مدير الشؤون السياسية في وزارة الخارجية يلتقي كاغ: نتمسك بالتطبيق الكامل للـ1701 من دون تمييز

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استقبل مدير الشؤون السياسية والقنصلية في وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين السفير شربل وهبه، الممثلة الخاصة للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة سيغريد كاغ.

ولفت وهبه خلال اللقاء إلى ضرورة التقيد بأحكام اتفاقية فيينا ولا سيما في ما يتعلق بما ينطبق على المعتمد الديبلوماسي.

وأكد احترام لبنان الكامل للشرعية الدولية وفق ما ورد في البيان الوزاري، وتمسكه بالتطبيق الكامل للقرار 1701 من دون انتقائية أو تمييز.

وجاء لقاء وهبة وكاغ بعد التغريدة الاخيرة التي نشرتها كاغ على تويتر ذكرت فيها بقرار 1701. وكتبت "قرار 1701 الصادر عن مجلس الامن واضح ومهم لامن واستقرار لبنان، ويقول بنزع السلاح من جميع المجموعات المسلحة، وان لا سلاح خارج الدولة.

التعليقات 9
Thumb justice 10:05 ,2017 شباط 17

When there are no armed groups outside state control, then talk about respecting international laws.

A country run by a militia, a president elected by a militia, a prime minister appointed by a militia, and security agencies run by a militia.

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 11:23 ,2017 شباط 17


Genius at debate; Expert at Geography; Master at Sociology. That is who you are and what you are and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. In my eyes you are a living legend.

In other words, you are somesing anazar flamesrower!

Default-user-icon expat (ضيف) 11:36 ,2017 شباط 17

Thank you flamethrower for letting me know that Lebanon was not formed by militias nor is it subject to militia rule. Here in Sweden we hardly get the news and I was under the impression so was my girlfriend that Lebanon was indeed controlled by a sectarian militia called hezbollah that takes its orders from Iran. I thank you for letting us know that is not the case.

Thumb justin 10:56 ,2017 شباط 17

When Lebanon goes crying to the UN for loans and grants, send Director of Political and Consular Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Charbel Wehbe.

Thumb lou.williams 11:33 ,2017 شباط 17

another UN resolution, another tweet, another war, another year, another article as flamethrower embarks on yet another journey in pursuit of his childhood dream to achieve excellence in irrelevancy and trolling.

Default-user-icon United Nationz (ضيف) 11:38 ,2017 شباط 17

The Secretary General of the United Nations just read your comment and happens to agree with you. He is in the process of drafting a resolution under chapter 7 of the U.N charter calling for the dissolution of the United Nations as requested.

Have a nice day

Default-user-icon Joseph (ضيف) 13:22 ,2017 شباط 17

Congratulations to the Foreign Ministry. Reaction at the right time, at the right level, with the proper content. This is as professional a reaction as I can think of.

Thumb Southern...... 13:31 ,2017 شباط 17

Wehbe focused on “the daily Israeli violations against this decision since 2006 until today, which exceeded 11 thousand breaches, and Israel's continued occupation of Lebanese territory.”

while the ZioTrolls are filling the forum with their aggressive comments against Lebanon that implies their approval of the Israeli continuous violations.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:49 ,2017 شباط 17

'Pity Of You'
You Will Be Caught !