واشنطن تتوعد بـ"سحق" عملاء حزب الله حول العالم

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توعدت واشنطن الاثنين بملاحقة وسحق عملاء حزب الله حول العالم.

وقال وزير الخارجية الاميركي مايك بومبيو خلال عرضه الاستراتيجية الاميركية الجديدة بعد الانسحاب من الاتفاق النووي الايراني، واشنطن ستقومبملاحقة العملاء الايرانيين واتباعهم في حزب الله في كل انحاء العالم بهدف سحقهم".

وأكد أن الولايات المتحدة ستمارس "ضغطا ماليا غير مسبوق" على النظام الايراني يتجلى في "عقوبات هي الاكثر شدة في التاريخ".

التعليقات 18
Thumb thepatriot 17:28 ,2018 أيار 21

You have the support of millions of Lebanese inside and outside Lebanon for that! ... Crush those secterian drug trafficking mercenaries!

Thumb joebustani 17:32 ,2018 أيار 21

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, sponsors, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb barrymore 17:36 ,2018 أيار 21

"We will track down Iranian operatives and their Hizbullah proxies operating around the world and crush them," Pompeo said.

Ready to provide any help needed.
Full Ahead

Thumb norma-jean 17:40 ,2018 أيار 21

Pompeo Says U.S. to 'Crush Hizbullah Operatives' around the World

Mr. Pompeo: Jannah, Firdous, Gigi and I have a list of operatives to submit including :

- flamethrower

and all their aliases.

We have detailed information about the whereabouts of these terrorist operatives.
Call Me

Thumb illiterate-Southern 17:54 ,2018 أيار 21

Southern, I read your comment 5 times and finally it dawned on me the depth of your factual analysis. The U.S failures in these countries are obvious to even the most uninformed readers.

Once again you have showed us how to take a complex geopolitical puzzle and dismantle it into simple easy to understand pieces.

I value your contributions to my development and growth. I shall forever be indebted to you.

Thumb ashtah 18:18 ,2018 أيار 21

Let's see the implementation...... Hezbollah terrorists are easy target for U.S fighter jets in Syria. Do it....

Thumb EagleDawn 18:25 ,2018 أيار 21

"Laugh out loud!" Aka, LOL.

Say it again, Chris.

Thumb justin 18:30 ,2018 أيار 21

بعد النجاح الكبير الذي حققه فيلم “كفرناحوم” للمخرجة اللبنانية نادين لبكي، في مهرجان “كان” السينمائي في دورته الـ71، بجائزة لجنة التحكيم والتي تمثل بشكل فعلي الميدالية البرونزية، كتب النائب نواف الموسوي على صفحته عبر “تويتر”: “بلا لبكي، بلا وجع راس : وقت الجدّ ما فيه غير سلاحك بيحميك”.

الموسوي حول فوز لبكي في مهرجان “كان” السينمائي: وقت الجدّ ما في غير سلاحك بيحميك

Thumb enterprise 08:20 ,2018 أيار 22

That's the culture of the shia: terrorism, weapons, drugs, kidnappings, massacres, money laundering.

Missing phillipo 19:00 ,2018 أيار 21

The sooner the better. The more the merrier.

Thumb shab 19:13 ,2018 أيار 21

Thank you USA

Thumb rolfmao. 21:34 ,2018 أيار 21

Patty, me boy, you forgot how, in your Bizarro World history, the USSR also buried America, why not. After decades of victorious economic achievements Vietnam came crawling to America for economic help and investments. America left Iraq, after Obama's campaign promise, with AlQaeda defeated with the help of the Sha7wat and new elections on the way. The Iranians with Obama's accord kept their tool the illiterate election loser and embezzler Maliki, PM, with dire consequences. New PM Abadi had to go beg America back to help him defeat Daesh. America was kicked out of Syria and has more than 20 bases and counting, some kick that was. America failed in Afghanistan, to do what? It's still there. In Lebanon American officials come in through the airport and they're covered by all medias while the Iranians and friends have to sneak in illegally and take selfies.

Thumb liberty 03:14 ,2018 أيار 22


Thumb scorpyonn 21:55 ,2018 أيار 21

Iran needs to go first. You never negotiate with cancer- you eliminate it

Thumb Maxx 03:36 ,2018 أيار 22

Eh, right. As much as I would have been happy if it were true, but believing anything that comes out of the Spanky Trump White House is like believing Basil when he said "kahraba 24/7!"...
Talk talk talk...

Thumb Maxx 03:37 ,2018 أيار 22

How do you expect anybody to believe in God when you don't even believe in Spellcheck?

Thumb warrior 06:09 ,2018 أيار 22

lol @ 'Chris' the 'Christian';)

Thumb warrior 06:09 ,2018 أيار 22

Add mine too