جنبلاط يحذر من "انقسامات وفتن يسعى لها البعض": نؤكد على أهمية الحوار بين الأفرقاء

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حذر رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني اوليد جنبلاط من "جر المجتمع اللبناني الى انقسامات اضافية وفتن يسعى إليها البعض"، مشددا على أهمية الحوار بين جميع مكونات الوطن.

وقال جنبلاط اليوم السبت خلال استقباله في قصر المختارة وفدا شعبيا كبيرا من قرى حاصبيا " نحذر جر المجتمع اللبناني الى انقسامات اضافية وفتن يسعى اليها البعض"، داعيا الى "مواجهتها بقدر كبير من المسؤولية".

وشدد على ضرورة "تعزيز وترسيخ العيش المشترك والواحد بين الجميع"، مؤكدا "اهمية الحوار بين جميع مكونات الوطن، لا سيما الافرقاء السياسيين".

وعليه، أكد جنبلاط أهمية الحوار "من اجل اجتياز المرحلة الراهنة، وانقاذ لبنان وصونه وحماية استقراره وسلمه الاهلي"، معتبرا ان موضوع الحوار في لبنان "يبقى العنوان الاساسي للفترة الحالية" .

يشار الى انه تم ارجاء طاولة الحوار التي كان من المفترض عقدها في 28 تشرين الثاني الى السابع من كانون الثاني، لان قوى المعارضة قاطعتها، رافضة الجلوس مع "حزب الله"، ومتمسكة بسقوط الحكومة.

وكان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان قال في وقت سابق:"انا وجهت الدعوة الى طاولة الحوار في السابع من كانون الثاني ولن اتراجع عن هذه الدعوة الى ان تنعقد الطاولة، او ان يقدم من يرفضها البديل ايا كان البديل ليدلوني على بديل اهم من الحوار بين اللبنانيين".

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:50 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

if this is ur "istikrar" ya beik, we dont want it... ur istikrar is istikrad,ur miqati govmt is taking care of electricity???? samsarat???even fakhamto is working with the cardinal and orangina to put his son on the electoral list in jbeil...rouh khayet bigheir hal msalleh ya beik.

Thumb geha 19:24 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

hizbushaitan is starting to lose it, thus the comment of Jumblat.
they are ready for a major military action to take over the country as expected. their aoun cronies are preparing too.
what they do not know is that we are ready for them this time round more they can expect.
I have to disagree with you on the concessions matter: we already conceded more than acceptable. the presidency has no role.
you need to understand that the more you give hizbushaitan the more they want, i.e. taef accord then Doha accord. they want to simply control Lebann completely and they will go to whichever extent to achieve that goal of wilayat al fakih, while denying they are doing so.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:04 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

why m8 are so eager for dialogue now? b4 assad bite the dust?i confirm what geha said,just make our day and try ya hassan, we are ready to take back OUR country

Thumb Lebanon4life 21:43 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

sorry but I'd like to ask you how could HA take over the whole country by military force ? Maybe they have enough power to win some street battle or to destroy Merkava Tanks or to launch some Rockets to Israel . But they can never take over all of Lebanon that's impossible !!!

Thumb geha 09:56 ,2012 كانون الأول 30

tell them that! they think they can :)

Default-user-icon devils at play (ضيف) 19:32 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

this man took advantage of the parliamentary assadsinations, betrayed the doha agreement and gave power to the the murder machine mafia to carry on their evil ways. sorry mr beik, we are finished with making peace with devils.

Thumb jcamerican 20:07 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

HA is always prepared for a war. I guess geha you had been training somewhere. Plus HA are battle tested. Hope you will not be tested and things will get better without flexing any muscles.

Missing peace 21:35 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

HA said he will never use his weapons against lebanese...or is he a liar?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04:19 ,2012 كانون الأول 30

Actually all we need to do is wait for a few more "gas canister" and "chicken coops" to explode and that will dwindle their supply. No need to go to war at all ;)

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

ya walid beik remain waiting by the river u and ur istikrar, we already crossed this river.

Default-user-icon Huelegue (ضيف) 21:31 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

This Jumb has metamorphosed from a paltry harbinger of division, sedition and hatred to a wise man of altruistic motives

Thumb primesuspect 21:38 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

This dude is just giving out all possible options... So he can later say that he warned us about anything.... A waste of air and space in the media...

Missing tallboy 23:22 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

If the Sunni Shiite strife wasn't so obviously existant in the Arab world, things wouldn't be this bad. It's appalling to me how one can be so loyal to their religion but intolerant of the other subreligion. Arab and muslim world is in a downward spiral because of division amongst them. Either stop and unite or see ur existance disappear. There are many civilization that went thru and collapsed ; this one has the hallmarks of one. So keep hating keep antagonizing.

Thumb LebDinosaur 23:56 ,2012 كانون الأول 29

What unity? Enough pretending we are united. Hezb is the venom & the cancer that has divided all Lebanese. They have too much control on the government & everything around it.

Jumblatt is to blame for the fall of the last government because of he is constantly changing sides.

The future of Lebanon is to have small counties like Switzerland.

Thumb LebDinosaur 21:07 ,2012 كانون الأول 30

I thought it was his group that shifted to the other side. Aoun was always with m8.

Thumb Chupachups 01:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 30

The amount of stupidity is just too damn High!..in lebanese politics
