الحكومة تقر "ترحيل النفايات" بعد أشهر على الأزمة وسط اعتراض "الكتائب" والوطني الحر"

Read this story in English W460

قررت الحكومة مساء الاثنين نقل النفايات الى خارج البلاد في حل موقت لأزمة بيئية واجتماعية مستمرة منذ خمسة شهور، أدت الى تظاهرات احتجاجية في العاصمة ومناطق عدة.

وقال رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام في ختام جلسة استثنائية عقدها مجلس الوزراء لهذه الغاية، ان الحل "يتمثل بترحيل النفايات خارج لبنان، وهو حل مؤقت وانتقالي ومرحلي".

وأشار سلام الى أن "ترحيل النفايات تجربة جديدة للبنان نتمنى تحقيقها بأقل ضرر ممكن لان الحل الجدي والجذري للموضوع يجب ان يكون مستداما". متوجها بالتحية الى جهود وزير الزراعة أكرم شهيب.

وأضاف "نحن نعاني اليوم من نفايات سياسية وليس فقط عضوية"، مردفا لقد "طلعِت ريحة الجميع في ملف النفايات، وأتمنّى أن لا ينسى أحد ما مرَرنا به".

وبدوره تحدث وزير الزراعة أكرم شهيّب عن بنود الخطة وتفاصيلها، فلفتَ إلى تكليف مجلس الإنماء والإعمار نقلَ النفايات الى خارج لبنان بكلفة 125 دولاراً للطن الواحد. وقال إنّ الصندوق البلدي المستقلّ سيتولّى تنظيف وجَمع وفرز النفايات.

وأوضح أن عملية الترحيل الى الخارج ستستغرق 18 شهرا، واصفا القرار بأنه "حل الضرورة".

ولقد أقرت خطة الترحيل هذه باعتاض من وزراء حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" وهما آلان حكيم، وسجعان قزي. كما سجل التيار "الوطن الحر" رفضه عبر الوزير الياس أبو صعب. اما وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل فلم يحضر الجلسة.

وقال أبو صعب لسلام أن إقرار الخطة وسط رفض مكونين رئيسيين لا يجب ان يكون "قاعدة".

ويشهد لبنان ازمة نفايات منذ شهر تموز نتجت عن اقفال مطر الناعمة. ودفعت هذه الازمة عشرات الالاف من اللبنانيين من مختلف التوجهات والطوائف للنزول الى الشارع بشكل غير مسبوق بعدما تكدست النفايات في الاحياء السكنية وعلى جوانب الطرق بشكل عشوائي.

وكان شهيب طرح في 10 ايلول خطة لحل ازمة النفايات عبر اقامة مطامر في مناطق عدة، لكن خطته تلك قوبلت برفض من سكان تلك المناطق ومن ناشطين بيئيين ايضا وذلك خشية الاضرار الناتجة من انشاء المطامر.

ولكن حتى قرار ترحيل النفايات لم يجد ترحيبا لدى الناشطين البيئيين.

وقال بول ابي راشد الخبير البيئي والناشط في التحركات الاحتجاجية على ازمة النفايات ان كلفة الترحيل "باهظة جدا وغير بيئية كون النفايات السامة لا يمكن ترحيلها".

واضاف لـ"فرانس برس" ان "القرار كارثة لم نكن نتوقعها".

وتطالب الجمعيات البيئية في لبنان منذ بدء الازمة باعتماد حلول بيئية على غرار الفرز من المصدر واعادة التدوير وقيام البلديات بالدور الرئيسي في ذلك، ولكن هذه المطالب لم تلق مطالبها اذانا صاغية.

وكانت تقارير نقلت من داخل الجلسة أن هاك "أجواء سلبية".

التعليقات 23
Thumb _mowaten_ 11:52 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

and the most ironic part is that this would still be an improvement compared to what sukleen did during 15 years, pocketing that money while dumping the trash right on the shores.

Missing peace 12:45 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

sure as it is sukleen who is in charge of ...Exporting the trash LOLLLLLLLLLLL

don't cry moooowaten... as sukleen filled the pockets of every politicians;) M8ers included... forgot that? LOLLLLLLL

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:17 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

"sure as it is sukleen who is in charge of ...Exporting the trash LOLLLLLLLLLLL"
you're being a little hysterical, and not making any sense. try again.

"don't cry moooowaten... as sukleen filled the pockets of every politicians;) M8ers included... forgot that? LOLLLLLLL"

how can i not forget something i never knew? any evidence on how hariri's company filled the pockets of m8 politicians?

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:18 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

"sure as it is sukleen who is in charge of ...Exporting the trash LOLLLLLLLLLLL"
you're being a little hysterical, and not making any sense. try again.

"don't cry moooowaten... as sukleen filled the pockets of every politicians;) M8ers included... forgot that? LOLLLLLLL"

how can i not forget something i never knew? any evidence on how hariri's company filled the pockets of m8 politicians?

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:18 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

and why this irrelevant attempt at diverting the subject? seems like dodging the blame for you m14 masters and somehow trying to turn it into an accusation against m8 is more important than the trash crisis for you. you're typically the reason we're in this situation.

Missing peace 13:57 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

in case your EMPTY brain failed to read what i wrote, i'll copy it again for your idiot brain to see:

"but our crooks ruling this country prefer making the Citizen pay for its export and make money to fill their bank accounts"

sure i m siding with one camp while criticizing ALL of them...

pityful moooowaten who can only see what he wants to see... typical definition of an IDIOT!

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:05 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

when the crooks are known, with their companies established in plain sight plundering the country, trying to put their opponents in the same bag as them is defending them. simple as that. either stick to pointing your finger at the culprits and only the culprits, or try to make them seem "just like the others" to disculpate them.

Missing peace 14:07 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

in case you failed to see: ALL the lebanese politicians are culprit yet you support them ...which makes you accomplice of this failed system...

I don't!

Missing peace 14:21 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

why haven't the politicians you support set the example in their region by valuing the trash and recycling it? why haven't the politicians you support built recycling plants in their régions? why haven't they made compost out of organic trash and used it for the agricultural lands in the Bekaa your region, instead of buying chemical products to fertilize the land?

you know why? because they too benefit from this chaos.... and yet you support them! LOLLLLLL

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:35 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

i dont support any politicians, i support the resistance and everyone who supports the resistance, because it is the one best hope of a proud free future for lebanon and the region.

Missing peace 12:49 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

Lebanon could have made MONEY out of the trash like any other civilized country does...
but our crooks ruling this country prefer making the Citizen pay for its export and make money to fill their bank accounts....

they crushed the protests, threatened the protesters only to save their businesses while sheep still vote for those idiots...

and MEDIA stay silent, accomplice of the robbing of the country!!! NO media campaign to support environmentalists who have LONG TERM solutions, no media campaign to push politicians to look for a long term solution by building recycling plants and making compost out of organic trash... 90% of our trash can be recycled and valued!!!!


Missing peace 13:53 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

funny how you try to make people believe that only M14 is in charge of everything and that M8 has nothing to do with state issues...
is M8 soo weak they cannot do anything? LOLLLLLLL

pityful mooowaten always avoiding criticizing his masters...

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:02 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

i didnt say m14 is in charge of everything, but sukleen = averda = hariri and that is a fact you cannot evade, no matter how many L's you add to your hysterical LOLs

Missing peace 14:05 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

so what? sukleen is hariri but what did M8 do to change things and set up a garbage plan that has long term solutions? nothing...just like you are doing = bark like dogs...

criticize sukleen all you want and true sukleen is just stealing lebanese citizens but also criticize your camp for idleness and benefiting from this system!

tfeh on you and all the sheep that follows the crooks we call lebanese politicians...

you call yourself "resistant"? and what does your beloved party do improve lebanese environment? what do they do to the daily lives of lebanese citizens apart bring them wars? NOTHING

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:29 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

" what does your beloved party do improve lebanese environment? "

first think i can think of: keeping takfiris out. that's a big pile of trash that we dont have to worry about thanks to hezbollah :) now if you think the resistance should also be in charge of garbage collection and urban planning, please do say so, and petition the government to give them more portfolios than the the two token ones they have now.

Missing peace 14:39 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

"keeping takfiris out" like i said: nothing for the citizens only bring them wars... all you are good at but citizens problems? you do not give a shit about it....

"now if you think the resistance should also be in charge of garbage collection and urban planning, please do say so,"

then stop saying you are a political party and stop participating to the gvt if you are not a political party!!! assume you are just a militia nothing else... tfeh on your hypocrisy....

"petition the government to give them more portfolios than the the two token ones they have now"

you are either a party and act like so or you are not and stop whining you want more portfolios, hypocrit idiot....

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:19 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

if what you understood from my comment is that i wanted more portfolios, you're really dumber than i thought.
and yea, keeping takfiris out, preventing lebanon from being turned into a bloodbath does nothing for citizens eh? defending the land and freeing it from israeli occupation also was nothing for citizens eh? man you're so freaking dumb and hypocrite, that it is pointless to talk with you. bad faith upon insults upon bad faith.

Missing peace 15:25 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

keep focusing on wars, sure mooooowaten, more than on what can we do to improve lebanese economy and citizen welfare, and sure you will have a country that the whole world would envy us...and is already envying us... no efficient infrastructure, no economy, no good salaries, no proper envronment, no water, no future for the youth... sure that is what all your "resistance" propaganda brought to Lebanon... keep up the good job and Lebanon in a few years will be a desert for your resistance to play in!

noticed that all your speeches are on war with israel and war in syria? tell a lot about your way of thinking, but never you tackle the real citizens problems... just war war war...

good little virtual soldier you are....

Missing peace 15:36 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

what is hezbollah? a "resistance" then no hezbi member should be in parliament, neither in the gvt.... and strictly stick to their favorite games which is playing war games...

or a political party? then they should not bear weapons and have no army of theirs like all the other parties did...and OBEY the army

oh! wait! they just play on both sides ...

they are a party when it goes in their intersts

and a "resistance" when it suits them...

in both cases they are just hypocrits taking a country in hostage of their weapons.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:37 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

the resistance did resistance and it did it well, you want to blame it for all the failures of politicians that it had nothing to do with? go ahead, i dont care, but know that it's people like you who prevent this country of evolving.
the day you realize hariri took hundreds of billions to supposedly build the infrastructure but instead just filled his pockets and gave the heart of beirut to khaleeji is the day you'll know who to turn to to demand answers.

Missing peace 15:48 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

then stop calling your militia a political party and stop playing politics if their role is strictly war games... you want to have everything that is all...

if your militia is not a political party then it has NOTHING to do in parliament neither in the governments, but if you believe they should then why aren't they acting as such and "resisting" also to improve lebanon's welfare and economy? why aren't they doing anything to sue hariri then if they really give a shit about it? why don't they fight corruption with the same energy they fight israel?? they have the power and the means!!!

because they benefit from it too!!!

otherwise they would also put as much strength as they put in wars to improve the system as they call themselves "resistants"!

stop saying hezbollah are right and M14 is wrong while you participate to the chaos too.... assume it like a man and start criticizing them too for stealing the country!

till then, you are just a hypocrit as your party is...

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:12 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

so if they can't take on ALL the issues and fix the entire world they're not resistants? man wake up and stop running your silly childish mouth. do something instead of whining all day and then maybe i'll take you seriously.

Missing peace 16:19 ,2015 كانون الأول 22

yet you did not answer my question... a party or an army?

i guess it is too sensitive an answer as it will make you look like i said: a hypocrit playing on both sides when it suits you....