الجميل: الرئيس العتيد من صنع حزب الله ولن ندخل في الصفقة الرئاسية القائمة!

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اتخذ حزب "الكتائب" موقفاً متقدماً من رفض التسوية السياسية لانتخاب العماد ميشال عون، معتبرا ان وصول العماد ميشال عون الى سدة الرئاسة فرض بمنطق التعطيل وهو من صنع حزب الله.

ورد رئيس الحزب النائب سامي الجميل على القول بأن الرئيس المقبل "صنع في لبنان"، اذ رأى ان "الحدث الأخير الذي صنع في لبنان الحر والديموقراطي هو ثورة الأرز أما هذا الاستحقاق فهو بعيد كل البعد من طموح الشعب اللبناني وهو صنع بمنطق التعطيل والفرض".

وقال "إن الذي أمّن وصول الجنرال عون الى الرئاسة ليس كونه المسيحي الأقوى وإنما قرار "حزب الله" الالتزام الاخلاقي معه، ونحن نعتبر ان هذا الانتخاب يعطي "حزب الله" الحق الحصري والأحادي في اختيار الرئيس وفرضه على اللبنانيين".

وأضاف ان "تصويتنا سيكون وفق قناعاتنا ولن ندخل في الصفقة الرئاسية القائمة".

وأكد الجميل أن "الورقة الفاصلة التي نعول عليها هي أداء الرئيس المقبل وممارسته لمهماته، وسنحاسب على الخطأ وسندعم كل خطوة تقع في اتجاه تحقيق المشروع اللبناني".

التعليقات 14
Thumb ex-fpm 20:18 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

الجميل: اصبح المعيار الذي نستخلصه ان على المرشحين للرائسة ان يبتنوا سياسة حزب الله.
الجميل: هذا الانتخاب يعطي حزب الله الحق الحصري والاحادي بفرض الرئيس على اللبنانيين.
الجميل: من أمن وصول عون الى الرئاسة ليس كونه المسيحي الاقوى انما هو قرار حزب الله بالالتزام الاخلاقي معه.

You deserve all the respect Sami for being the exception to the rule in this jungle of corrupt politicians.

Thumb barrymore 20:31 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Gemayel: This election will give Hizbullah the exclusive and sole right to impose presidents on the Lebanese.

not only in this election but it sets a precedence for every presidential election in the future. Don't be surprised if Hezbollah insists on having a bassil as president in the next elections.

Thumb chrisrushlau 20:44 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Gemayel said, "The rule by the majority would not be a problem if we had completed our historic Christian duty of eliminating Muslims from Lebanon." Shia Muslims make up more than half the Lebanese population according to Noan Chomsky, and Sunnis, roughly another quarter. Gemayel was speaking to fellow powerless Lebanese warlords during a recent ski holiday in his native Switzerland.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:35 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Rushlau the jew...

you are a Racist christian hater. Are you genetically deficient or just got beaten by a christian nanny as a child?

Thumb justin 21:44 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

22 July 2015

“Iran wants a new president to serve Hizbullah's interests, not Lebanon's,” Geagea added.

“It is therefore exerting pressure to ensure the election of a president who agree with its views,” he explained to the daily.

“The rise of a Lebanese state is not among Iran's priorities,” Geagea lamented.


Now, the same Geagea says Aoun is 100% made in Lebanon:)!!!!

Thumb justin 21:56 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

March 21, 2012

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea launched a scathing attack against the Change and Reform bloc, saying that its ministers in government were corrupt.

“The thing that saddens me the most these days is that those who spoke diligently about corruption for the past 20 years proved to be the most corrupt in Lebanon’s history after taking charge of sensitive ministries in the government,” Geagea told a delegation of doctors in Meerab, north of Beirut.


Thumb lebanon_first 22:29 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Why does Naharnet insist on putting the last sentence of this article in every single article concerning the presidency for the past year!!!

I am not against the rapprochment geagea Aoun. But I think that Sami's stance is commendable. HA is the source of all ills of Lebanon, and nothing positive will happen as long as HA are holding lebanese decision making hostage to their party needs.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:30 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Why does Naharnet insist on putting the last sentence of this article in every single article concerning the presidency for the past year!!!

I am not against the rapprochment geagea Aoun. But I think that Sami's stance is commendable. HA is the source of all ills of Lebanon, and nothing positive will happen as long as HA are holding lebanese decision making hostage to their party needs.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:30 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

Why does Naharnet insist on putting the last sentence of this article in every single article concerning the presidency for the past year!!!

I am not against the rapprochment geagea Aoun. But I think that Sami's stance is commendable. HA is the source of all ills of Lebanon, and nothing positive will happen as long as HA are holding lebanese decision making hostage to their party needs.

Default-user-icon David (ضيف) 22:41 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

They are all the same. Kabou el Kataeb bil jneineh, this is why, completely insignificant party? He forgot that his President father Amin Gemayel was one of the most corrupt president in the history of Lebanon. He forgot how many time his father kissed Hafez hand and feet.

Missing humble 23:55 ,2016 تشرين الأول 27

I have left Geagea since he made his Historical mistake...he just doesn't have the foggiest idea of the paranoia and supermegalomania of NapoleAoun...

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:48 ,2016 تشرين الأول 28

Fully agree with what he said: ""The last 'made in Lebanon' event was the Cedar Revolution, while this election and the manner in which it is being approached have nothing to do with the Lebanese people's aspirations, seeing as it was reached through the approach of obstruction and coercion,” Gemayel said at a press conference."

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 09:45 ,2016 تشرين الأول 28

Sami Gemayel got it right.

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 09:46 ,2016 تشرين الأول 28

Sami Gemayel got it right.