 الف مشارك حتى الساعة

Thumb barrymore 10:24 ,2015 أيلول 05

actually your name is roar or mowaten or flamethrower. You people are pathetic.

Thumb al.finique 19:05 ,2015 أيلول 05

the_roar you are satan in every sense of the word.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:27 ,2015 أيلول 06

I can see that we have here a very angry M8 troll, very angry, and visibly invisible too !!

Missing humble 09:43 ,2015 أيلول 05

The edtimated figures are definitely around 20 000 people. This number includes Ebola participation. How many Christians? The Caporal wanted to show his Christian popularity....
Gone with the wind...may be 20% of Christian idiots are still with him...which is not enough to even reelect him as deputy in Kesrwan...Gone with the wind and for good...

Missing humble 09:44 ,2015 أيلول 05

I certainly understand that Ebola supporters keep defending the Caporal on this blog. After all he is their servant.

Missing humble 10:03 ,2015 أيلول 05

No Sir! I am very eager to have parliamentary elections TOMORROW in Metn and Kesrwan...to give you the final proof of the Christian non-popularity of your Caporal.

Missing humble 10:05 ,2015 أيلول 05

Christians are dropping the Caporal because of one major reason: EBOLA.

Thumb barrymore 10:26 ,2015 أيلول 05

despicable troll have nothing to say but insults. And these are the people who want to rule Lebanon. All proper on the outside but deep down just pure filth.

Missing humble 10:40 ,2015 أيلول 05

Thank you. To tell you one more thing : when the Caporal says "ya Sha3bu lubnan el 3azeem" by 3azeem he means Lebanon...because he despises the Sha3b for which he has very little consideration he who thinks of himself above Napoleon and Hanniba3l...

Thumb -phoenix1 12:59 ,2015 أيلول 05

(1). Barry, you got it spot on, when I see the insults, the trolling, the thumbing activity, personally I feel elated. Why do I feel elated? Because whoever is or are doing these abject things are proving to everyone their real character which all starts with the word Intolerance, the rest we know. As more people wake up to their truth, to their real face, a sense of thankfulness is felt, that thanks God these people do not rule the nation. They speak of tolerance, of inter-faith coexistence, they speak of political plurality, they speak of minorities having to bond together to exist, but the combined FPM/Hezbollah demo of yesterday, plus the response of their trolls on this forum is ample testimony of their real faces when their masks fall down.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:00 ,2015 أيلول 05

(2). Barry. The simple truth is gaping here at us all, that Aoun will cheat, lie, invent, fabricate, intimidate, literally starve this nation just to fulfill his dream, to become president. Hassan Nasrallah who is now more than ever desperate to assure a puppet president, knowing what Aoun is, will juice the orange all the way to the peel. However, in view of their latest act of desperation, together with the despicable behavior of their trolls on this forum all go to point to a futile attempt at a show of force, the more they try, the less they make any impact. The world is not blind Barry, you see, the world sees, and now they've seen what we've been enduring for 10 years now, a situation all caused by Hezbollah headed by a man who wishes nothing less than to be a God, sure thing, a God living underground and an ally that is now truly overwhelmed by by his dementia and a greed unrivaled in our history.

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 10:57 ,2015 أيلول 05

where is mowaten to show his public condemnation of these trolls and take the high moral ground that he pretentiously takes. Oh I forgot .... he is the one doing it.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:14 ,2015 أيلول 05

Mr. Gebran Bassil, you want to cheat using the street to elect the president? Very well then, since you wish to break the constitution, how about then we also elect the PM and Speaker of the House in the same way and manner, all things being fair why not?

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 14:16 ,2015 أيلول 05

Bassil at FPM Demo: We want free President elected by People unless we discover that our candidate wont win.. then we will use intimidation and bullying to force the appointment of our candidate.. that's the FPM way.

The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken..

Michel Aoun and Gebran Bassil are this nation's undisputed leading demagogues, no one can even come close.

Thumb Machia 15:43 ,2015 أيلول 05

You forgot to add that they are idiotic demagogues who are hungry for power and corrupt to the core, especially this gnom Bassil.

Missing humble 15:43 ,2015 أيلول 05

The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken..

Thumb -phoenix1 16:00 ,2015 أيلول 05

Please check out this story, link: http://www.aljoumhouria.com/news/index/257458

Thumb -phoenix1 16:46 ,2015 أيلول 05

Excerpts from The Daily Star"
BEIRUT: Thousands of Free Patriotic Movement supporters gathered in Martyrs' Square in Downtown Beirut Friday for a massive demonstration aiming at exerting political pressure on the government to accede to the party's demands.
Hundreds of cars converged on the capital’s Central District, carrying supporters waving the party’s orange flags. A large stage, screen and sound system had been placed in the square in preparation for the anticipated day.

Please ya FPM/Hezbollah hebal, read, it doesn't even say tens of thousands, it simply said, thousands. Now stop the lies, thanks you.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:47 ,2015 أيلول 05

The real FPM/Hezbollah aim ma heyk? : “The FPM is gathered today in Martyrs' Square, but we will soon exhort its supporters to join us in the popular square of Baabda,” he said, implying that his party would soon be celebrating the appointment party leader Michel Aoun as president. It said appoint, not elect maheyk?

Default-user-icon vick (ضيف) 00:51 ,2015 أيلول 06

Bassil by saying a wooden president reffering to Suleiman i guess ,brainwashed people still following someone that left his entire army and ran away to France what a looser and corrupted brain,he wants strong army and people and resistance what a freek never seen a descent country with an army and a milishia functioning together.