انهيار مبنى من 15 طابقا في طهران ورجال اطفاء عالقون داخله

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انهار مبنى مؤلف من 15 طابقا في وسط طهران الخميس بحسب الصور التي نقلها التلفزيون الايراني الرسمي في بث مباشر بعدما اندلعت النيران في طوابقه العليا.

وكان المبنى، احد اولى المباني الشاهقة التي شيدت في طهران في الستينيات، اخلي . لكن عشرات رجال الاطفاء الذين كانوا يحاولون اخماد النيران، كانوا لا يزالون في داخله عند انهياره.

واصيب 30 شخصا بجروح في حريق المبنى قبل ان ينهار.

وهذا المبنى الذي اطلق عليه اسم "بلاسكو بيلدينغ" شيد في 1962 ويضم مركزا تجاريا ومشاغل لصنع الملابس.

وقال الناطق باسم رجال الاطفاء جلال مالكي "لقد حذرنا عدة مرات مسؤولي المبنى" من انه كان معرضا للسقوط، معبرا عن اسفه لانه لم يتم الاخذ بهذه التحذيرات.

التعليقات 17
Thumb farsical.resistance 18:07 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

Sorry but this is uncalled for

Thumb farsical.resistance 18:09 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

This is unfair, this is tragic wherever it happens.

Thumb justin 20:07 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

well said texas. This filthy troll and his 100 fake accounts were rejoicing the death of the white helmets and accusing them of killing babies and filming them for media propaganda. Now he is lecturing others on morals that he so sorely lacks.

Thumb EagleDawn 20:22 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

whom other than a sick retard like @flametroller rejoices and wishes the death and destruction of MTV station for doing their job?

whom other than a sick retard like @flametroller wishes the destruction of whole lebanese cities such arsal, sidon and tripoli and turning them into parking lots?

whom other than a sick retard like @flametroller calls for soaking M14 leaders in acid baths?

Thumb Mystic 22:47 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

These Al Qaeda White Helmets texas?


Thumb warrior 02:39 ,2017 كانون الثاني 20

the mighty follower of al hussain quotes 'vanessa.beeley' and Facebook, a zionist owned flirting site.


Thumb EagleDawn 07:22 ,2017 كانون الثاني 20

is vanesssa beeley zainab's profile on facebook? Is she the one who works at dahiehwood productions? lol

Thumb nonabel. 20:09 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

I don't know who is sicker, Little brown thing or his twin the cyber bully. One thing for sure we know that both are of the sub-human species.

Thumb EagleDawn 20:25 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

There is a Cristian businessman kidnapped by shia terrorists in Brital. Since you are a devout Christian I thought you should know perhaps you could go to that article and offer a comment instead of feeling sorry for iranians perishing in a building that collapsed in Tehran. Just saying...

Thumb justin 20:28 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

indeed :)))) roflmao @eagle!

Thumb barrymore 20:57 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

nonabel just answered your call and posted just below with his usual 'rabbish':)

Thumb nonabel. 21:25 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

No need commenting on the Christian business man ya Sectarian eagledung. I have commented in the past on similar events and condemned the villains and took a tongue lashing from you and your sectarian buddies.
I have also called the related gangs in Brital, Scums. Got that?
I do wish you well my hero, ooops, I meant zero.

Thumb Puppet 21:31 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

Mr. Nonabel is deserving of my utmost and unconditional respect for turning the other cheek in Jesus-like manner and for taking a tongue's lashing from the sectarian eagle dung and his buddies.

Missing rabbishlomo 20:36 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

All my respect for terrorist for showing feelings of an almost
"Human nature."
Be it a natural disaster or a dead baby in the dumpster.

Thumb Elemental 05:27 ,2017 كانون الثاني 20

Yet your group kills women and children with zero inhibition, care to elaborate?

Thumb ice-man 22:06 ,2017 كانون الثاني 19

How Sad.......

Thumb scorpyonn 07:01 ,2017 كانون الثاني 20

That country is plagued with death and destruction. Trump might finish them off!!!