دبلوماسي عربي يقول معدات عسكرية سعودية تحركت إلى الاردن لتسليح الجيش السوري الحر والمملكة تنفي "نفيا قاطعا"

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أعلن مصدر دبلوماسي عربي السبت "تحرك معدات عسكرية سعودية الى الاردن لتسليح الجيش السوري الحر".

واضاف المصدر لوكالة "فرانس برس" مشترطا عدم كشف اسمه أن "التفاصيل المتعلقة بهذه العملية ستعلن في وقت لاحق".

ونفى وزير الدولة الاردني لشؤون الاعلام والاتصال راكان المجالي السبت الخبر.

وقال المجالي، الذي يشغل ايضا منصب الناطق الرسمي باسم الحكومة الاردنية للوكالة عينها "ننفي نفيا قاطعا ان يكون هناك نقل أسلحة او أي توجهات من هذا النوع" معتبرا ان "هذا الخبر لا أساس له من الصحة".

يذكر ان السعودية، وهي من ابرز المنتقدين لقمع المحتجين على النظام في سوريا، كانت اعلنت الاربعاء الماضي اغلاق سفارتها في دمشق وسحب جميع الدبلوماسيين بعدما كانت استدعت سفيرها من هناك في آب الفائت.

وكان وزير الخارجية الامير سعود الفيصل اعلن قبل اسبوعين مجددا تاييده تسليح المعارضين السوريين لان "هذا حقهم للدفاع عن انفسهم".

وقال في هذا الشأن ان "رغبة السوريين في التسلح دفاعا عن انفسهم حق لهم. لقد استخدمت اسلحة في دك المنازل تستخدم في حرب مع الاعداء".

وبحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان، فإن قمع الاحتجاجات في سوريا أسفر عن سقوط تسعة الاف قتيل على الاقل منذ بدء الحركة الاحتجاجية ضد النظام في آذار 2011.

التعليقات 65
Thumb beiruti 15:27 ,2012 آذار 17

This is quite backwards. Before putting gasoline into the tank, know that the car will run. The vehicle of the SNC is not organized or disciplined enough for an infusion of capital, yet. Though much is at stake, they still fight among each other. In Lebanon, it was the same way, and it still is. All of our people want to be leaders and none wish to be followers in a great cause. Yet another way that Lebanese and Syrians are of common kindred.
However, this time, the instinctive will not to follow is lethal. If this Uprising fails, Assad will hunt them all down and kill them one by one. They must organize, we must help them organize and then with Saudi funding, there is a chance of success.

Default-user-icon Fawaz (ضيف) 06:59 ,2012 آذار 18

The IDF points to a "regular transfer" of weapons from Syria to Hezbollah that began even before the rebellion against President Bashar Assad's government. Still, since Assad lost complete control, the weapon transfers have increased, and include drones and shore-to-ship missiles. "The more Assad loses his grip, the transfers will increase," the officer explained. "We're troubled by the transfer of strategic components from Syria to Lebanon, and if that happens, it might be cause for a more active response," he added.

Thumb arzz 08:35 ,2012 آذار 18

Nice, they are all talk. Israel only wants to deal with sitting ducks not with an armed formidable force. After 60 years of their oppression (doing to arabs what Hitler did to them) they finally are getting what they desrve.

Thumb jcamerican 15:36 ,2012 آذار 17

You think 10000 is too much. Now reset your counters, the real war started.

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 21:12 ,2012 آذار 17

I am also a jcamerican. The truth is the Syrian government has already defeated the Free Syrian Army. The remainig opposition fighters are salafist terrorists . They use to be called Al Queda, Remenber Osama bin Laden? Same people,same belief system, same money source. Originally they were USA allies in Pakistan against the USSR ,our allies again in Syria against the Syrian government.

Thumb jcamerican 14:59 ,2012 آذار 18

Dear John. These people will accuse you of being Iranian or M8. Their thinking is predictable and very primitive. You can tell from the votes.

Thumb Chupachups 15:46 ,2012 آذار 17

this is the saudi initiative to continue the war in syria...LOL

Missing realist 22:11 ,2012 آذار 17

i dont think kthe regime left anyone any choice really

Thumb jabalamel 08:14 ,2012 آذار 18


you don't think.

you don't think this or that. you simply don't think. it's too much effort for you.

Default-user-icon Hadji Bassout (ضيف) 15:52 ,2012 آذار 17

It is no secret who indoctrinates, funds, arms and homes Al Qaida who are not called so until they execute their filthy missions outside of the Kingdom of Harlotry, the same Kingdom that is friends with the United States of Harlotry.

Thumb Abubakr 15:57 ,2012 آذار 17

Do not mess with saudi arabia, i do not support them, but theyre strategy is too strong for Iran and Syria, they have the power of a global call for Jihad and they have the money to fund it .. they are still using it on a very small and isolated level, but the day iran-syria-hezb over extend themselves, is the day saudi arabia will extend its 1.5 out of 1.7 billion muslims around the world, into a global jihad to defend the muslim lands..Do not mess with saudi arabia !!!

Thumb jcamerican 16:06 ,2012 آذار 17

I guess Saudi Arabia is a super power in disguise.Plus you are making the whole sunni moslems world look like Jihadists on demand.

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 02:35 ,2012 آذار 18

I don't see any reason that anybody is afraid of Saudi.

Thumb jabalamel 08:22 ,2012 آذار 18

yet another caliphate maniac

Thumb jabalamel 08:21 ,2012 آذار 18

the caliphate maniac hallucinate aboutthe strenght of saudi arabia

Thumb arzz 08:42 ,2012 آذار 18

The Bedouins from saudi are pernial losers. All they care about is their survival. Nice to have a country called after yourself I guess. Mark my words, they will not evade the "spring" for too long. the 3eegal wearing bedouins will go down sooner or later.

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 16:01 ,2012 آذار 17

"a top Arab diplomat said on Saturday".. lemme guess he's a Syrian top Arab diplomat.

Missing anonymoustxusa 16:17 ,2012 آذار 17

Do you really believe Saudi Arabia, Qatar or other gulf emirs, are eager to help the Syrian attain true democracy – with free election, freedom of speech, civil rights, and equality among men & women??? Do you really believe that Saudi support that? Knowing that if such a thing where to happen, it won’t be ling that their own. No, what Saudi Royal family, and gulf Emirs are doing is ensuring that Arab uprisings popping up around them are pushed away from democracy, and toward Islamic state in tune with Saudi Arabia's nature.

Missing realist 22:17 ,2012 آذار 17

i agree with you on this one and most likely saudi as well as the americans, russians etc prefer the future leadership to be from none else than the army itself pretty much like egyptian model. The assads/alwaites hegemony over syria is coming to an end though, we are living the final chapter of the last minority rule in the mid east (lebanon, iraq before this one)

Thumb jabalamel 08:23 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists still hallucinate about the end of assad.

Thumb arzz 08:47 ,2012 آذار 18

yes we will all be apartheid states like israel soon. Having 2nd class christian and shiite citizens everywhere.

Thumb arzz 08:46 ,2012 آذار 18

Yes I do; the Saud family are the originators of democracy in the world. They accomplish that by being a prime example of what a 180 degree off non-democaracy will be like.

Missing anonymoustxusa 16:18 ,2012 آذار 17

They know if democracies pop out around them, it won't be too long that their own citizens will start demanding their overthrow as well. Therefore the Saudi are helping Islamist in those nations by helping them organize, fund medical – educational institutions and now even arming rebels. Saudi Arabia’s effort to tilt democratic uprising into Islamic ones, can be best seen in action in Egypt – where Saudi inspired/supported Salafist Nour party made surprising winnings in Egyptian parliament.

Missing realist 22:22 ,2012 آذار 17

some of the details you mention are more complex than that, and you can not undermine the single most important factor in all these revolutions: the people. I am not as pessimistic as you are and i think that no one can monopolize power from 2012 on in the arab world, the era of police state is coming to an end really. I really think that if the islamists in egypt fail to deliver better economy for the egyptians then they will not fair well next time around in the elections. This is not a new iran (even iran is up for change in a matter of time). The saudis are not poised to revolt given the amount of money the state is throwing on the people and the saudi-iran conflict actualy helps both countries' regimes stay in power..ironicaly

Missing anonymoustxusa 00:52 ,2012 آذار 18

Democracy with minority and women's rights respected and equal would ensure that majority rules and minorities can survive.
But that is not what is being offered by Islamist in Tunis Egypt or Libya. That is already creating a huge problem in Egypt with the Copts. And it will definitely lead to prolonged civil war in Syria if the Sunni opposition insist on wanting to impose Islamic Shariaa Law

Thumb jabalamel 08:25 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists try to present the current saudi dictators as a consequence of iran.

while all normal people know that they existed many decades before iranian islamic revolution

Thumb jabalamel 08:23 ,2012 آذار 18

surprising to whom?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 16:20 ,2012 آذار 17

excellent what saoudieh is doing but they forgot since they are loaded with petrodollars to take all arab refugees palestinians and syrians both sunniis to saoudieh where they vcan cater for their needs and when syria and palestine are liberated they bring them back

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 16:44 ,2012 آذار 17

bachar should declare syria as kingdom like saoudieh with the same way of governing like saudieh

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:36 ,2012 آذار 17

Iran and the Hezz have been sending shabiha. The Russians and Iran have been sending arms. It is time to balance the game now. I am anxious to see what they sent. ASSad is going to freak out. I love it.

He has been smashing cities to the point the country will never recover with him there. Let him see what happens when the tables are turned.

Thumb geha 17:43 ,2012 آذار 17

the syrian people cannot simply go back, too much killing by the regime has happened, and if they lay down they arms they will be slaughtered by this regime.
what I see happening now is:
in a last bid, kofi anan is brokering a solution whereby syria will remain under russian influence but with regime change, in a manner to show the russians as the saviors.
this is already internationalized so do not expect the syrian people not to receive weapons while the regime is receiving weapons and assistance from iran, russia & hizbushaitan.

Thumb jabalamel 08:28 ,2012 آذار 18

the syrian people are smart enough not to listen to your retarded zionist propaganda.

Thumb arzz 08:49 ,2012 آذار 18


Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 17:50 ,2012 آذار 17

Rastafarian you are an idiot an a traitor. If Saydia Arabia is so interested in defending Muslims and Muslim land, they would defend the Palestinians against Israeli opression. If they were so concerned about Islam, they would not stand by while El Aqsa mosque is under Zionist occupations. The Saudi Monarchy is a hypocrite and cowards. Instead of killing other Muslims let the Saudis defend Islam against the Zionist and Neo conservative Christian threat. Don't talk about Saudia Arabia. They are traitors to the Prophet Mohammad (praise be to him). And just do you know I am not Muslim. I am a Lebanese that cares to be Lebanese. I am a Lebanese that believes in our right to self determination, instead of working like a pig for the Americans and Jews.

Default-user-icon فني اسلحه (ضيف) 17:59 ,2012 آذار 17

اخيرا خلينا نشوف هالطفل الإيراني (حسن صواويخ) شو بده يعمل بعد سقوط والده الغير شرعي في سوريا كفو يالسعوديه الله يرفع راسكم فوق فوق على عيال المتعه وعلى اطفال السواح الإيرانيين

Missing people-power 18:14 ,2012 آذار 17

M8 likes to say Rafik was just another man, deserving no Special Tribunal for his murder. How wrong they are. The murder of Rafik was a tectonic shift, and part of the plan by Khameni and Assad to maintain control over Lebanon. Rafik kept a harmony between political groups, but was shifting away from Syrian hegemony with his opposition to Lahoud extension and his support for UN 1559. Syria foresaw the loss of their occupation and Iran foresaw the eventual disarming of Hezbollah with Rafik's moves against Syria regarding Lahoud and 1559, so they killed him. Plain and simple.

This breach of political protocol upset the balance of sects and hence the detente between Syria/Iran and the Sunni dominated Arab states. The Arab states are fed up with Iran's growing interference, and Syria's partnership with Iran.

Everything is tied to that. The so-called Syrian-Saudi agreement required Syria to back away from Iran. When Assad refused, it led to everything else that is happening now

Thumb benzona 00:12 ,2012 آذار 18

You're quite clairvoyant. It's all logic... Unfortunately, we cannot bring Rafic back....

Thumb jabalamel 08:30 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists have extreme type of hallucinations about clairvoyance.

it's a common knowledge that relying on such stuff is a sign of madness. but we all knew you are insane even before this.

Thumb jabalamel 08:29 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists is using this article to repeat their mindless propaganda about our glorious resistance killing harriri and other hallucination regarding that subject, and other unrelated hallucinations.

go get your pill. you can't even guess what is the subject.

Thumb arzz 08:52 ,2012 آذار 18

Rafic is not as innocent as you like to think just because he died a tragic death. In truth he was trying to get western powers to curb HA. So what do you expect HA to do? .. Now you will be like the M14 idiots and think I am an HA lover while the truth is I am just being objective. Hariri wanted to do away with HA through western powers and HA did away with him instead. simple. fact.

Missing people-power 18:24 ,2012 آذار 17

After the failure of the S-S formula, M8 breached the Doha Accord which required them to not resign from the government (after they were given veto power). M8 resigned because they thought they could minimize the impact of the STL if they controlled the government. What happened to the "false witness" file?

In Syria, the Sunni Imams support for the revolution against Assad has received backing from higher authorities in Saudi Arabia. This is all tied to payback for the partnership between Syria and Iran, the assassinations of Rafik and others, the May 7 invasion, the failure of the S-S formula, the breach of the Doha Accord, and growing Iranian intransigence in Arab countries.

Thumb jcamerican 18:37 ,2012 آذار 17

New York Times and Washington post looking for you.

Thumb jabalamel 08:32 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist have one big united hallucination that is covering all sorts of events.

Thumb jabalamel 08:32 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist have one big united hallucination that is covering all sorts of events.

Missing people-power 18:28 ,2012 آذار 17

The arming of the Syrian rebels will lead to the downfall of the Assad regime. It will not happen overnight, it could takes many months or even more than a year, but it will happen eventually. The number of people willing to fight against Assad is far greater than the number of people willing to fight for him.

Thumb jabalamel 08:33 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist, unable to see what is going on in syria, is still hallucinating about the downfall of assad regime.

Thumb jcamerican 18:30 ,2012 آذار 17

The arab states were fed up with Saddam too. The US gave him the green light to take Kuwait. The Kuwaitis ruling family paid billions to get it back. All these wars don't happen, we make them happen. No matter what the results are, as long all of you are weak, and cannot stand on your own it is fine with us.

Thumb geha 18:45 ,2012 آذار 17

how funny as a comment from JC!
no we do not make wars, but the big countries and their multinational companies do.
however Iraq has proven so far that it was nt properly calculated (it remains to be seen) it costed too much to the US and European econimies and till now I do not see them recovering from that.
the main aim of the above is to get back the oil money while weakening us. russia and china are in the above group too, as they want their piece of the pie :) even iran is striving towards having a piece of the arabian oil :) but they are a too small player to be recognized so they will be squashed.
so no one is better than the other.

Thumb jabalamel 08:34 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist is having geopolitical hallucination, and the most retarded part is when they say iran is after arab oil (like they don't have their own)

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 18:31 ,2012 آذار 17

Assad refused to back away from Iran because he saw first hand what America did to its allies. Look at Sadam and Mubarak. Syria knows that it's stuck between two evils. It made the right choice, since the American and Zionist threat is a much bigger one than the Iranian threat. The Saudi dogs that are doing their zionistaster bidding will one day have their own Arab spring. We don't need anymore Arab Muslim countries doing Americas bidding.

Default-user-icon Honesty (ضيف) 19:23 ,2012 آذار 17

so what if SA is arming the Syrian free army! Iran and Russia is arming the illegitimate government of Syria to kill its people. It's so funny how the Syrian press operates as if they think that we are so stupid to believe their non sense. Syria is a country for the Sunnis. the Sunnis are more than 80% of the population and are entitled to run the country. This is how countries are run. SA is the cradle of Sunnis and are supposed to support their fellow sunnis like Iran supporting their fellow shai in Iraq. I think with arms flowing to the free army, the regime will very soon tumble. This is how things are in this world. The Assad father was able to massacre thousands of sunnis in hama 20 years ago and escape punishment; the son is unlikely to escape. While there is still a window of escape for him I believe he should immediately grab it because if he doesn't all his family might not escape from those who will topple the Assad.

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 17:09 ,2012 آذار 18

Honesty? There is no Free Syrian Army. They were routed and fled. There are individual groups of mercenaries who have been providied sophisticated communicationsby France, Britain and the CIA. They are taking orders from outside the country. There are training camps in Jordan and Turkey, many Libyan killers already active. Though most Syrians are Sunni they are not salafistor wahabi and would rather have a modern country where women can vote and drive and terrorists don't blow themselves up in cars next to soft targets. These terrorist killers are bad men.People who kill for money. People who support them are wrong to do so. If Assad and his army are also bad men ,at least they are responsible enough to maintain a society instead of destroying one. Syria will not be turned into a better country by these terrorists and in the end only Israel benefits. Think more homestly

Missing aris 20:18 ,2012 آذار 17

About time

Thumb jabalamel 08:34 ,2012 آذار 18

...that you shut up, and your fellows from zionist information war department too

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 20:48 ,2012 آذار 17

Why do we care?
We lebanese should not meddle in Syria s affairs,whether for or against the regime.
The were fueling our wars in lebanon.
So time for us to sit back,have a few cans of beers and watch them slaughtering eachothers .
Personally? i do not wish to come to an end and at the same time i wish the lebanese keep themselves out of it.

Thumb shab 00:45 ,2012 آذار 18


Thumb jabalamel 08:36 ,2012 آذار 18

...that you and your fellows from zionist information war department are describing your hallucinations every day as a part of therapy.

but is not understandable that you do it on naharnet comments section

Thumb arzz 08:55 ,2012 آذار 18

shab being reasonable? .. not characteristic of you.

Default-user-icon Yanni Mavropolis (ضيف) 03:27 ,2012 آذار 18

Just do as Gabby has been requesting for such a lonnnnnng time to defeat his "ASSad:" anti-tank missiles, no-fly zones and a few bearded clueless amateurs. Knowing how much of a brilliant strategist he is, give it a try! How much more can you lose? You're already losing. No?

Thumb arzz 08:56 ,2012 آذار 18

more blood on your hands

Thumb jabalamel 08:27 ,2012 آذار 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist still hallucinate about the endless civil war in syria.

Missing aris 08:58 ,2012 آذار 18

Habal blease go back to your filthy hole with hassouni

Default-user-icon Marco (ضيف) 09:31 ,2012 آذار 18

HAbAL low scum agent from the Inglorious resistance and thugs better SHUT UP forever . Your useless rantics are not relevant to no one but yourself .Just shut up for your mullah's sake (even him is tired of you) and go find another playground kiddo .

Default-user-icon Snatch (ضيف) 13:20 ,2012 آذار 18

yohoo habal is back.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 16:10 ,2012 آذار 18

The fact that Saudi Arabia is a religious extremist authoritarian government has nothing to do with whether or not the Syrians should be free from the dictatorship of Assad. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Arab countries should arm the rebels because the other side has artillery and thousands of tanks and isn't afraid of shelling towns and cities for weeks regardless of civilian casualties.