تسليم جثث 5 سوريين عثر عليهم في جرود عرسال الى دمشق

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سلمت الاجهزة الامنية جثث خمسة سوريين الى دمشق عثر عليها في جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، وتبين أنهم خطفوا أثناء معراك بلدة معلولا.

وصدرت المديرية العامة للامن العام البيان الاتي "قامت المديرية العامة للامن العام قبل ظهر اليوم الموافق فيه 25 الجاري، بإشراف القضاء المختص وبالتنسيق مع منظمة الصليب الاحمر اللبناني، بتسليم السلطات السورية في مركز امن عام جديدة يابوس الحدودي خمسة جثامين عائدة لمواطنين سوريين هم:

- عاطف راغب قلومة

- غسان ميخائيل شنيص

- شادي ميخائيل تعلب

- جهاد مطانيوس تعلب

- داود سركيس ميلانة

وكانت دورية من المديرية العامة للامن العام قد كشفت مكان وجودهم، اثناء تنفيذ مهمة عسكرية استكشافية في الجرود على الحدود اللبنانية - السورية الشرقية خلال شهر كانون الاول 2016 في اطار متابعتها لملف العسكريين المخطوفين، وتمكنت من سحب الجثامين، ثم استكملت الاجراءات الادارية والقضائية لهذا الملف، واجريت الفحوصات المخبرية اللازمة، وتبين انها تعود لمواطنين سوريين من مدينة معلولا خطفوا اثناء المعارك التي شهدتها المنطقة، وتمت تصفيتهم على يد احدى التنظيمات الارهابية، ورمي جثثهم في احدى المغاور في جرود عرسال.

التعليقات 50
Thumb galaxy 16:13 ,2017 نيسان 25

A heretic who supports the mass killings of hundreds of thousands even millions of sunnis by his minority cult is the last person to talk.

Thumb galaxy 16:29 ,2017 نيسان 25

buzz off flamethrower

Thumb Mystic 17:29 ,2017 نيسان 25

I hope he kills more of your kind too galaxy.

Thumb Elemental 19:40 ,2017 نيسان 25

Primitive inbred nature right here ^, now go on with your childish assumptions.

Thumb galaxy 16:22 ,2017 نيسان 25

and you are killing and slaughtering sunnis in Iraq, Syria and Yemen not for their religion ya iranian heretic?

When you scream "labayka ya hussain" before you embark on your massacres or when you pledge to take revenge on the sunnis the sons of yazid, you are not killing them for their religion.

Your hatred for sunnis is more than evident in every single one of your posts. But that does not surprise anybody. After all you are a shia indoctrinated by wilayat al faqih,

Thumb galaxy 17:04 ,2017 نيسان 25

lol @ the heretic, sure:)!

Thumb Mystic 17:27 ,2017 نيسان 25

Like you kill us, we will kill you.
Atleast other people now knows who you are, yes not all Sunnis are bad that is a fact many do support Resistance, but the ones that embrace Salafism and Al Qaeda and Israel must all die, no mercy.

Christians around here, should begin to realize that not just Christians but Druze too.

Thumb Mystic 17:31 ,2017 نيسان 25

Oh I forgot, because these are SYRIAN christians and Druze that means Geagea and Jumblat the cowards wont give a damn.

Thumb Mystic 17:56 ,2017 نيسان 25

The bombing of Sayyidet Al Najet Church by the hands Geagea and his forces in 1994?

Thumb liberty 18:08 ,2017 نيسان 25

rofl @ the devil worshiper and his online bravado

Missing peace 18:20 ,2017 نيسان 25

they are just awaiting the predictions from al jafr to come true... that is what hezbi believe in and why they are so fiercefully engaged in syria....

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:22 ,2017 نيسان 25

._.mowaten._. is another fake account impersonating me.

is that the best you online trolls can do?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:23 ,2017 نيسان 25

anonyme take your pills, nobody is interested in discussing your fantasies except maybe your imaginary friends.

Thumb Mystic 18:32 ,2017 نيسان 25

Let's make the facts more simple.

How many minorities Shia, Christian, Druze lives in "Rebel" held areas of Syria? None.

How many Sunnis lives in Assad Government Areas? The majority of the Syrian people.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:42 ,2017 نيسان 25

anonyme, again, stop fantasizing.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:47 ,2017 نيسان 25

"How many Syrian Sunnis slaughtered by Alawites - 420,000."

what a freaking farce you are. more than half those 420,000 are pro-government supporters and pro-government soldiers.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:48 ,2017 نيسان 25

no wonder you're such a nutjob, you just pull random BS out of your rear and run with it

Thumb galaxy 18:56 ,2017 نيسان 25

"crying that you're being persecuted is the single most cowardly and hypocrite thing you ever said."

read your first post under your one of many aliases ya heretic and tell me who is complaining about persecution.

It is your cult that was founded on feeling persecuted, oppressed and victimized. That is how you keep fueling your hatred and poison and pass it on to your children for generations to come.

In Lebanon, even after controlling the country with your weapons, stealing the country's resources, dealing in drugs and money laundering you still refer to yourself as the oppressed and the persecuted.

But you can keep telling us you are atheist, secular and not shia.

Thumb galaxy 19:06 ,2017 نيسان 25

mowaten the known troll says someone is impersonating him.... as if you have not made the same statement to texas and others before. You made the same statement yesterday:


or yours has a different smell ya troll?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:10 ,2017 نيسان 25

galaxative: i dont know why he is impersonating me, but he is, and taking my old comments if part of his little game. this is why i said yesterday it was probably the same agent behind the "eagleyawn" account, because he is know to record and repost people's comments. if i had to guess i'd say he wants to pass as me and posts my old comments for now so he can later on start posting damaging comments.

Thumb Mystic 19:11 ,2017 نيسان 25

To keep Syria from becoming a failed state like Libya.
From keeping the majorities in Syria from being completely annihilated.

The ones kill on your side, were not good people as you like to portray, they are Al Qaeda affiliated rebels.

Everyone knows this, even the West but they still seem to try and give you some sort of humanitarian support, because you are losing, the West should begin to understand that these people they support, are not good human beings, they are Salafis and Al Qaeda/ISIS.

Thumb Mystic 19:13 ,2017 نيسان 25

Just like White Helmets, that is the Westernized "humanitarian" face of Al Qaeda.
They try to act civilized and protectors of civilians, even though they sedate children in rebel held areas and dig children in rubble only to dig them back up and show it on film.

Thumb pinocchio 19:15 ,2017 نيسان 25

Hey _mowaten_…you are one man army...in this site so many personnels against you and you never backdown you tweet them back like a birdie on Twitter…I salute your shia iranian spirit.. I luv it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:50 ,2017 نيسان 25

lol sos, nothing makes sense in your comments, but i'm sure you must think you're a real smart one. didnt you use to post as "terrorist" and who knows how many other nicknames? why change the names? trying to pass off as another person?

I never tried to hide who I am, and the variants of my username were created following bans by naharnet. You guys, on the other hand, think that by posting the same rubbish under dozens of fake usernames will give you more credibility, and are failing miserably.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:52 ,2017 نيسان 25

oh and btw, for the cavemen who didnt get the reference

Thumb EagleDawn 19:59 ,2017 نيسان 25

lol @mowateh

you're a joke, seeing me everywhere, that's a very unhealthy obsession.

When I read your comments I picture you walking around without a brain and screaming “eagledawn eagledawn” at every lamppost until someone slaps you down. Life must be really hard for you

habboub dont be so pathetic. when you have nothing to say, say nothing. trolls will speak of everything except the points that matter.

Thumb ex-fpm 00:11 ,2017 نيسان 26

Eagle is your living nightmare

Thumb gigahabib 16:58 ,2017 نيسان 25

Again, no one is killing Sunnis for simply being Sunnis. That's the big difference.

Thumb galaxy 17:05 ,2017 نيسان 25

spare us your takiah lies

Thumb janoubi 17:15 ,2017 نيسان 25

gigahabib, you think you are fooling anybody? I hope you are not trying to convince me of your lies. I know the truth as to how the shias feel towards the sunnis. Surely being a shia yourself, you must be familiar with the saying in every shia home " kill a sunni and enter janneh".

Missing peace 18:18 ,2017 نيسان 25

they are just awaiting the predictions from al jafr to come true... that is what hezbi believe in and why they are so fiercefully engaged in syria....

Thumb janoubi 17:16 ,2017 نيسان 25

colombian mercenaries? lol

Thumb gigahabib 17:27 ,2017 نيسان 25

AndrodyneTexas is back? But didn't you get banned by the Hezbollah-Naharnet cospiracy axis?

Thumb gigahabib 17:29 ,2017 نيسان 25

Lol, there are fighters of all religions on the Syrian government side.

You might have had a point if Saudi had Shia fighting for them.

Missing peace 18:09 ,2017 نيسان 25

look at thse hezbi lovers crying while forgetting that thousands of syrians are displaced and replaced by shias and alawites, and they pretend to care about minorities while proceeding to ethnical cleansing.... hypocrits they are, pityful ...

Thumb Elemental 19:39 ,2017 نيسان 25

These Iranian implants are just as abusive towards Christians as Daesh, nothing but takia hypocrites. Only difference? They use Christians as puppets then eventually kill them once they claim majority of the population. Equal trash to daesh and bigger liars.

Missing peace 20:23 ,2017 نيسان 25

sure they never complain about how christians are treated in iran like second zone citizens...

Thumb Elemental 21:35 ,2017 نيسان 25

Notice those implants also pretend to ignore this fact and make themselves look light righteous heroes? Bunch of takia hypocrites.

Thumb ex-fpm 00:09 ,2017 نيسان 26

DNA - 25/04/2017 حزب الله-أمل..والمتاجرة بالمسيحيين

Thumb ex-fpm 00:16 ,2017 نيسان 26

I highly recommend everybody watches the above video.

Thumb ex-fpm 00:24 ,2017 نيسان 26

as to the hybrid law, watch @2:59-3:22 where Raad says it is unconstitutional.

Thumb i.report 00:40 ,2017 نيسان 26

A true circus.

Thumb sevilla 06:00 ,2017 نيسان 26

Christian rights were and are a commodity in the bazaar of the fpm and hezbollah.

Thumb enterprise 07:25 ,2017 نيسان 26

gigahabib 14 hours ago
Again, no one is killing Sunnis for simply being Sunnis. That's the big difference.

and when you drill a sunni's head with an electric drill you are killing him for his political views ya heretic!?

Thumb enterprise 07:28 ,2017 نيسان 26

Bodies of mutilated civilians dumped across Baghdad

There are 32,563 cases of civilian murders by insurgent groups, according to the files substantially more than the 20,228 killed in IED explosions.

In hundreds of cases there are also references to torture, including that of 32 children.

The violence detailed in the documents is horrific. It includes skin peeled from bodies, acid burns, attacks with electric drills, electrocution, branding, fingers and limbs torn off, eyes pulled out, ears, noses and parts of the face sliced off.

The first case of insurgent torture was recorded on April 20 2004. It describes a corpse found near Fallujah with indications of mutilation.

The level of violence got worse as the civil war progressed, and was not only confined to adults.


Thumb enterprise 04:56 ,2017 نيسان 27

In 2006 in Diyala province, north of Baghdad, a six-year-old boy’s body was found. The log recorded “several small holes originally thought to be gunshot wounds were holes caused by a drill.”
In June 2007 in a Baghdad district, the corpse of a man, around 30-35 years old, dressed in a tan dishdasha was discovered. The flesh of his arm was missing, “as if peeled off”.

Thumb enterprise 04:58 ,2017 نيسان 27

and when the shia heretics cannot face the truth they mass report the comments that incriminate them and get them deleted.

Thumb enterprise 05:06 ,2017 نيسان 27

In 2006 in Diyala province, north of Baghdad, a six-year-old boy’s body was found. The log recorded “several small holes originally thought to be gunshot wounds were holes caused by a drill.”

and according to the shia heretic this little sunni boy was drilled to death because of his political wahhabi views and not for simply being a sunni, right ya heretic?

Thumb ex-fpm 08:13 ,2017 نيسان 27

of course they will delete your comments because they hate to see the truth.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:13 ,2017 نيسان 27

of course they will delete your comments because they hate to see the truth.