عشرات الغارات على احياء حلب الشرقية والمشافي تضيق بالمصابين

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استهدفت عشرات الغارات الأحياء الشرقية المحاصرة في مدينة حلب منذ منتصف الليل، في وقت تعمل المستشفيات بطاقاتها القصوى لإسعاف المصابين، وفق ما افاد مراسل لوكالة فرانس برس والمرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وأحصى المرصد "عشرات الضربات الجوية" التي استهدفت بعد منتصف الليل أحياء الراشدين وبستان القصر وبستان الباشا والهلك والحيدرية ومساكن هنانو في مدينة حلب ومخيم حندرات شمال المدينة.

وأشار الى مقتل مدنيين اثنين على الاقل وسقوط عدد من الجرحى جراء هذه الغارات.

وقال مراسل لفرانس برس في شرق حلب ان الغارات اشتدت فجرا خصوصا في حيي سيف الدولة والمشهد حيث تسببت باندلاع حرائق كبيرة، قبل ان تتجدد صباحا.

وتتعرض الاحياء الشرقية في مدينة حلب لغارات جوية عنيفة يشنها الطيران السوري والروسي منذ اعلان الجيش السوري الخميس بدء هجوم على هذه الاحياء التي يحاصرها منذ شهرين تقريبا، بهدف استعادة السيطرة عليها.

وأفاد مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن وكالة فرانس برس اليوم بمقتل "128 شخصا غالبيتهم الساحقة من المدنيين، بينهم عشرون طفلا وتسع نساء جراء الغارات السورية والروسية على الاحياء الشرقية في حلب منذ ليل الخميس حتى فجر الاثنين". 

وقتل في الفترة ذاتها "٣٦ مدنيا بينهم ١١ طفلا وخمس نساء جراء هذه الغارات على مناطق عدة في أرياف حلب"، وفق عبد الرحمن.

وتسببت الحملة الجوية الكثيفة على حلب وريفها بإصابة 400 شخص على الاقل بجروح، وفق المرصد.

إزاء هذا الواقع، تعمل المشافي الرئيسية الموجودة في شرق حلب والبالغ عددها ثلاثة على الاقل في ظل ظروف صعبة ونقص في المعدات والاطباء.

ونقل مراسل فرانس برس عن مصدر طبي أن "المشافي التي لا تزال في الخدمة تعاني من ضغط هائل جراء العدد الكبير من الجرحى في الايام الاخيرة والنقص الحاصل في الدم".

واضاف ان "اقسام العناية المشددة بات ممتلئة بالمصابين ويجري كل مشفى ثلاثين عملية جراحية في اليوم الواحد منذ بدء الغارات".

ومع تعرض العشرات لاصابات خصوصا في الاطراف، وفق ما عاين مراسل فرانس برس، تزداد وطأة عدم وجود جراحين متخصصين في الشرايين والاوعية الدموية في شرق المدينة.

ويقول المصدر الطبي "جراء هذا الواقع، يتم التعامل مع الاصابات الخطيرة بعمليات بتر فورا".

ووجهت الدول الغربية الأحد اتهامات عنيفة الى روسيا خلال اجتماع طارىء عقده مجلس الامن حول سوريا، بناء على طلب الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا وبريطانيا.

وقالت سفيرة الولايات المتحدة سامنثا باور ان موسكو "تدعم نظاما قاتلا وتتمادى في الاستفادة" من كونها تتمتع بالفيتو في مجلس الامن، قبل ان تضيف "ان التاريخ لن يرحم روسيا".

في المقابل، حمل نظيرها الروسي فيتالي تشوركين التحالف الدولي بقيادة واشنطن مسؤولية المأزق الذي آلت اليه الاوضاع. وقال "تم تسليح مئات المجموعات وتم قصف البلاد من دون تمييز. في هذه الظروف فان اعادة السلام باتت مهمة شبه مستحيلة".

التعليقات 18
Missing humble 14:39 ,2016 أيلول 26

Criminal Butcher. Won't go away with it.

Thumb Southern...... 15:17 ,2016 أيلول 26

do you have something in life apart from praying and posting rubbish in this forum!?, i wonder!

Thumb Mystic 15:24 ,2016 أيلول 26

Humble, how many times have you people said that? Yet Assad still sits on his seat.

Thumb Southern...... 15:09 ,2016 أيلول 26

while the warmonger, the zionist protector still supporting the terrorists who are hijacking part of the city using the civilians as human shield.

Thumb Southern...... 16:12 ,2016 أيلول 26

@terr, note down:

your above narrow-minded statement, oblige me to give you a hint: seek some help in term of good education, because Israel was the product of the western power after WWII, Brittain gave it birth while the warmonger gave it life and still... end of story.

remeber: in 1973 war, the soviet union played major role when the Syrian army defeated the zionists till Sadat's treason.... this is what it does count!

btw: the wahhabi state is like zionist one, they are anti-Arab entities that you cheer and glorify, in this you need some help too.

Missing imagine_1979 16:27 ,2016 أيلول 26

For a leftist u know litle about soviet union my friend southern..
I can imagine why u chose to forget what hezbos have done in south lebanon, the leftists and comunist assassinations but the soviet position is part of general knowledge..
U donnot know why lebanese comunist party cut ties in the 70's with the soviet my friend?... We'll it was because the soviet backed israel state by then, and where more than happy to send (willingly or not) thouthends of rusian jews there...
U know southern u can chose to change lebanon history as per ur current political convienience but changing the world history this one is a litle big...
As for terrorist, well despite the soviet position the lebanese leftists and comunists created the resistance, this since the 70's with popular brigades (harras el chaabi) then lebanese patriotic resistance front (jamoul) untill those reatrded islamic resistance came and took it to another level...
Have a nice day both of u

Missing imagine_1979 16:34 ,2016 أيلول 26

Well 70's show was not that bad..
But the discution was going on on that subject bro, if u weren't that stupid u would have noticed, but again....
Nice trolling man, keep up the good work :)

Thumb Southern...... 18:30 ,2016 أيلول 26


you have to include in your list all the components of LCW:
the "Tigers"
all of them were seeking to widen their influence, by hitting each other without distinguishing..... be more intelligent and stop issuing biased statements, really hateful you are.

btw: Usa NUKED Japan...both the Americans and Japanese are still the same but right now they are allies.... move on!

Missing imagine_1979 20:30 ,2016 أيلول 26

It s a good start southern now u do recognise that hezbos did everything to eliminate any secular, or multiconfesional resistance to put their ISLAMIC redistance (as per the official name) in control of south lebanon (even if u do try to melt it in the crasy lebanese war in which u are right)
Now after it can u try to figure why no faction approved lebanese resistance brigade then? (Despite that now some seems to be back at it..) can u figure how communist resistants (who kept action untill 2000) where shot on their way to the borders? Can u figure how soha bchara was denied official comunist gathering in her arrival and when her dad tried to raise the red flag security rushed to stop him (that was in the news but can u figure why?
Can u figure why in south lebanon most liqor shop were shutdown? Can u ask ur parents how social life was there before hezbos took control?...
Is it really the system u wanna live by?

Missing imagine_1979 20:33 ,2016 أيلول 26

I would really apreciate an honest answer... And please why i do get alined with saiid chaaban and hachem minkara in tripoli via "patriotic party gathering aka al ahzab el watanieh" spare us the takfiri bullshit, as a leftist u should know who said chaaban and hachem minkara are (now said's son billal, but i donno if he got secular and progresist as hezbos seem to be...
Just an honest answer southern...

Thumb Southern...... 20:39 ,2016 أيلول 26

no, i didn't say that you idiot, what i'm saying that everybody fought everybody and that's all...so, dont put words that i dont say in my mouth, really dumb.

btw: come on talk about Gigi first the child killer, bearing in mind that you are one of his follower...

Thumb Southern...... 20:49 ,2016 أيلول 26

the country is facing real threat and individuals like you only do harm while HA is doing the good things, sacrificing and that's why the country is the most secure among the M.E countries.. like it or not... leave the ligors for now.

Missing imagine_1979 20:49 ,2016 أيلول 26

U still dinot answer southern...
Gigi acted in the war as any other factions, all foughts..
Now gigi got un jail (for a crime later proven not done by him) all of them should hv done jail (and for the good reasons).
I bever did said that gigi was a saint, he acknowledge his mistake, comunists did also officially in 1991 but this is not enough all who fought should have gotten the deserved sentences or all should be let free (i prefer all in jail)
But none of them southern, except hezbos (who are at least as sectarian as gigi, who commited assassinations during war, who still has their millicia would be passing for saint..
So is this really the system u wanna live by?

Missing imagine_1979 21:16 ,2016 أيلول 26

Southern can u tell me how hezbollah in irak or in yemen makes lebNon safer?
And what good is he bringing? Untill 2006 he refused to send lebanese army to south lebanon southern all who dare to comment even comunists where called zionist southern... Is south lebanon a secular open minded place? Is it more secular and openminded than tripoli for exemple?...
This is the king of system u wanna live in?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 21:45 ,2016 أيلول 26

May not be considered communist but this is by far the most pro-Iseali government in recent memory in Russia

Missing humble 22:35 ,2016 أيلول 26

You are giving very important and truthful historical facts which have great impact on the strategies and decision-making of big powers.
But the illiterate people on this blog won't be able to appreciate your geopolitical reasoning, because they have no education for that. I beg you not to answer them since their silly remarks do not deserve the tiniest attention.

Missing humble 00:44 ,2016 أيلول 27

I admire you remarks and sense of humor.

Missing people-power 06:30 ,2016 أيلول 27

Shoulder-fired anti aircraft missiles are coming for the rebels