قطر تدعو لاعادة النظر في المبادرة العربية للسلام وعباس يؤكد التمسك بها

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دعا رئيس اللجنة الوزارية لمبادرة السلام العربية رئيس الوزراء القطري الشيخ حمد بن جاسم ال ثاني الاحد الى اعادة النظر في مبادرة السلام العربية في حين دعا الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس الى الابقاء عليها لان البديل هو الحرب.

وقال الشيخ حمد بن جاسم في مستهل اجتماع اللجنة الوزارية العربية لمبادرة السلام اليوم في الدوحة "قلنا منذ البداية ان مبادرة السلام العربية لن تبقى مطروحة للابد اننا لا نسعى للسلام باي ثمن والسلام بالنسبة لنا لا يعني الاستسلام".

واضاف "من الطبيعي والمنطقي انه من بعد هذه السنوات العشر ان نقف وقفة موضوعية لاعادة تقييم عملية السلام بما فيها المبادرة العربية ولان ندرس بعمق المتغيرات المتلاحقة في المنطقة وفي العالم وان نحدد بدقة خطانا و خارطة طريقنا للمرحلة القادمة".

كما انتقد حمد بن جاسم اللجنة الرباعية الدولية. وقال انه "كذلك لا بد من مراجعة اداء اللجنة الرباعية الدولية وبحث جدوى استمرارها فقد اثبتت فشلها وعجزها عن تحقيق اي انجاز".

لكن رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس اعرب عن موقف مخالف لذلك.

وقال عباس في كلمته اثناء الاجتماع "بالنسبة للمبادرة العربية لا يجوز باي حال من الاحوال الحديث عن ازاحتها من الطاولة. يجب ان تبقى".

واضاف "هي مبادرة هامة جدا و نتمنى ان ليس في كل مرة نتحدث عن ازاحتها من الطاولة لاننا ان ازحناها فهي الحرب"، متسائلا "هل نحن مستعدون للحر ؟ اقول عن نفسي لا لست مستعدا لذلك".

الا ان عباس اتفق مع رئيس الوزراء القطري حول عدم فاعلية اللجنة الرباعية، وقال انها "لم تفعل شيئا".

واقترح عباس في المقابل "وضع الية لمدة ستة اشهر تقول بالانسحاب من الاراضي المحتلة وباطلاق سراح الاسرى ووقف الاستيطان"، واضاف "اذا حصل هذا فمن الممكن ان تكون هناك مفاوضات ذات جدوى".

وشدد على ضرورة استئناف المفاوضات من حيث توقفت مع الاخذ بعين الاعتبار "التفاهمات الكثيرة" التي تم التوصل اليها مع الاسرائيليين لاسيما حول الامن والقدس والاسرى.

واكد عباس انه سيرفض القبول باي تراجع عن هذه التفاهمات من قبل اسرائيل.

من جهة، اخرى شدد رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية على ان شرط المصالحة الفلسطينية هو المرور الى الانتخابات الرئاسية والتشريعية. وقال "بدون هذه الانتخابات لا توجد مصالحة".

وطالب عباس الحاضرين في الاجتماع بتوضيح موقفهم من "شبكة الامان المالي" التي وعد بها العرب الفلسطينيين، والتي قيمتها مئة مليون دولار، على ضوء احجام السلطات الاسرائيلية عن تحويل عائدات الضرائب الى السلطة الفلسطينية.

و قال عباس "نتمنى ان تقولوا لنا هل انتم موافقون على هذه الشبكة ام لا". واضاف "عند ذلك يمكن ان نعرف موطئ اقدامنا في الخطوة القادمة".

واشار عباس الى انه "صحيح حصلنا على دولة لكن على الارض هناك انهيار للسلطة اذ لسنا قادرين على دفع الرواتب".

كما طلب رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية من الحاضرين ابداء ملاحظاتهم حول مشروع الدستور الفلسطيني وقال في هذا الصدد "ان الاوان ليكون لنا دستور (...) و نتمنى ان نسمع من اخواننا مواقفهم و ملاحظاتهم حول هذا الدستور الذي سوف نعلنه قريبا".

وياتي هذا الاجتماع بضعة ايام بعد حصول فلسطين على صفة دولة عضو مراقب في منظمة الامم المتحدة,

كما يلي اجتماع اللجنة الوزارية لمبادرة السلام اجتماع اخر للجنة الوزارية العربية المكلفة بالملف السوري.

التعليقات 10
Missing phillipo 14:46 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

"The League has proposed a normalization with the Jewish state in return for its pullout from occupied lands, notably the Palestinian territories."
Pullout from occupied lands - Israel has already pulled out from Gaza, and all the territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority.
Pullout from occupied lands does not mean from ALL occupied lands, and any further withdrawal will take place after negotiations between Abu Mazen and Israel.

Missing phillipo 15:46 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

Unfortunately, as you know, demographically speaking, things have changed on the ground since 1967, and this has to be taken into account, especially as Abu Mazen has stated on more than one occasion that there will be no Jews living in the State of Palestine.
Israel has offered land for land, and also remember that Arafat was offered 97% of the land at Camp David and he refused.
Also note that just yesterday Khaled Mashaal proclaimed in Gaza that Hamas will not recognise Israels' right to exist and he see the Palestine state as from the Sea (Mediterranean) to the River (Jordan).
How will the State of Palestine, of which Gaza is a part, overcome this obstacle?

Thumb jabal10452 17:33 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

Most of the settlements in the WB would need to be dismantled. This will never be easy as Israel is a democracy and a decision like this would need to go through the Knesset. But if the Israeli public is convinced that this is necessary for long-term peace, then there is a chance that a decision like this could go through.
As for Hamas and Mashaal, they can be pressured one way or the other by the Arab states into accepting this settlement.
Remember that Syria, the country that has done the most to torpedo every peace initiative, is on the bring of collapse and is critically weakened right now. So Hamas has only Iran to lean on for support. The conditions are perfect for bold initiatives.
Also note that Arabs no longer pose existential threats to Israel. Iran does. Arabs and Israelis face a common threat, so it is in the interest of both people to make peace and cooperate.

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (ضيف) 19:59 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

Syria torpedoed every initiative for peace? Do you recall Yitzak Rabin and his deal with Walid Mouallem that almost went through before Rabin's assassination? The deal was permanent peace after Israel's withdrawal from the Golan heights.

It was the right-wing Israelis that assassinated Rabin and the peace deal with Syria; not the Syrians. The same right-wing members that are in power now. Natenyahu, Peres. Let's not forget that Peres was with Rabin when Rabin was assassinated, and miraculously Peres survived.

It is not fair to put all the blame on Syria, as the right-wing Israelis do not want peace either. They are content this way.

If you want peace, the government in Israel must change first.

Missing phillipo 13:35 ,2012 كانون الأول 10

Your facts are slightly wrong. Shimon Peres is now the President of Israel, and does not interfere in politics. He was previously the leader of the left wing Labour Party, so I don't see where you get the idea of him being a right-winger in power.
As peace is usually (!!) between countries, why did Syrian FM Mouallem not offer to continue the negotiations after the assassination of Rabin?

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (ضيف) 20:49 ,2012 كانون الأول 10

My facts are spot on, actually. I don't know what history book you are reading.

There was absolutely no point for Walid Moallem and Faruk Shara to continue the peace process because the government who took over after Rabin's death refused to give back the Golan Heights. Much like the government of Israel today. Sound familiar? Yhitzak Rabin was one of the only people who wanted to return the Golan Heights for peace, and thus was assassinated.

Not to mention most of the dealings were going on behind closed doors and under the table. Not only until modern times that these closed door under the table meetings were discovered by testimonies by the people themselves. Well, except the ones who were killed.

I would like to add that Shimon Peres is one of the dirtiest politicians out there. He is quite clever. He is also one of the people who encourages Israel's nuclear ambiguity policy and locked up Venunu.

Default-user-icon Truedemocracy (ضيف) 20:50 ,2012 كانون الأول 10

And when I said Peres was with Rabin when he was assassinated, I meant they were standing next to each other, not that they were team-mates.

Default-user-icon accountability (ضيف) 17:36 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

Good job Phillipo! Besides, the 1967 borders are not defensible; i.e. every day you'll have armed thugs (hassoun, egyptians, syrians, iraqis, libyans, tunisians, algerians,even folks from pakistan; I mean anyone who is having a bad day, or constipation, in the name of religion...) will try to penetrate and hailing "ALLAH IS GREATER..." for more brothers in arms, either to fire an rpg, or blow him or herself up...As Phillipo said, torch will accept nothing less than from the river to the sea; therefore, good luck with peace => Sadly, Lebanon will continue to pay this price, in perpetuity...

Missing phillipo 19:34 ,2012 كانون الأول 09

I'm sure that you would find that if the Israelis could read this exchange of ideas, you would find that 90% of the "man in the street" would agree.
It is just a pity that the emir of Qatar when he visited the Gaza Strip didn't think to stop also in Israel. I think that it would have shown how intense his actions towards ME peace are.

Missing phillipo 13:30 ,2012 كانون الأول 10

Isn't it interesting that when one mentions the restart of peace talks between the Palestinian Authority (or State of Palestine - whatever you want to call it) and Israel, and suggesting that the Emir of Qatar should also have gone to Israel to attempt to push forward the Arab peace initiative, there are people who vote here against it.
These are the people who no matter what happens do not want peace between Israel and Palestine, and on the wider field peace between Israel and the Arab World.
Truedemocracy stated that "If you want peace, the government in Israel must change first." On the same level so must the government in Palestine, and more specifically in Gaza.