اردوغان: تركيا تدعم الانتفاضة في سوريا "حتى النهاية"

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اعلن رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان الاحد امام آلاف السوريين اللاجئين في بلاده ان انقرة ستدعم "حتى النهاية" الانتفاضة ضد الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد واصفا اياه ب"الطاغية".

وقال اردوغان مخاطبا اللاجئين في مخيم اكجاكالي القريب من مدينة سانليروفا في جنوب شرق تركيا والذي يأوي حوالى 25 الف لاجئ "سنكون الى جانبكم حتى النهاية".

واضاف في خطاب بثته القنوات التلفزيونية التركية "ارى بوضوح ان عون الله قريب".

وتابع "نحن نعلم ان نظام الطغيان السوري، الطاغي بشار، قتل حوالى 50 الف سوري. لقد عانيتم الكثير ولكن لا تيأسوا".

ولدى وصول اردوغان الى المخيم تجمع الاف اللاجئين لاستقباله، واطلقوا الهتافات المؤيدة له رافعين الاعلام التركية وصورة ضخمة له.

ورافق اردوغان في زيارته هذه عدد من مساعديه اضافة الى معاذ الخطيب رئيس "الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية"، اكبر تجمع لاطياف المعارضة السورية.

وبحسب الارقام الرسمية تأوي تركيا حاليا 150 الف لاجئ سوري فروا من النزاع الذي بدأ انتفاضة شعبية سلمية في آذار 2011 وتحول الى نزاع مسلح دمر البلاد واوقع 45 الف قتيل على الاقل بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

ولكن اردوغان قال ان العدد الحقيقي للاجئين السوريين في بلاده ربما يكون 220 الفا نظرا الى ان الكثيرين من هؤلاء يستأجرون مساكن في المدن والبلدات التركية عوض الاقامة في مخيمات اللاجئين.

التعليقات 8
Missing gabby12 00:52 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

Erdogan knows something. ASSad does not have much time left.

Default-user-icon Ushtin Shlagg (ضيف) 15:10 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

gabbaguybo, your buddy Hallucinato Erdogan Aretajadbi knows now as much as he knew 18 months ago, which really amounts to... well... umm... duh... a lot of BS, correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless, though, I agree with you that ASSad's days are numbered, and so are mine and yours and everybody else that I come across. The only problem is that nobody seems to know what the friggin golden number is. I could be wrong, though, because Dr. Arreet 7akeh, your idol and guru, predicted... well... umm... duh... wrongly? that the ASSad regime MIGHT fall in 2012. There is still plenty of time considering that Dr. Arreet 7akeh is still living in his heydays of the 1980s, which makes him very realistic, as usual. I don't know much about you, though, but keep hope alive and keep them predictions coming, gabbaguybo. Bests, babe.

Thumb kanaandian 01:32 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

"Help of God", that doesn't usually work well for Muslims.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:51 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

really? Well we're getting rid of our dictators, what have you been doing dakhlak?

Default-user-icon Presto Madghoot (ضيف) 15:26 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

March 14, my compatriots, victory is definitely near, very near, and I would say about 17 months late near. But hey, don't give up because the Assad regime MIGHT have less than 24 hours in its life remaining as Dr. Arreet 7akeh had been telling his followers at the Symposium of Drs. Arteena Satleh for quite sometime. He didn't really tell Drs. Arteena Satleh that the Assad regime WILL fall in 2012 after his past monumental failures in PREDICTING the fall and other matters. He simply played it safe and told them that the regime MIGHT fall in 2012. Now, he re-re-re-tells them that the fall IS NEAR la ma7ala! And to this, the entire Symposium of Drs. Arteena Satleh stood up in ovation, smiled and clapped thunderously like the real Drs. Arteena Satleh that they are. Keep hope alive, warriors.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:51 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

he did more about it than our hizbocrap government who doesn't give a rat's behind on the daily violations of Israel and ASSad of Lebanon's sovereignty. Erdogan has done much more for the Syrian refugees than what our hizbocrap government even thinks of doing. Go back to your hole.

Missing peace 18:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

why don t people from the south welcome syrian refugees like syrians welcomed them in 2006 when they fled?

Default-user-icon Black (ضيف) 20:36 ,2012 كانون الأول 31

Facts Peace.La2anno the Shiite ma m3awadin ya3to,Bas m3awadine yesh7ado.
In 2006 Qatar was the mother for the Shiite of lebanon,la2anno obviously keno 3am yesh7ado el le2me,now kelbo.